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Archived: Mears Care - Milton Keynes

Ground Floor, Park House, 8 Grove Ash, Mount Farm, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK1 1BZ (01908) 630123

Provided and run by:
Cera Care Operations Limited

All Inspections

14 December 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with eight people who used the service and asked them about their experience of using Mears Care. Each person we spoke with confirmed that the service is generally very reliable, the staff know their job and are friendly and treat them well. One person said, "Sometimes timekeeping can be an issue but overall I can rely on them coming when they say they will." Another person said, "They do a good job but I prefer it when it get the same carer. They all treat me well though."

14 July 2011

During a routine inspection

Some people, who use the service, told us they had been involved when their care plan had been drawn up. One person said they did not remember being involved with their care plan but did say they were happy with it. People said that if changes were made to their care and treatment, staff would talk with them about the changes. They told us that they were given opportunities to express their views about the service by completing surveys. Two people said they had completed a survey recently.

People told us that their privacy and dignity was respected at all times. One person told us their regular carers were very helpful and always asked them how they preferred things to be done. One person using the service said they had always received 'helpful and kind staff for several years'. A relative, we spoke to, told us ' the carers have been fabulous. Without them my relative would not be able to stay independent in their own home'.

We were told by one person that they would like an introduction to new staff before they arrived to provide care. They also said that if staff were going to be late or changed they would like to be informed.

Three people said they would like a weekly care sheet so they could see who was coming and what time they would be arriving. One relative told us that they had had to ask for some early morning calls and these had been provided satisfactorily

People told us that they were happy with the staff's standard of hygiene and cleaning. They also said that staff used disposable gloves and aprons when undertaking personal care.