Archived: Avenues South East- 13a Repton Drive

Gidea Park, Romford, Essex, RM2 5LP (020) 8308 2900

Provided and run by:
Avenues South East

All Inspections

8 August 2013

During a routine inspection

We met with five of the six people who lived at the service but not to the extent of gaining comments about the service due to varying levels of verbal communication. We observed people being treated with dignity in their interactions with staff such as being assisted to walk around the house and being spoken to with warmth and kindness. After our inspection we contacted people's relatives who told us that they felt the service provided good care. We were told 'we couldn't get anywhere better, they are very good to him'. We were also told 'if anything happens they always let me know'.

We found that care provided met peoples' needs and was carried out by staff who had received appropriate training and supervision. People were cared for in an environment that was well maintained and records were kept securely and were fit for purpose.

23 October 2012

During a routine inspection

People told us that they were happy living at Repton Drive. Relatives told us they felt their loved ones were well cared for by the staff and that they were involved in their treatment and care. We were told 'they always ring me up if there are any appointments and let me know' and 'they make you feel like you're at home'. We were also told by people that the quality of care was good, 'she looks well when we go in there'. Everyone we spoke with was complimentary about the service that was being provided.

We also found that there was a suitable level of staffing to meet people's needs and that there were sufficient measures in place to safeguard people from any potential abuse. We also found that there were sufficient checks in place to ensure that the service was being run safely and that care was being delivered to the standard expected by the service provider.