• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Alison House

4 Hadleigh Road, Edmonton, London, N9 7BX (020) 8805 3200

Provided and run by:
Mrs Angelina Espino & Mr Jessie Espino

All Inspections

8 November 2013

During a routine inspection

Both people using the service told us they liked it. Both had been living at the service for many years and said they felt at home. One person said, 'I like it here, I get on well with people.' The second person told us that it was good, 'because it's small.'

We saw that the provider was at the home most days and provided the bulk of the care. She was supported by care staff who provided weekend and some night care. The provider supported people to lead active lives through keeping up social and leisure activities and keeping in touch with relatives. A healthcare professional told us that the care arrangements were stable and that the provider had been able to provide consistent care over many years.

Care plans were clear and had been recently reviewed. There was evidence of input from relevant health and social care professionals. People were supported to eat a healthy diet and were involved in food shopping and occasional cooking. There were arrangements made for people to receive their medicines safely.

People using the service were asked for their views and the provider had systems in place for the monitoring of the service and for acting on arising matters if needed.

A pleasant, homely environment was provided with each person having a comfortably furnished bedroom. Regular premises and environment safety checks were being made with the exception of regular checking of the fire alarm and emergency lighting system. These had not been checked recently. As a result, people using the service were not protected against the risks associated with unsafe premises.

8, 11 March 2013

During a routine inspection

People who use the service confirmed that the manager kept them informed about any issues and reviewed their care needs with them on a regular basis. People told us that staff were kind and respected their privacy.

People confirmed that they were able to go out of the home when they wanted and that they were close to their family and friends and visited them often.

People using the service had their own individual support plan. These plans gave information to staff about their care and treatment needs. These plans had been signed by the individual and people confirmed they were involved in setting up and reviewing their care plans.

People told us that the manager was available when they needed help and assistance and were satisfied with the staffing levels at the home. They told us they felt safe with the manager and other staff who worked at the home.

10 May 2012

During an inspection looking at part of the service

On the day of this inspection there were three people using the service. One person was out at a local caf' and the other two people were at the home. There was one staff member on duty and another who had just completed a sleep-in from the previous night.

People who use the service were positive about the quality of service provision at the home. They confirmed that their views about the quality of care were actively sought by the manager and staff.

Since the last inspection of this service, the provider had installed a new fire alarm system and regular checks of health and safety issues were being undertaken. Medication was being stored securely.

28 June 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

People who use the service told us they were happy with the care and support they received at the home. All the people have been living at the home for over ten years and said they liked the staff and were involved in the development of their care and support needs. A person commented about their care plan, 'I've seen it and read it. I'm happy with it'.

Other comments included, 'I love it here' and 'I've been here ages'.

People are not being involved in developing any risk assessments in relation to their daily routines and activities.

People told us they were satisfied with the food provided by the home and that they always had enough to eat. We also saw that snacks were available to people at any time they wanted. One person commented, 'I help myself to the fridge'.

They also told us they were satisfied with the cleanliness of the home.

We observed that the home was cleaned to a good standard and bathrooms and toilets contained anti bacterial soap and paper hand towels to limit the risk of cross infection.

Policies and procedures in relation to the management of medicines are not always being followed appropriately.

People who use the service told us they liked the home. A person commented, 'It's homely'. People said they liked their rooms and we saw that everyone's room had been individualised.

People told us they liked the staff and got on with them well. They said they felt able to talk to staff about any problems they had. We observed kind and supportive interactions between staff and people who use the service.

People who use the service were positive about the quality of service provision at the home. They confirmed that their views about the quality of care were actively sought by the manager and during reviews.

Although the manager is monitoring health and safety issues, we found several issues of concern around health and safety during our visit.