• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Companion In Care Limited - Leyton

24 Borthwick Road, Walthamstow, London, E15 1UD (020) 8519 4135

Provided and run by:
Companion In Care Limited

All Inspections

4 March 2014

During a routine inspection

At the last inspection, the provider did not ensure appropriate arrangements were in place to support staff including supervision and appraisal; medicines were not kept safely and records were not kept securely. During the follow-up visit we reviewed staff files and spoke to the provider and a manager. The provider had taken action and had made the neccessary improvements to the way that staff were supported and to the safe storage of medicines and records.

13 December 2013

During a routine inspection

The provider respected people's individuality and privacy. People were supported to be involved with their care and with the running of the service. The service offered a wide range of activities to people based on their interests but people had their right not to participate respected.

People's care was planned using a whole life approach. Care plans and risk assessments were up to date and fit for purpose. People who used the service and their relatives were positive about the care provided. One relative told us "I am happy with the support my brother gets." A person who used the service told us "I am treated well here."

The provider was proactive in contacting and co-operating with other professionals to ensure people's wellbeing. Contact details for named professionals for each person were available and written communications sent between different providers about people were filed appropriately.

Medicines were not stored safely. While the medicine cupboard was locked, keys to the cupboard were left unattended by staff. Medicine administration and stock records were up to date and appropriate.

Staff were not supported to undertake appropriate training in a timely manner. Training was not structured and there was no formal appraisal system in place to review staff performance.

People's personal records were not stored safely. The office where people's records were stored was open during our inspection and left unattended by staff.

20 March 2013

During a routine inspection

Companion In Care - Walthamstow had three residents at the time of our inspection. We spoke with all of them and asked for their feedback on the quality of the service. They were all satisfied with the care they received and would have not made any changes to the service. They said 'They (staff) look after me, they help me' and that 'I'm happy with everything'. They confirmed that staff talked to them with respect and they were treated well.

Staff we spoke with enjoyed working at the home and said that they received ongoing training and had up to date care plans to support people appropriately.

We found that people's needs, their care plans and risk assessments were regularly reviewed in order to meet their needs safely and to monitor their well-being. The people who used the service were involved in a range of activities both in the home and in the community.

29 September 2011

During a routine inspection

People told us that they were happy with the care and support they received in the home. They told us that staff treated them with dignity and respect and supported them to do what they wanted to do. People were positive about the service which was reflected in their feedback to us.

Comments included, 'The staff help you with anything you want to do,' 'The staff help me to call my parents who live abroad,' 'We are given choice in whatever we want to do,' 'The staff always knock on my door before coming into my room' and 'The staff helped me to get my glasses, which I use for watching telly and they remind me of my appointments with the GP'.