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  • Care home

Archived: Lower St Helens

30 Lower St Helens Road, Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire, SO30 0LU (01489) 787449

Provided and run by:
Independent Living in a Caring Environment (ILIACE) Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

22 August 2013

During a routine inspection

We observed care given to three people and spoke with one person. They told us "I get upset about the noise other people make but the staff make me feel safe." They also said: "I really like living here and the staff are so helpful." We observed staff providing care and support to one person as outlined in their care plan.

We looked at the care records of all four people who used the service. These showed people's needs had been assessed. The care plans were reviewed and updated regularly and staff had read and understood them. The service had sought consent from people within the care planning process. Where people did not have the capacity to make decisions, the service involved professionals and family to agree what would be in the best interest of the individual.

We observed a member of staff administer medication to one person. This was done safely and in line with the service and Department of Health guidelines. The service had an appropriate and effective system in place for the administration of medicines.

We looked at three staff records and saw they all received regular supervisions. One member of staff said: "The service has provided me with a lot of good training to help me do my job." There were effective communication systems in place and staff told us they felt supported by management.

On our last inspection, we found the service non-compliant as the quality of the service was not monitored regularly. We found the provider had completed the action plan to improve their monitoring process. They carried out checks regularly and produced a monthly quality improvement report.

A new manager had been appointed since our last inspection in March 2013. They were in the process of completing their registration process.

13 March 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with one person and observed the care and support for three other people who use the service. We spoke with the manager, who was not the named registered manager, two staff and also a person's representative who was visiting them. The person we spoke with told us they "like the staff". They also told us they liked going out to their day service. The person's representative we spoke with said, "the staff all seem to be pleasant". They told us the person they saw had made some progress but felt that they did not go out as much as they used to.

One of the staff we spoke with said "it was the best service they worked in" and enjoyed working with the people who used the service. Another member of staff said "I enjoy seeing the progress people have made"

We found the service had a relaxed feel and people were given time and support to complete their daily tasks. People were using community facilities and were supported to maintain their independence in the home. Staff were aware of safeguarding and how to report this.

The records we looked at were comprehensive and covered information gathered over a long period of time in some cases.

The service provider was not effectively monitoring the quality of the service provided. Quality reviews carried out by them were not happening regularly.

17 February 2011

During a routine inspection

As part of our review we visited 30 Lower St Helen's Road and met the four people who live there. We were able to talk with one individual and to obtain some of the views of other people by referring to the home's own quality audit, which is in a format that individual's communicated in. We also observed the way staff were interacting with people who use the service. People said staff support their needs and help them to do the things they want to do. They have a key worker who keeps them informed about what is happening in the house and other activities and asks them for their views. They told us they had a choice of food they liked and enjoyed helping with shopping and cooking. They said they can keep their own things in their bedroom and knew what to do in order to be safe in the event of fire. We observed that people who use the service are supported to express their views and to be involved in making decisions that affect them in their everyday lives. Staff were observed to seek consent before intervening to provide care and support.