• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Wells Court

Wells Court, Herbert Road, Salcombe, Devon, TQ8 8HU (01548) 843484

Provided and run by:
Wells Court Limited

All Inspections

19 November 2013

During a routine inspection

There were 24 people who used the service on the day of our visit. We spoke with three people who used the service and saw four support plans. We also spoke with two members of staff and two visiting healthcare professional staff. People who used the service said 'I'm happy here', 'staff are very good, very helpful', 'staff are lovely, very friendly' and 'they look after me very well'. Other comments included 'I'm eating well and sleeping well'.

The visiting healthcare professional staff said that the staff were 'very caring' and there was 'good communication' between them and the staff. We were told they thought that the home had 'good staff' and was 'well run with good management'. Other comments were 'staff are very helpful' and 'good at flagging things up', they 'keep good records' and 'always let us know'. The health care professionals felt that there was a 'good relationship' and the 'patients always seem happy'.

We saw evidence that arrangements were in place to obtain consent of people who used the service. Before people received any care or treatment they were asked for their consent and the provider acted in accordance with their wishes.

People who used the service said 'staff are very good', that they were 'polite and treat me with respect' and 'can't fault them really; anything I've asked for they've done'. People said that staff called them by their preferred names and knocked on their bedroom doors before entering.

27 March 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with six of the 22 people who lived at Wells Court. We also spoke with five members of staff and one visiting professional at the home.

The people who lived at Wells Court were positive about their lives at the home. One person told us 'I've been here a few years and I am very happy here'.

Apart from three recent arrivals, the people at Wells Court had lived there for some time and knew each other and the staff well. Clear assessments of people's needs had been completed and plans and strategies were in place to meet them.

We saw that staff interacted with people in a relaxed, friendly and respectful manner. Staff worked at the pace of each individual and encouraged their independence. People had made friendships within the home and had access to social activities such as sing-alongs, a knitting club, gardening and regular outings.

We saw evidence that food and drink at the home met people's dietary needs. The home had recently achieved a top rating in food hygiene from the Food Standards Agency.

Staff were skilled and knowledgeable about people's needs. Staff had received training in safeguarding vulnerable adults and recognising abuse and knew how to report any concerns.

There were sufficient staff on duty to meet people's needs. Records were up to date, accurate and securely stored.

18 May 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

Those people who were able to speak to who use the service said they liked living at Wells Court and that the staff were 'Kind and caring'

A District Nurse we spoke to said that the staff and management were good at 'flagging up' issues of concern and carried out any instructions given to them by the nursing team.

Relatives we met said that they were always made to feel welcome in the home and felt they could raise any issues with the manager, and that they would be addressed.