15 October 2013
During a routine inspection
We saw that people's consent to care and treatment was obtained where people were able to give their consent. Where people lacked capacity to make decisions there were arrangements in place to ensure that any decision made on their behalf was done in the person's best interest.
We saw that care and support was planned and delivered in a way that met people's needs and took into account their wishes and preferences. There were robust systems in place for assessing, identifying and managing risks to the health, safety and welfare of people who were using the service.
People who used the service were protected against the risks associated with medicines and staff supported people to receive medicines as prescribed for them.
There were robust procedures for recruiting staff and all of the appropriate checks for determining suitability of staff and protecting people were carried out.
The service was well led and managed so as to take into account people's views, comments and suggestions. There were systems in place for monitoring and improving the quality and safety of the services provided.