Archived: Woodberry Grove Residential Care Home

91 Wellington Road, Bush Hill Park, Enfield, Middlesex, EN1 2PW (020) 8360 2214

Provided and run by:
Hapee Care Limited

All Inspections

21 October 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

There were three people at the home all of whom have low to moderate dependency needs. There were no people remaining at the home who had high dependency levels, could not weight bare or who had been assessed as being at high risk of developing pressure ulcers.

We were able to speak with all three people who remained at the home. Other people who used the service had left the home and there were currently twenty four vacancies.

We asked the three people who were currently using the service what they thought about the care and treatment they received. They responded positively and said they felt supported by the staff team and the newly appointed manager. One person commented, 'Everything is marvellous'. Another person told us, 'They do everything they should'.

We observed that the way staff were supporting people in the home had a positive effect on their well being. Staff we interviewed had a good understanding of the needs of the people they supported.

All the three people who currently use the service told us they were happy with the food provided at the home. One person told us there was always plenty to eat. During both our visits we saw that people were having their lunch together in the dining room. This appeared a relaxed and unhurried experience.

People told us that they were satisfied with the way the home accessed outside healthcare professionals such as doctors, chiropodists and dentists.

One person commented that when she was ill recently the manager had called the doctor to come and see her without delay.

People who use the service indicated that they were happy with the staff who supported them. We observed friendly and supportive interactions between staff and the three remaining people using the service.

People who use the service confirmed that the staff ask them how things are going and if they are happy with the care provided at Woodberry Grove.

People told us that they were happy with the care they receive at the home. One person commented, 'they are all quite nice here'.

11 August 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

People who use the service told us they were generally satisfied with the care they received at the home, however relatives had mixed views about care provision. One relative gave us examples of how staff were not always following care plans and risk assessments.

Staff we interviewed were not always able to tell us about the individual care needs of people who use the service. Some staff told us they had only been able to read a person's care plan once.

Some staff were not able to tell us about the risks identified for people in relation to pressure care and moving and handling. This means that people who use the service are not always having all their care needs met by the staff at the home.

People who use the service told us they were satisfied with the food provided at the home. We observed that where people had swallowing problems and needed their meals liquidised, their meals were now being liquidised into separate components such as meat and vegetables.

We observed staff assisting people to eat their meals however staff were not sitting with individuals and were instead moving between people and standing over them to help them eat.

Some relatives of the people who use the service told us that access to outside health care professionals was not always being organised by the service in a timely manner.

We found that there was often an unnecessary delay by the service in obtaining professional advice and assessments by other health care professionals.

We observed medicines being administered to four people who lived at the home and saw that they were given with patience and with explanation. No people were able to self-administer themselves but the home did have procedures in place if they were assessed as able to do so.

People who use the service were positive about the care staff who supported them.

Staff were observed supporting people with respect and kindness. However we saw that staff were not always following peoples' care plan and were not always receiving adequate directions from the management of the service.

Some relatives expressed concern about the safety of people using the service as they said that staff were not always ensuring peoples' needs were being met.

The organisation was not always ensuring that potentially unsafe practices were being identified and addressed which left people at risk of receiving unsafe or inappropriate care.

20 June 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

People who use the service and relatives we spoke with were generally positive about the care provided by the staff.

Comments included, 'They seem to know what they're doing', 'The staff are fantastic. It's a friendly place' and 'The staff are very good'.

Relatives told us that the home keeps them updated about health issues and any accidents or incidents that may have occurred. Relatives gave us examples of where the home had contacted them because a person had a fall or a bruise was discovered. They said they were satisfied with the way the home communicated with them.

24 May 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

A number of people who use the service have advanced dementia and can have communication difficulties. Because of this we spent time observing people who use the service to see what effect the environment and staff interactions had on peoples' wellbeing. People who use the service told us they were generally satisfied with the care they receive at the home. One person told us that staff are aware of her preferences in relation to getting up in the mornings and what time they like to go to bed in the evening.

All the people who use the service were appropriately dressed in clean clothes which enhanced their dignity. We observed care staff supporting people in a friendly and polite manner. A person who uses the service commented, 'They have been rather nice actually'.

Care professionals we spoke with told us they had concerns about the lack of information in care plans and risk assessments.

People who use the service had mixed views about the quality of meals provided by the service. A person commented, 'I get fed. I'm happy with the food'. Another person told us, 'The tea's not very good.

During lunch we observed that people with swallowing problems had their meals liquidised together. This did not look appetising and did not give people the choice of what part of the meal they would like to eat.

People who use the service had mixed views about the staffing levels at the home. Comments about staffing levels included, 'Staff do what they can', 'Staff are helpful', 'They are kind and understanding' and 'There's not enough staff'.

Relatives also expressed their concern about staffing levels in the home and gave examples of problems at meal times and with the provision of activities.

People who use the service told us they had no complaints about the service but knew who to contact if they did have any concerns.

Some relatives expressed concern that the management of the service were not always open to concerns or complaints they raised.

24 November 2010

During a routine inspection

People we spoke with were very positive about the support and care they receive at the home. They told us that staff were kind and polite. Comments included, 'They treat me well', 'This is my home', 'They just seem to be happy', 'I'm well looked after' and 'I get on alright with them'.

People told us they were generally satisfied with the food at the home. Comments included, 'the food is perfectly good', 'I'm satisfied', 'They ask you a lot about food' and 'it varies'. Other comments about the service included, 'They get you up a bit early', 'I've no complaints', 'it's a nice place', I'm satisfied with my room', and 'I have confidence in the staff. I trust them'.

People told us they felt safe in the home and knew how to make a complaint if they needed to. People told us they thought the environment was warm, clean and well maintained. People said they liked their rooms and one person commented, 'The bed is comfortable'.