Archived: Tender Home Care Services Limited

First Floor Office, 82 Broad Street, Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire, BS37 6AG (01454) 323839

Provided and run by:
Tender Home Care Services Limited

All Inspections

14, 16, 17 October 2013

During an inspection in response to concerns

We visited the service in response to three telephone calls where concern was expressed about the staffing arrangements and the impact this had on people.

We found from speaking with people that calls were often late and that some people telephoned the office to check arrangements. Reports from the computer system confirmed that calls were late. They also showed that the registered manager regularly supported the staff team by undertaking calls themself. We did not verify from records that calls were missed however, people recounted occasions when this happened meaning they did not get the agreed support.

Staff told us there was pressure to work additional hours. We discovered that two staff had recently left and we were told another staff member resigned. A staff member did not know what their hours of work were to be and people did not know in advance who would be supporting them. The nominated individual and registered manager told us they were making arrangements for recruiting additional staff.

People accepted that there were staffing difficulties and that staff would be late. They had a copy of the complaints procedure but most had not complained. The provider stated it would give people the opportunity to comment on the service but we found no survey of people's opinions had been carried out since 2011. The nominated individual told us about plans to enable people to comment publicly, on their website however, this would limit those with no internet access.

21 November 2012

During a routine inspection

We found that people were allocated a care worker or a small team of care workers, in order to keep the number of staff who visited them, to a minimum so that consistency of care was promoted. People told us 'I always know which staff member will be visiting me' and 'I have built up a good relationship with the staff'.

Within the care records we looked at we saw information about how people liked to be cared for and evidence of how their dignity and privacy was maintained. Peoples' likes and dislikes were clearly recorded and support plans were in place for people. People told us 'It's really nice that staff call me by my preferred name'

We spoke with two staff and they told us that they had received training in safeguarding vulnerable adults. They told us that safeguarding topics were always discussed during training sessions held with the registered manager. Staff told us 'when I first started the manager went through the safeguarding policy with me'.

Records were kept for the appropriate period of time and then destroyed securely. The registered manager told us that care records were stored for a minimum of three years and were securely disposed of after this time.

13 January 2011

During a routine inspection

We visited the agency's premises on 13 January 2011, visited two people who use services and spoke to six others on the phone as a part of this review. The people we spoke to told us that they were satisfied with the services provided. They told us that they were provided with information that they required to make informed decisions about the service available to them. They said that they were given enough time to think through any situation before making a decision. One person stated that they would ask their relative but that the decision would ultimately be theirs.

During our visit people who use services told us that they were assessed by the agency staff before they started to receive care and were involved with the planning of their care. They said that staff knew exactly what to do when they came to assist them with personal care.

Some people told us that they provided and prepared their own food and drink and that the agency was not involved in supporting them in this. Other people said that staff prepared their breakfast and dinner and that they had snacks with cups of tea in between. They told us that they chose what they ate and were happy with the meals prepared for them. One person said "I only wanted soup this afternoon and that's what I had"

People told us that if they had to go into hospital that their General Practitioner (GP) and the agency staff would be involved. We were told that the staff had good knowledge of infection control and that they were given information about how to prevent common infections. They told us that they were given the right medication and usually at the right time.

People who use services told us that staff made sure that their home was secure and safe before leaving and that there was an emergency phone number through which to contact the agency if they were in trouble. One individual told us that they lived in a secure environment and there was no need for extra security arrangements.

One person who had equipment to assist them told us that they felt safe when staff used it. They told us that staff explained what they were doing before they started and that staff showed them respect during the process and maintained their privacy and dignity.

People told us that staff were good and respectful. They told us that the agency sent them regular familiar staff but sometimes this was not the case and staff that were not familiar to them were sent. They said that they were confident that staff had received good training.

People told us that the manager regularly visited them to find out if they were satisfied with the services. They told us that their overall experience of the agency was that the service was a very kind and caring one.

People said that they were provided with a complaints procedure and that they would complain to the manager if they were not happy with any aspect of the service. One individual told us that they had made a complaint before and that they were happy with how it was resolved. The person stated that since then things had improved. Everyone we asked said that they were confident that their records were safe and that the staff always asked their permission before giving their information to anyone.