Archived: Brook - Bedfordshire

Broadway House, 4-6 The Broadway, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK40 2TE (01234) 761090

Provided and run by:
Brook East of England

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

21 October 2013

During a routine inspection

During our inspection of Brook - Bedfordshire on 21 October 2013, we spoke with five young people using the service. They all told us that the service met their needs and was relaxed. One person said, "Everything is good here, I can't think what would make it any better." Another person said, "it is cool here but dull." This was a reference to the decor.

People using the service were advised about any treatments they needed and were asked to consent to the treatment before it was given. This showed respect to the young people using the service. We observed that staff were mindful of their responsibility to ensure a young person understood and agreed to any treatments.

We saw that the service stored and administered medications correctly and the staff responsible for prescribing medications had been appropriately trained. We saw robust guidelines that supported staff administering medication. This ensured the medications systems in place were safe and effective and protected people from harm.

The staff employed by the service had been correctly recruited and checked as being appropriate to work with young people and vulnerable adults before being offered a position.

The service had a complaints policy which was easy to use and available.

8 November 2012

During a routine inspection

The people we spoke with said they were provided with useful information and received full explanations and advice on their care and treatment at Brook Bedfordshire. They said they felt involved in the discussions and decisions made around their care. They told us they had no concerns about staff who were friendly and helpful and appeared competent and professional. The people we spoke with said they had no concerns about the service.

During our visit we found people's contribution to discussions and decision making about their care to be documented. We found that each individual had their medical history and any risk factors specific to them reviewed and recorded. We saw that arrangements were in place to deal with foreseeable emergencies including appropriate staff training and the provision of items for use in an emergency. We found that the nurses working at the service were appropriately registered. Staff were completing a program of mandatory training and were knowledgeable in such things as protecting people from the risk of abuse.

We found that the service had quality monitoring systems in place and people had a variety of methods available for them to share their views and opinions about the service. We noted that where actions to prevent the recurrence of incidents or changes to improve the service were required these were completed.

One person said of her visit to Brook Bedfordshire: "It's a really good and helpful service."