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  • Homecare service

Archived: Prestige Nursing Plymouth

19a Morshead Road, Crownhill, Plymouth, Devon, PL6 5AD (01752) 213213

Provided and run by:
Prestige Nursing Limited

All Inspections

6 November 2013

During a routine inspection

Prestige Nursing agency provided care packages to people in their own homes. We spoke with four people who used the service and one family member of a person who used the service. People told us that they were very pleased with the care that they had received.

People who used the services told us "they are always here on time" " they make me feel wanted" and relatives we spoke to told us "we can relax knowing they are in safe hands".

We looked at care plans and risk assessments and noted that people were offered a range of support to reflect their difficulties and needs and also to allow the people to be as independent as possible. This showed us that people were respected and treated with dignity.

The manager and office staff were friendly and welcoming towards us. People we spoke to told us that staff were always cheerful and chatty. We were told "They answer my questions and put my mind at rest". We looked at staff appraisal and supervision notes and found that during feedback staff said they felt confident that they had been given the right training and equipment to do the job well. One staff member said " I felt confident to do a good job as I have been trained in all aspects of my role". I asked the people I support if I am doing things to their liking".

The recruitment process was designed to test ability and knowledge. Once appointed staff progress was monitored and training kept up to date and focussed on people's needs.

25 March 2013

During a routine inspection

When we inspected Prestige Nursing Plymouth on 25 March 2013, they were providing care packages to approximately 40 people in their own homes. We spoke with four people who used the service and their relatives. We found that people were very satisfied with the care and support they received. The relative of one person said, "They are amazing, they always treat us all very well and with dignity.'

We noted from the three care files that we looked at, that people were offered support at a level which encouraged independence and ensured their individual needs were met. People told us the staff were friendly and courteous in their approach and were knowledgeable and confident in the care tasks they performed. One person told us, "I'm absolutely delighted with them." Someone else said "In every aspect they perform brilliantly. Everyone that represents them is fantastic.'

We could see from records that people were encouraged to express their views and were involved in planning their care and making decisions about their care and support. People told us that they felt able to approach the manager to discuss anything, and they were confident that swift action would be taken to resolve any issues they had. The provider welcomed suggestions from people which could improve the service they provided.

Recruitment systems provided a clear audit trail which demonstrated there was a selection process which ensured the staff were suitable for this type of work.

21 February 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with four people who use the service and three relatives. The people and relatives we spoke with were complimentary about the domiciliary care and support they received saying care was discreet, respectful and reassuring. People we spoke with said they thought staff were 'professional' 'kind' and 'highly recommended.'

People appreciated when they had consistent care staff visiting their home and said they always felt safe when receiving care and support. One person said 'I look forward to their visits.' Another person said 'I appreciate having regular staff as they always know what I need' whilst another person said 'I like the fact that they look after people of all ages.'

We were told that care staff stayed at people's homes for the allocated time and arrived within the expected time. One person said 'they always phone if they are going to be late.'

All of the people we spoke with said staff knew what to do and how to provide the care and support needed. One relative said 'They have the folder to look at but the office have sent in new staff before the other one has left so my relative gets used to him.' People also told us they had their care and support needs reviewed on a regular basis by the manager of the agency.

People were asked for their feedback about the service they receive and said they felt staff listened to the few concerns they made. One person said 'staff seem to want feedback and had responded well to my request.'

Everyone we spoke with said they knew who they could speak to if they did not feel safe or had a complaint. All the people we spoke with said they had been provided with contact details for the office, and all added that staff on the end of the telephone had been polite and helpful.