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  • Care home

Archived: Holmes House Care Home

Kenilworth Road, South Wigston, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE18 4UF (0116) 278 2214

Provided and run by:
Collegia Care Limited

All Inspections

5, 6 November 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with seven people who told us that they were happy with the service they received at Holmes House. One person told us that staff were aware of their likes and dislikes. Another person told us that the staff were 'very good'.

We saw that care records contained relevant information for staff to meet people's individual care needs. We spoke with six members of staff who all had a good knowledge of people's care needs. We spoke with a visiting doctor who told us that staff were vigilant in seeking medical advice when people showed signs of ill health.

We spoke with four staff about safeguarding, they were able to tell us about their role in safeguarding people from the risks of abuse and harm. This included how to raise concerns both within the organisation and externally.

We counted the totals of five medicines. We found that four balanced with the medication records. We found seven tablets could not be accounted for with the fifth medication. We found that one person had missed their evening dose of pain relief medication on one occasion because their supply of medication in the home had run out and although a new supply had been ordered it had not been delivered or collected in time to be administered.

Staff told us that they completed regular training and supervision sessions and that they felt supported to do their jobs.

8 February 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We did not speak to people using the service during this follow visit. When we visited 10 August 2012 we spoke with four people about the service they received. All told us that they were happy with their care.

When we visited Holmes House 10 August 2012 we found that records did not detail when people were offered and refused food and drinks. We looked at food and fluid records during our visit 07 February 2013. We saw that staff were recording some occasions when people had refused food and drink. We spoke to a visiting dietician who told us about the improvments made in the home in relation to nutrition.

During our visit 07 February 2013 we saw that the new controlled drugs cupboard had been installed and was in use. We saw that the temperature of the room used to store medication had on occassions been higher than that recomended by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain guidelines. The manager confirmed that achiller was being installed to manager the temperature.

In this report the name of a registered manager appears who was not in post and not managing the regulatory activities at this location at the time of the inspection. Their name appears because they were still a Registered Manager on our register at the time.

10 August 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with four people about the service they received. One person told us they had 'no complaints', another said that staff were 'lovely and helpful'. We saw staff spoke to people in a kind and sensitive manner and responded promptly when people needed assistance. We saw people relate well to staff and respond positively to staff


Records showed that people were supported to maintain good health and attended regular health appointments including general practitioner, dietician and podiatrist. We saw that, where there were concerns about people's nutrition, staff recorded details of what people ate and drank. We found that records did not always show when people refused food and drinks. This meant it was not clear whether food or drink had been offered supper or what action had been taken when they refused.

We saw that there were systems in place to monitor care records; medication; risk assessments; falls and health and safety. We found that the provider conducted regular visits to the home to monitor the quality of service.

8 February 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

We spoke with two people who use the service, five visiting relatives and the visiting GP. The majority of people said they were happy with the quality of care and treatment provided. There were mixed comments received with regards to staffing levels. We also received individual comments and issues, which were passed to the acting manager to address.

- 'Mum, is happy here, well cared for, good manager and staff really'

- 'She's actually put on weight since she's been here, in fact I had to go and buy a new wardrobe of clothes for her'

- 'My sister is the first contact and she calls me straight away when she's had a call from the home. My sister is the first one here because she's close by'

- 'It's always clean when I visit and I come at least 3 times a week'

- 'They need to ensure that all the day and night staff are aware of patients that have 'advanced care plan', make sure the correct details are on file in relation to expressed wishes and next of kin contact details'

- 'Staff I speak with are familiar with the patients, their needs and will clearly tell me what the concerns are'

- 'There's always staff around and they can tell me what's happened with mum'