• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Norton Road

51 Norton Road, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 3BF (01273) 747449

Provided and run by:
The Frances Taylor Foundation

All Inspections

29 April 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with the manager, three care workers and nine of the 10 people who lived at Norton Road. Someone told us, 'I have lived here for years and I love living here'.

We found that people's consent was sought before care was given, that people were given the support they needed to make decisions and that staff acted within the relevant legal framework. One person said, 'They let me make up my mind of things I want to do and let me change my mind if I don't like something'.

People had care plans to ensure their individual needs were met. Independence was promoted and someone told us, 'They help me to learn to do things by myself'. People's health was monitored and they were supported to remain healthy. People had access to a range of activities. A person said, 'I feel part of the community and am taken shopping, to have a cup of coffee and to go and have a meal in restaurants'.

People felt safe in the home and knew who to talk to if they had a concern. Someone told us, 'I can speak to staff whenever I have a problem'. Staff had been trained to identify and report actual or potential abuse.

There was a dedicated manager for the home. Staff were supported through regular supervision, appraisal and staff meetings. Staff had the opportunity to undertake further relevant training and qualifications.

There was a complaints procedure which was understood by staff and people who used the service.

12 November 2012

During a routine inspection

During our inspection we found that care workers had formed close professional relationships with people living in the home. Premises were clean and generally well maintained and the atmosphere was relaxed and homely.

As far as practicable and in accordance with their individual care plans, people were enabled and supported to make choices about their daily lives. They had input into how the home was run and were able to influence decision making processes. Despite some people's limited verbal communication care workers had developed awareness and a sound understanding of each individual's care and support needs. This was evident from direct observation of individuals being supported in a professional, sensitive and respectful manner.

Positive comments received from people living in the home indicated satisfaction with the home and the services provided:

'I'm happy here, the staff all know me and I have everything I need'.

'It's alright here, very comfortable and I'm happy with my room. There's usually plenty of staff around so I'm able to get out a lot and there's always something going on'.

4 October 2011

During a routine inspection

During our visit, we found that people living in the home appeared settled and well cared for. This was reinforced by positive comments received and also evident from direct observation of effective interaction and of individuals being supported in a professional, sensitive and respectful manner.