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Archived: Linkage Community Trust - 161 Weelsby Road

161 Weelsby Road, Grimsby, Humberside, DN32 9RX (01472) 509481

Provided and run by:
Linkage Community Trust

All Inspections

17 January 2014

During a routine inspection

We spoke with the one person who used the service. They told us they were happy with the service and their views were sought by staff. Comments included 'I am very happy here, I was a bit nervous at first about living on my own, but I really enjoy it' and 'The staff have been great, helping me to settle in.'

We saw the complaints procedure was available to people who used and visited the service. The one person who used the service told us that they knew how to make a complaint but had never had the need to do so because they were very happy with the service. Staff told us how they would support people to raise concerns if they could not do so themselves.

The person who used the service was happy with the care they received and told us they saw a range of health professionals for advice and treatment. We found that staff helped to make sure health and social care was well coordinated and provided by a range of professionals.

We found that the numbers of staff provided was based on people's individual need and regularly reviewed to ensure that there was adequate support available to meet the needs of the people who used the service.

We found the one person who used the service was able to express their views about the service via daily activities of living, surveys and meetings. Audits and checks were completed to monitor quality and where further action was required, this was put in place in order to improve services.

17 January 2012

During a routine inspection

We were informed by the manager that the heating system at the service was not working and the people using the service had been moved on a temporary basis to two of the nearby services, one of these being Weelsby View. We were informed two days after the inspection that the heating system had been repaired and people using the service had been supported to return to the service. We spoke with two people who use the service during our visit to Weelsby View.

The people we spoke with told us that they were not upset or concerned with having to move out of the home for a few days, in fact one person expressed a wish to move to the service on a more permanent basis. We noted that the manager took this comment seriously and reassured the person that this request would be discussed and looked into.

People felt their privacy and dignity was being respected and said that staff were always very patient and encouraged them to do what they could for themselves. People told us about the range of activities they were supported to take part in and how staff were helping them develop their daily living skills. Some of the comments we received included: 'I like going to the youth club' and 'We do lots of things like go to Cleethorpes and play football.'

During our inspection we observed that people who use the service appeared confident in approaching staff and that staff treated them with respect and patience.

When we spoke with people they told us they felt safe and trusted the staff. Some of the comments we received included: "The staff are friendly, they play football with me' and 'Leo (the manager) is nice.'