• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Courtlands Residential Care Home

24 Northumberland Road, Barnet, Hertfordshire, EN5 1ED (020) 8440 1625

Provided and run by:
Courtlands Residential Care Home

All Inspections

10 December 2013

During a routine inspection

We observed during our visit that when people were being offered support staff asked first whether the person consented to the support on offer.

We spoke with two people who used the service. One person said "Staff are so considerate and if you don't like something you can say. People come and ask you if you are ok and they are so generous and kind, doing things even when I don't expect it. I would gladly recommend this place." Another person said "It's like a home from home and the staff are marvellous, you couldn't live in a better place. They always ask if there is anything I would like." During our visit we observed that staff interacted in a caring manner and knew people who used the service well.

Records showed that the provider worked along with the GP, hospital clinics, Community Psychiatric Nurses (CPN), District Nurses (DN), Physiotherapists, Consultant Psychiatrists, Audiologists, Chiropodists and an aromatherapist.

There were effective systems in place to reduce the risk and spread of infection. Records showed staff were expected to complete cleaning duties daily at various times throughout the day, although we were not able to see completed examples of cleaning schedules.

Records showed that people were asked for their views about the care and treatment provided and their views were acted on.

8 February 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with four people who use the service, a relative and two visitors to the home. They indicated that people had been treated with respect and dignity. Their views can be summarised by the following comment made by a person who use the service, 'I am very content. I am treated extremely well by excellent staff.'

People informed us that their care needs had been attended to and they had access to medical services. Assessments, including risk assessments had been carried out. Care plans had been prepared and these were reviewed regularly. The care provided was carefully tailored to meet the individual needs and preferences of people.

People described staff as pleasant and kind. Staff informed us that they worked well as a team and felt supported by their managers. Staff had been provided with the necessary training to enable them to perform their duties. They were aware of the safeguarding policy and procedure aimed at protecting people from abuse.

There were effective quality assurance systems in place. People and their representatives informed us that the care provided was of an excellent standard. The record of compliments seen by us indicated that people and their representatives thought highly of the home.

21 March 2012

During a routine inspection

People who use the service expressed a high level of satisfaction with the care provided and they indicated that their care needs and personal preferences had been attended to. They stated that staff were pleasant and had treated them with respect and dignity.

We observed that people who use the service appeared relaxed, comfortable and well cared for. Staff were seen assisting them to walk around the garden and interacted regularly with them. Comprehensive assessments had been carried out and plans of care had been prepared for people who use the service. The care provided had been carefully monitored and there was evidence that the healthcare needs of people who use the service had been attended to.

People who use the service confirmed that they had received their medication. The arrangements for the administration of medication was well managed and audits had been carried out regularly.

Arrangements were in place to ensure that people who use the service are protected from abuse. The home had the required safeguarding policy and procedure and staff had received the required training.

People who use the service indicated that staff behaved in a professional manner and were responsive to their needs. Staff had been carefully recruited and the required documentation such as CRB disclosures and references were in place.