• Services in your home
  • Homecare service

Archived: Wareham - Care at Home

Unit 6, Leanne Business Centre, Sandford Lane, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 4DY (01929) 556566

Provided and run by:
Altogether Care LLP

All Inspections

7, 9, 10 January 2014

During a routine inspection

The registered manager told us that they had been experiencing difficulties with staffing levels. The registered manager told us that due to concerns about staffing levels, they were not accepting any new clients in order to give staff capacity to improve the service. We saw that the last client that had been taken on was October 2013. We were shown electronic records that showed eight new staff were completing their induction training.

During this inspection, we were informed by some of the people that used the service or their relatives that there had been some missed and late calls. Most people we spoke with told us that their care workers always treated them with respect and kindness. One relative told us that they thought the care was 'excellent, no concerns at all.'

Systems were not used effectively to ensure that prescribed medication was available in the person`s home and medication records were not always completed.

All the staff we spoke with told us that they had received induction and on-going training. Most staff felt that they had the right training to carry out the role.

We found that the registered manager did not implement systems effectively to assess and monitor the quality of the service provided.

We looked at 16 care records held in the office and five care records in people`s homes. Most of the care records that we looked at were up to date and contained clear information about the person and how best to support their care needs.

28 March 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke to three relatives who lived with people receiving care. People told us that staff respected their privacy and dignity. One person said 'The carers are very good.' Another person said 'some staff are exceptional.'

People told us they were involved in the assessments and care planning of their relatives. However, we saw that the agency had not sought the consent of the people receiving care to share information about their health and care.

People generally thought very highly of the care staff although at times they had raised concerns and staff were replaced to their satisfaction. One person said that if staff "become sloppy, I pull the reins back.' Another person said 'they are all angels.' People didn't like the ever changing staff providing care.

Staff were aware of the need to report any allegation of abuse. The agency showed that they had taken appropriate action when they were informed of an allegation of abuse.

Although the agency was short of care staff they were managing to cover all visits as required by care plans. We saw that some staff training was not up to date. We were told that a number of staff were working towards attaining National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) level 2 or 3.

People's views and experiences were sought to improve the service. The provider had systems to regularly assess and monitor the quality of service that people received. However, there was not always evidence that actions identified had been addressed.

16 November 2011

During a routine inspection

We spoke, by telephone, with seven people who received care and with two relatives.

People we spoke with told us that staff were polite and courteous. They felt that their views and suggestions were listened to and taken into account.

People told us that staff were very accommodating; they felt they could ask for anything and that staff did everything they could to assist. They said that staff knew how to cheer people up and they were very friendly.

A family member told us that they were impressed with the way that all, but particularly the young, staff showed empathy and cared for their older relative with such dignity and respect.

People told us they were very happy with the care provided. They found staff very supportive over any issues relating to their health and well being or practical issues.

Relatives said that they were pleased that staff encouraged people to be as independent as possible. They told us that staff adjusted their level of assistance to meet the individual needs day to day. One relative told us they felt involved in the care and staff rang straight away if there were any concerns about the person's health and wellbeing.

People told us that they felt safe with the staff providing care for them and that they knew how to raise any concerns. They said that staff appeared to be well trained and knew what they were doing. They told us that when a new member of staff started they always shadowed experienced staff before working alone.

People told us that staff gave them opportunity to give suggestions and feedback. Some told us they had completed a monitoring form when their care needs were reviewed. People had recently completed an anonymous questionnaire asking for feedback on the service.