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Archived: Flaxman Avenue

77 Flaxman Avenue, Tang Hall, York, North Yorkshire, YO10 3TW (01904) 552604

Provided and run by:
City of York Council

All Inspections

1 July 2013

During a routine inspection

There were not many people staying at Flaxman Avenue on the day we visited. We were also not able to talk with all those people, because of their complex needs, however one person told us they were happy there and the staff were 'nice and kind'. They added 'I choose my own clothes that I want to wear.' We spoke with the parent of another person staying there and they said their relative was always happy enough to go and always came back home to them looking well cared for.

We also observed that people looked well cared for and were comfortable and relaxed in the company of the staff team.

Staff were aware of people's rights and gave individuals the opportunity to make simple choices whenever that was possible.

People received safe, appropriate care and the service had good systems in place to ensure their health and wellbeing were protected at all times.

People lived in a clean, well maintained home, where infection prevention measures were in place and were regularly monitored.

Staff received regular support and training to ensure they had the skills and knowledge to provide safe, appropriate care and support.

Checks of how the service was being run were regularly carried out at Flaxman Avenue. This showed that the quality of the service was being kept under review.

9 May 2012

During a routine inspection

We used several different methods to help us understand the experiences of people using the service, because those people had complex needs which meant they were not able to tell us their experiences.

We observed the way people responded when support workers approached them and how the staff and clients interacted. We found that people were comfortable and relaxed in the presence of the support workers. We also found that support workers spoke with people in a respectful manner and were knowledgeable about people's preferences. This meant they were able to make suggestions about how individuals might want to spend their time, and what sorts of meals they would like.

We spoke with a representative of someone who stays at the service. They said they were very satisfied with the service, and how it was being run. They commented that their relative wanted to start packing their bag a week before they were due to stay at Flaxman Avenue. They added that on their return home their relative always asked how soon they could go and stay there again.