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  • Homecare service

Archived: Wolverhampton Community Care Services DCA (Stafford)

1 Rutherford Court, Staffordshire Technology Park, Stafford, Staffordshire, ST18 0GP (01785) 252229

Provided and run by:
Mears Homecare Limited

All Inspections

During an inspection looking at part of the service

This was a review to check that the service was now compliant.

When we visited last time there were no systems in place to make sure that people using bedrails were kept safe. This could have put people at risk. The provider has provided us with information to show that they have addressed this issue. Staff were trained and risk assessments completed to make sure bedrails were safe.

16 March 2011

During a routine inspection

People said that they were involved in deciding on their care needs and deciding on the times they wanted their care. People did sign to agree to care but this document did not provide them with details on how the service would be provided.

They said that they generally had regular careworkers although there were instances at the weekend and night where had a high number of different care workers. Even so people were happy with the standard of care they received. They said that care was in most cases provided at the agreed times but they were not usually told if a carer was going to be late.

People felt that care workers had the knowledge and skill to provide the care in the way they wanted. Care workers treated them with respect and promoted their privacy and independence. People felt safe when being moved. Care workers were generally receiving training to meet people's needs although training was needed for the few staff that worked with children.

People said that they were getting their medication as prescribed but we saw that there were some medications that were not recorded and that the type of support people needed was not clear.

People said that they knew how to make a complaint and were confident that if they had a concern the service would act on it promptly.