• Community
  • Community substance misuse service

Archived: Arch Initiatives - Conway Street

23 Conway Street, Birkenhead, Merseyside, CH41 6PT (0151) 647 8633

Provided and run by:
Arch Initiatives

All Inspections

18 June 2013

During a routine inspection

The treatment and support plans looked at showed that people were supported to be involved in the planning process they were also signed by them to show their consent to support and treatment. We spoke with three people they told us they were very happy with the support and treatment provided to them. Some comments made were:

'To begin with I had to use the service as part of my probation, but now I come here for me and I really want to be free of drugs and for the first time I feel I can do it. This place is brilliant the staff are great no one judges you and they really want you to succeed.'

'They have made a real difference in my life they have made me realise I deserve a different life and they are helping me to get it.'

An identified recovery worker system was in place that allowed people to build positive and long term relationships with staff this enabled them to offer personalised support when engaging with other agencies and professionals. Some comments made by people were:

'The staff are always at the end of a phone if you need to speak to them between appointments. If I ring up and say I'm in a bad place they always tell me to come in and if my recovery worker can't see me then another one will.'

We looked at three staff files that showed there was a robust and consistent approach to the recruitment and selection of employees. Records showed there were effective systems in place to monitor and audit the quality and safety of the service.

7 February 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with three people who told us they were happy with the service provided and that their key workers and other staff were respectful, polite, caring and helpful. They told us they were involved in drawing up their support plans and identifying risky behaviours. Records showed the provider proactively worked to involve people in the development and improvement of Arch Initiatives- Conway Street.

We looked at care records that showed an assessment was undertaken to determine whether a person would benefit from being treated and supported by the service. This information was then transferred into plans of support and treatment.

We spoke with two members of staff who told us they had received training in safeguarding and described how they would ensure the welfare of vulnerable adults and children was protected through the whistle blowing and safeguarding procedures.

The recruitment and selection processes did not protect people who used the service as they did not seek out information about candidates in a robust and consistent manner. Risk assessments had not been carried out where Disclosure and Barring Services(DBS) checks had identified prospective employees had criminal convictions.

People told us if they were not happy with the service they received they would discuss this with their key worker or a manager at the service. Complaints records showed the service responded in a timely manner to complainants and provided detailed responses to issues raised.

5 January 2012

During a routine inspection

Conway Street was the main community based treatment centre for Arch Initiatives in Wirral. It offered a wide range of services for people who misuse substances.

For the purpose of monitoring compliance we looked at those activities that required the service to be registered under the Health and Social Care Act 2008. These included the prescribing and monitoring of medication to reduce people's dependence on drugs and alcohol. The monitoring of people's health and welfare through support from medical professionals including a needle exchange service. Work carried out with the Criminal Justice Services for drug using offenders including drug testing and treatment.

We contacted drug commissioning services on the Wirral to seek their views of the service being run by Arch Initiatives. They raised no concerns and were satisfied with the serivces provided.

We spoke with people who used the service. All were happy with the services provided and felt the staff team valued and respected them. They said that staff where available when they needed to speak with them. People also said they valued the key worker system as it helped them build up a relationship with one person rather than seeing someone different all the time. Some comments made were;

"My key worker left a note on my script to contact him I thought I had done something wrong. When I got in touch he just wanted to check how I was because he was worried about me. That contact made me feel so much better because I know they really care.'

'I know what I am but the staff here always show me respect and treat me like an ordinary person. That's one of the reasons I keep coming back they don't judge me they just want to help me.'