• Doctor
  • Independent doctor

Archived: Burghley Park Medical Services Limited

Taw Hill Medical Centre, Aiken Road, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN25 1UH (01793) 709580

Provided and run by:
Burghley Park Medical Services Limited

All Inspections

12 March 2013

During a routine inspection

We visited the clinic and spoke with the doctor who provided laser/IPL treatments. We spoke on the telephone with three people who had received treatment. All of these patients were positive about their experience at the clinic and the results of their treatment. They told us that the doctor was "honest and realistic" about their treatment, its likely success and any risks or side effects associated with it. One person told us the doctor " has helped me a lot"; another told us their treatment, "definitely made a difference".

There were systems in place to ensure people's safety. Detailed health assessments and patch tests were undertaken prior to treatment to identify any contra indications to treatment. There were treatment protocols in place which had been produced by an expert medical practitioner. Premises and equipment were appropriate, safe and clean.

The two health practitioners providing the service provided evidence of continuing professional development, supervision and appraisal.

The clinic had an appropriate complaints procedure which was published in its patients' guide. Although no complaints had been received there was a commitment to investigate and resolve any concerns. Patients told us that they would have no hesitation in raising a concern directly with the health practitioner responsible for their treatment.

30 June 2011

During a routine inspection

People told us that the clinic was a nice environment and they were made to feel welcome and relaxed. One person said 'the lady who did the scan was fantastic. We were very pleased with the results.'

People who had received laser treatment or consultation said that they appreciated the time taken to explain the treatments to them, including the risks and any side effects. They said that they appreciated the honesty of the doctor, who was also described as 'very sympathetic and human'. Several people commented that the treatment was more comfortable than treatments they had received at other establishments. People were mainly pleased with the results of their treatment, and were returning for further treatments. One person said that they had seen some improvement in their condition after treatment but it had not worked as well as they had hoped, although the doctor had warned them that their expectations may not be met. All of the people we spoke to said that they would recommend the clinic to friends or relatives, with one person adding 'I would tick excellent on every box'