• Services in your home
  • Homecare service

Archived: Slaidburn House

The Print Factory, Slaidburn Crescent, Southport, Merseyside, PR9 9YF (01704) 500055

Provided and run by:

All Inspections

7 January 2014

During a routine inspection

We visited the service and looked at care records. We found the documents completed were comprehensive and told us all about the person's needs. We reviewed one person's care records and found they contained the information staff required to provide care in a way which met the person's individual needs.

We looked at how the service worked with other providers. We found evidence of working relationships with health and social care providers to ensure people's care and treatment was coordinated, and information about people was shared when necessary to do so.

We looked at the medication procedures in order to assess if medicines were correctly and safely administered. We found policies and procedures were in place and staff were trained to support an individual's medicines regime.

We looked at how the service recruited staff. We saw staff had been trained to do their job with the individual they worked with. We saw that they were supported by their managers.

We looked at the complaints system. We found complaints were responded to according to the complaints policy.

We spoke with people who received a service. One person told us they were fully involved in how their care was provided to them. They said, 'They always provide me with all the necessary help that I require to leave everything resolved and me happy with the service they provide.'

7, 14 March 2013

During a routine inspection

We visited the service and looked at care records. We found that the documents completed were comprehensive and told us all about the person's needs.

We looked at staff training files. We saw staff had been trained to do their job with the individual they worked with. We saw that they were supported by their managers.

We spoke with people who received a service. They told us they were fully involved in how their care was provided to them. One person told us,' The managers come to my home and go through the care plan with me.'

We looked at some questionnaires people had completed, giving their opinion of the service provided to them. Some of the comments they wrote included, 'I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for CPIMS.', 'They managed to sort out a lot where others had failed.', 'The staff are human, caring and friendly.'