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  • Care home

Archived: Wood Way Lodge

411 Wood Way Lane, Coventry, West Midlands, CV2 2AH (024) 7661 3540

Provided and run by:
Mrs Kalbinder Gill

All Inspections

27 June 2013

During a routine inspection

We announced this visit because the four people living at Wood Way Lodge were often undertaking activities away from their home. We wanted to ensure we could speak with people living there.

We observed a very good rapport between people living at Wood Way Lodge and staff supporting them. People were seen to make jokes with staff and management and feel safe to express their opinions. People living at Wood Way Lodge told us they liked their home and they liked the activities they did.

We spoke with two regular visitors to Wood Way Lodge. They told us they were very satisfied with the care provided by staff. One told us their son had become 'More independent.' They said, 'The staff are happy to talk, open and helpful.' The other visitor told us, 'It's great here, the staff are very friendly, very professional'all people living here seem content and well looked after.'

We spoke with three support staff. They were very positive about working at Wood Way Lodge. One staff member said, 'People here get good care, they are loved 100%.' Another said, 'I would have one of my family members here...it's a brilliant environment for people, it's a home.'

We looked at food and nutrition and were satisfied that people were provided with a range of healthy and nutritious food which met their needs.

We looked at cleanliness and infection control. The home was very clean and had good systems in place to minimise the spread of infection.

6 December 2012

During a routine inspection

We first visited Wood Way Lodge on Wednesday 5 December but could not carry out our inspection because all the people living in the home were on their way out to a Christmas party. We were briefly able to talk to people and saw people were excited about the party.

We visited again the next day and three of the four people living at Wood Way Lodge had gone out to various activities for the day. We spoke with one person who had remained in the home. We asked the person whether they were happy with the care and support they received. With the support of a member of staff they were able to clearly communicate they were pleased with the care provided.

By looking at care files, photos and by talking with staff we noted the service supported people living at the home to have full and varied lives. People were involved in a range of activities that suited their needs and identified preferences.

We looked at how the service managed medication. We were satisfied it was managed competently and people were safe.

We saw good recruitment systems in place to ensure staff are safe to work with people. We noted one requirement of Schedule 3 of the Health and Social Care 2008 had not been met.

We looked at how the service responded to any formal and informal complaints and were satisfied that complaints were taken seriously.

21 September 2011

During a routine inspection

We spoke with two people living in the home who told us they were happy and liked the staff. We also spoke to a Speech and Language Therapist (SALT) who has contact with some of the people who live there.

The SALT told us that the staff team were always supportive of people and made a great deal of effort to provide a "total communication" environment. This means that people's communication needs are being understood and respected.

People told us they have lots of opportunities to take part in things they enjoy and maintain their independence. One person said, "I like to go shopping and buy things for my room."

Bedrooms had been furnished and decorated to reflect people's individual tastes and preferences.

There were systems in place to review the quality of care and service provided so that people's views were being listened to and acted upon.