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  • Care home

Archived: Eastern Road

94 Eastern Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 6EW (023) 9282 5182

Provided and run by:
Community Integrated Care

All Inspections

10 May 2013

During a routine inspection

We carried out an inspection on 10 May 2013 to follow up on areas of non compliance that were found at our inspection in January 2013. We looked at records relating to outcomes 14 and 16 and found that the service were now compliant in these in areas.

During this inspection we did not meet any of the people who use the service however, their views and experiences were reflected in our January report. We were assisted with this inspection by the deputy home manager and the area manager.

24 January 2013

During a routine inspection

The one person we spoke to told us that they were "happy living in the home and that food was good". They showed us their bedroom which was personalised with things that were important to them. They went onto tell us how staff help them to support their football team by going to all home games.

They said that they felt safe in the home and that they would speak to a member of staff if they had any worries.

Staff were knowledgeable about people's personal, behavioural, social and health needs. Staff knew the content of people's plans of care and how to put the guidelines that these plans contained into practice demonstrating they understood the care plans.

We saw that the service had taken into account the different needs of people living in the home by ensuring that information was provided in different ways. User friendly formats were used for the activities timetable and other important documentation such as the complaints procedure, service user reviews and service user guides were seen in pictorial and audio formats as well as words.

16 January 2011

During a routine inspection

People who use the service told us that they were happy with the care they receive and said that staff helped them to do things for themselves and that any help is given in the way that they want. People said that they liked living at Eastern Road and they said that they felt safe in the home. People told us that they like all the staff that supports them and said that the staff are nice and they told us that there was always someone around to help when needed.

We spoke with Portsmouth Social Services Department who commission the service and they told us that they carry out regular monitoring visits to the service. They said that they were satisfied with the care and support that Eastern Road provides to the people who live there and that they have no concerns about the service.

The father of a person who uses the service told us that he was happy with the care being provided but felt that communication could be improved. He said that on occasions he had wanted to arrange to do something with his son but when he tried to arrange this he found that other arrangements had already been made. He felt that better communication could have prevented this from happening.

Another father of one person said 'I could not be happier with the service, its brilliant'. All of the family members we spoke with told us that they knew what action they should take if they had any concerns and they said that they felt that the home would respond appropriately to any concerns that may be raised.

All of the relatives of people who use the service we spoke with they told us that they had been involved in the care planning process and reviews of care for their relatives and they said that they were happy with the care being provided.

Staff told us that they would always respect people's wishes and said that people who use the service are involved in all aspects of their lives and that people are actively encouraged to express their views and opinions.

Staff members who we talked to told us that their recruitment was robust and that the people who use the service were involved in the recruitment process. They said that the training provided is very good and that they regularly attend refresher courses to maintain their knowledge, skills and competency in all aspects of supporting the people in their care.

Staff spoken with told us that the staffing levels were about right and that if they planned to go out with people to support them with activities or trips then the manager would ensure that there was sufficient staff on duty to enable this to take place.