• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Ridgeway

11 Park Avenue, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 4AS (01634) 851443

Provided and run by:
Evesleigh (Kent) Limited

All Inspections

29 May 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke to people who used the service who told us that they were happy and liked living at the home. One person told us the staff were all nice and were around when they needed them.

We looked at people's care records which were individual to each person. They were person centred and contained pictures which made them easier for people to understand. People told us that they were involved in planning their care and could choose things that they liked to do.

We looked around the home and saw that it was clean and tidy. Each person had their own bedroom that was decorated to their own taste. People told us that they liked the home and felt safe there.

We looked at staffing records for five members of staff and saw that appropriate checks had been done to make sure that they were suitable to work at the service.

We looked at the training records for all staff who worked at the service. We saw that they had completed training in areas such as protecting vulnerable adults from abuse, food hygiene and first aid. Staff received regular training updates when they needed them.

We looked through complaints records for the service. We saw that there was a policy in place which staff followed when complaints were made. We saw that there was a complaints policy available in the entrance hall of the service so that people and visitors knew how to make a complaint.

12 September 2012

During a routine inspection

During our inspection in October 2011 we found that the service was not fully compliant. We followed up on the areas on non compliance by speaking to people who used the service, speaking to staff, looking at records and making observations. We found that the service had made improvements since our last inspection.

People we spoke with told us that they liked living at the home. They told us about their daily routines and the things that they liked to do which included helping out around the house and exercising. We observed people being independent around the home. We saw that they helped out with household tasks, were able to make their own food and drinks and engaged with staff in card games. People said that they were given choices every day. One person said "I decided that I wanted to wear these shoes today. I choose what I want to wear everyday".

25 August 2011

During a routine inspection

We spoke to four people who used the service. They spoke highly of the staff who worked in the home and said that they were all very nice and described them as friendly. One person told us that staff were very helpful.

They told us that about they were offered choices about the different activities that they could take part in. One person told us that they liked going out and that staff would take them out to different places. Another person told us that they preferred not to go out too much.

People told us that they liked the food and were offered choices at mealtimes and that they helped to do the shopping.

People, however, also described to us how staff would carry out different duties for them, although care plans showed that the people who used the service could manage different household chores. One person referred to different household tasks and said "It is the staffs job" to do these.