• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Barnabas Care Home

7 Cole Green, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 1AD (0121) 243 6954

Provided and run by:
Mr Matthew Chapman

All Inspections

22 October 2013

During a routine inspection

Barnabas Care Home provides community based home care in a family environment. One person has responsibilities as registered provider, registered manager and sole care worker. This person is referred to as the manager. They live in the home with another family member. At the time of our visit one person was living in the home and receiving care and support on a permanent basis. The home also offers respite care on a contractual basis for up to two other people.

During our visit we spent time talking with the person who lived at the home. They told us they enjoyed living there. When we asked why, they responded, "The atmosphere. It is quite homely really. I like it here so that is fine."

The person told us they regularly saw healthcare professionals for both their physical and mental health needs. This was confirmed by records we saw.

We saw the person was supported to attend a range of activities both independently and as part of the family unit. They were also encouraged to maintain friendships outside the home environment.

We asked the person whether they felt safe living at Barnabas house. They responded, "I feel safe here."

13 November 2012

During a routine inspection

Barnabas Care Home provided care in a family environment. One person had responsibilities as registered provider, registered manager and sole care worker. This person was referred to as the manager. They lived in the home with another family member.

At the time of our visit one person lived in the home and received care and support on a permanent basis. The home also offered respite care on a contractual basis for up to two other people.

When we visited we spoke with the person who lived there permanently. They told us, "I enjoy it and I am very happy here." They were happy to show us their bed-sitting room and chatted with us about their interests and social activities outside the home. They were able to travel independently to social events and we saw risk assessments to support their independence in this area of their lives. They told us, "I go out when I need to go out and stay in when I need to stay in."

26 January 2012

During an inspection looking at part of the service

One person who lived at Barnabas Care Home told us that he was happy living there. He said he appreciated the support he received from his care worker. He told us he particularly enjoyed the outings he had with his care worker.