• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Westbourne Lodge

126 Cardigan Road, Bridlington, Humberside, YO15 3LR (01262) 676611

Provided and run by:
Dr Khalid Hussian Javed and Dr Mussarat Javed

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

3 December 2013

During a routine inspection

We found people were being looked after by friendly, supportive staff within a warm and homely environment. Care was personalised and reflected people's choices and decisions. Care records were up to date. One visitor said 'My parent has a care plan and it has been discussed with both of us'.

There were clear processes in place for what should happen when a person moved to another service, such as a hospital, which ensured that the person's rights were protected and that their needs were met. One health care professional told us 'Staff know what information I require to assess this person and it has been made readily available to me. This makes my job much easier to carry out.'

People told us 'We get our medicine on time and when we need it' and we found that appropriate arrangements were in place in relation to recording, handling and safely administering medicines to people who used the service.

The home was designed to meet the needs of people who lived there and the provider ensured equipment used to assist people with their daily lives was regularly maintained, safe and fit for purpose.

The provider had an effective quality assurance system in place and people's views and opinions of the service were listened to and acted on where necessary.

Records about people who used the service enabled staff to plan appropriate care, treatment and support. The information needed for this was systematically recorded and kept behind locked doors to keep it safe and confidential.

3 January 2013

During a routine inspection

We spent an hour observing daily life within one of the lounges in the home and we spoke with six people who used the service. We spoke with staff and the manager about the care and well being of people who used the service. We also gathered evidence of people's experiences of the service by reviewing care records and quality assurance documentation.

We found people were being looked after by friendly, supportive staff within a warm and homely environment. The food offered to people was well cooked and they were offered a choice of meals. Care was risk assessed and records were up to date.

People we spoke with said they like living in the home and that their care and support was satisfactory. One person told us, 'Staff are friendly and give us the support and help we need' and another said 'There is a lovely atmosphere in the home, very friendly and welcoming.'

People said that they had good access to outside healthcare professionals and they were satisfied with the level of medical support given to them. People told us they saw the manager most days to talk to and they were confident of using the complaints system if they needed to.

11 January 2012

During a routine inspection

People we spoke with were complimentary about the care they received at the home. People told us there were many activities available and the staff ensured that if people wished to be involved, they could be. People told us their rooms were kept clean, their privacy respected and the food was good with plenty of variety.