9 October 2013
During a routine inspection
We saw that before a person moved to the home their needs were assessed to make sure that it could meet them and that a care plan was developed from the assessment information. Care records were kept up to date and reflected current needs.
The service worked in cooperation with providers of other services that people used. A healthcare professional we telephoned told us that the home worked well in cooperation with them and that, '(resident) is very well supported; we have not had any problems'.
The person living at the home told us 'I like my room and the area', 'things are going all right ' and that they were gaining independence skills.
The home was clean, homely and well maintained. There were shared areas for people to use if they chose to.
Due to the occupancy level at the time of the inspection staffing levels had been reassessed. Staffing was appropriate for the occupancy level.
The provider had systems in place to monitor the quality of the service and made checks that it was safe. We found that that there were gaps in the recording of the the checks relating to fire safety at the home.