Archived: Cascade 9 - Ethelburga Road

1 Ethelburga Road, Romford, Essex, RM3 0QR (01708) 344117

Provided and run by:
Cascade Care Limited

All Inspections

17 December 2013

During a routine inspection

People expressed their views and were involved in making decisions about their care. We saw people had signed their plans, consenting to receive the care and treatment they required. One person said 'the staff are supportive and it's ok living here. They do look after me. Another person said 'I am happy to be living here. The staff are on the right level and I get on with them.'

Care was planned and delivered in a way that ensured people's safety and welfare. We observed members of staff speaking to people politely and encouraged social conversations. People spoke positively about the staff team. One person said 'we are well looked after.'

Health professionals such as the psychiatrist, optical, dental and chiropody services saw people regularly to ensure their health care needs were met.

People who used the service were protected from the risk of abuse, because the provider had taken reasonable steps to identify the possibility of abuse and prevent abuse from happening.

Staff received appropriate professional development. There was a training programme in place for all staff. Staff were provided with the skills and knowledge to provide a safe and effective service.

The provider took account of complaints and comments to improve the service. Surveys were completed on an annual basis with people using the service and staff. The last survey was completed in March 2013. The results were analysed into an annual quality report. We saw that each survey was looked at by the management and action was taken if there was dissatisfaction expressed.

Policies and procedures and staff records were kept in a lockable cabinet in the staff office which was also kept locked when not in use. This meant record were kept safe and confidential.

14 March 2013

During a routine inspection

The people that used the service said 'This is a good place to live, the staff are nice and we can talk to them if we are worried about anything'. Each person had an opportunity to visit this house before moving in and could bring personal belongings with them if they wished.

We spoke with the community psychiatric nurse who had been visiting this service for two years and found that the standards of care to be excellent.

The people that live here were actively encouraged to be part of their recovery programme. There was detailed individualised information and relevant risk assessments that are regularly reviewed in each person's care folder. The manager said they supported people in moving to a more independent style of living within the community.

People were offered choices in how they wished to spend their days. They all travelled by public transport and were supported in obtaining their travel cards.

There was information publicly available for people if they wish to raise concerns and all staff had undergone safeguarding training.

The home supported staff in obtaining relevant training and education, the suppliers of this included the provider and the local authority. Staff said the manager was approachable and supported them in delivering person centered care to the people that live in this home.

There was an on-going audit programme in place to ensure that the home operated safely and any identified risks were addressed in a timely manner.