• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Corben Lodge

Moorings Way, Milton, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO4 8QW (023) 9273 1941

Provided and run by:
Portsmouth City Council

All Inspections

16 May 2013

During a routine inspection

People we spoke with at Corben Lodge were happy with the service they received. They told us staff always treated them with respect. They told us their consent was always obtained before any care or treatment was received. People told us they were involved and included in making decisions regarding the way Corben Lodge was run.

People told us they were well cared for and involved in a wide range of activities within the home and the community.

The environment of the home was clean and well furnished. People had access to large and small communal rooms. People had personalised their bedrooms.

From records seen we were able to establish all staff had appropriate recruitment checks undertaken on them before they started to work to ensure the safety of people was not put at risk.

The manager had systems in place to ensure the quality of the service was monitored and improved if necessary.

18 June 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with ten people who were either on a short stay, which could include people who had been in the home for over a year and people who lived at Corben Lodge. All were positive about their experiences of living at the home. We were told the home offered them choice, independence and support. People told us they could spend their time how they wished; some people still drove their car whilst others told us they enjoyed accessing the community when they wanted. Seven people told us they preferred spending time within the home. People told us the staff in the home worked hard and would always be there if they needed them. People told us they knew the staff and they would be comfortable discussing any concerns or complaints they had with them.