• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Hall Farm House

Gainsborough Road, Everton, Nottinghamshire, DN10 5BW (01777) 817431

Provided and run by:
Voyage Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

24 January 2014

During a routine inspection

There were six people living at the home at the time of our visit. Three people were out working on the provider's farm and helping in the bird sanctuary when we arrived, but they returned in the afternoon.

We found that people were treated with dignity and respect and that the provider upheld people's rights. People were encouraged to make their own decisions as far as they were able and to identify and achieve life goals.

One person who lived at the home told us; 'I like living here. I have been here a long time. Staff ask my opinion about what I want to do. I would tell the staff if something wasn't right and they would do something for me. I like trips to the seaside'.

During our inspection we found that the provider had not managed safeguarding incidents properly and had not adequately monitored the standard of service delivery. We also found that records had not been accurately maintained.

29 August 2012

During a routine inspection

One person we spoke with told us 'I've lived here for about 10 years and am hoping to move on into supported living.'

Another person said 'I like it here. I wouldn't want to move anywhere else. '

People we spoke with all told us they enjoyed their lives at Hall Farm House. They said the staff are very good and supportive. They talked about the range of activities they can pursue such as working with animals and carpentry to undertaking college courses.

One staff member told us, 'The care and support we provide for people is person centred. Each person is encouraged to develop their skills and is enabled to be as independent as possible.'

20 December 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

We were unable to talk with people who lived at the service when we visited because they were out at a Christmas celebration. We spoke briefly and informally with one person when they returned to the home. We spoke with four staff and with others who have regular contact with the home to ask for their comments and observations.