• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Bramblegate

92 Ringwood Road, Walkford, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 5RF (01425) 276846

Provided and run by:
Principle Care Limited

All Inspections

10 February 2014

During an inspection looking at part of the service

At the time of our unannounced inspection four people lived at Bramblegate. We met all of them and spoke with three individuals. Two people we spoke with told us they liked the home. The other individual said they were not always happy, but told us they were able to tell their social worker or key worker about any concerns. They all told us they enjoyed regular activities outside the home. They returned from a trip to Weymouth during our inspection.

We also examined records, spoke with the manager and two support workers, and briefly observed staff supporting people in communal areas. We saw that staff treated people respectfully. We noted that people appeared comfortable with staff, readily approaching them and starting conversations.

The provider had addressed the compliance action from our inspection in September 2013. This related to protecting people from the risks of unsafe or inappropriate care by keeping accurate records that reflected incidents and events. Risk assessments and care plans were reviewed and, where necessary, updated after each incident, such as a display of agitation. Staff recorded their contact with people's families and professionals.

16 September 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with one person who lived at the home and two relatives. They told us the home was good and the staff were supportive and helped people to live full and independent lives. We saw evidence that people were engaged in many activities of their choosing. This meant that people were enabled to make decisions relating to their care and support.

Relatives told us the staff were 'excellent' and very knowledgeable. They said this was because they were well trained and had good support from the manager. We were told that they had confidence in the manager and staff to ensure their relative lived a full and happy life. We saw from the records the staff had undergone a considerable amount of training and their supervision and appraisals were regular and up to date. In consequence, the provider had ensured staff received sufficient training and support to deliver care and support to an appropriate standard.

We looked at four people's records and found they were up to date and provided guidance to staff about the most appropriate ways to provide care and support. The records contained risk assessments which included clear guidance for staff regarding the steps they could take to ensure people's safety. However, some records relating to specific risk events were kept in different locations and this information was not always transferred to people's records. This meant the provider could not be sure that risks were managed in an appropriate way.

30 October 2012

During a routine inspection

At this inspection we spoke with the manager, two members of staff and four people who lived in the home.

One person we spoke with told us 'I really like living here, I like my room it's really good'.

We found that care plans were detailed, person centred, accurately reflected people's needs and had been drawn up with their involvement.

People were supported by staff that were supported to deliver care and treatment safely and to an appropriate standard.

We observed that care workers and people living in the home were relaxed with each other, laughing and chatting and enjoying each others company. We saw care workers knew the people who lived in the home well and could anticipate their needs as required.

One care worker we spoke with told us 'I really enjoy working here, we are a good team and work well together'.

Records were kept securely and could be located promptly when needed.