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  • Care home

Archived: Holly House Residential Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

79-83 London Road, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN15 7PH (01536) 414319

Provided and run by:
Banesh Bhatoolall

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

18 May 2017

During a routine inspection

Holly House Residential Home accommodates and cares for up to 26 older persons with a range of mainly age related dependencies, including people with dementia care needs. There were 17 people in residence when we inspected, two of whom were in hospital. At the last inspection in March 2015 the service was rated ‘Good’. At this inspection we found that the service remained ‘Good’.

A registered manager was in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social care Act 2008 and associated regulations about how the service is run.

People continued to be kept safe by sufficient numbers of appropriately recruited staff that had the skills and training they needed to do their job competently.

People were encouraged and enabled to make choices about their care. Decisions made by staff that affected the care and treatment of people that lacked capacity were implemented in the least restrictive way and in the person’s best interest.

People continued to be treated with dignity and their individuality was respected. Their needs were met in a timely way by a conscientious and compassionate staff team.

People were safeguarded from harm and poor practice. Risks associated with people’s capabilities to do what they could for themselves were assessed, reviewed, and acted upon to minimise the likelihood of accidents.

People’s medicines were appropriately and safely managed. People received timely treatment from other community based healthcare professionals when this was necessary. People were supported to maintain good health and nutrition.

People continued to be cared for by staff that had access to the support, supervision, and training they needed to work effectively in their roles. There continued to be good leadership with regard to the management of the home.

27 & 30 March 2015

During a routine inspection

This unannounced inspection took place over two days on the 27 and 30 March 2015.

Holly House Residential Home provides accommodation for up to for up to 26 older people who require care. There were 12 people in residence during this inspection, most of whom had dementia care needs.

A registered manager was in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social care Act 2008 and associated regulations about how the service is run.

People were protected from unsafe care. There were robust recruitment procedures in place that protected people from being cared for by staff that were unsuited to the job. Sufficient numbers of trained and experienced staff were deployed to meet people’s needs. People’s rights were protected.

Care staff were attentive and responded in a timely way to people who needed their care and support. They understood their duties and carried them out effectively. Their manner was friendly and they encouraged people to retain as much independence as their capabilities allowed. There were entertaining activities to stimulate people’s interest.

People’s care plans reflected their individuality and needs were regularly reviewed. People’s healthcare needs were met. They had access to a wide range of community based health professionals. Community based healthcare professionals were appropriately consulted, and their advice and prescribed treatments acted upon, to help sustain people’s health and wellbeing.

People ate and drank enough to help keep them well. They were supported to maintain a balanced and varied diet. People enjoyed their meals and there was variety of foods to suit people’s tastes and nutritional needs.

Medicines were safety stored and dispensed and there were suitable arrangements for the disposal of discontinued medicines.

The provider had systems in place to monitor the quality of the service. Care staff listened to and acted upon what people said, including the views of people’s relatives or other representatives. Complaints were appropriately investigated and action was taken to make improvements to the service when this was found to be necessary.

3 July 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with three people who used the service. One person told us, "I'm well looked after here. When I told staff I was not feeling well they called a doctor to come and see me. The staff help me wash. I'm comfortable with how staff help me. There is enough here to keep me interested." Another person told us, "I'm happy here. I like it here because the people are nice. I do things that interest me." The third person we spoke with told us, "I like it here because of the help I get. The staff are very good. They know how they should help me. There is enough here to keep me occupied."

A relative of another person who used the service told us, "The family looked at a few homes and were impressed by this one. The home let me know when my mother had a fall. There is nothing I'm not satisfied about. The staff try to get my mother to do activities, but she has no interest." They added, "I'm confident that the home listens to people. They acted straightaway when I raised an issue."

In a recent survey relatives had provided feedback about the service. Comments included, `They [staff] do a difficult job very well' and `excellent care, good food, happy friendly service.' Care workers we spoke with demonstrated a good understanding of dementia and how to support people with dementia. People's care and support plans had been regularly reviewed.

The provider involved relatives in decisions about people's care and support and acted on their feedback.

24 October 2012

During a routine inspection

We did not speak to people who used the service because most of the people were unable to talk with us. However we used the Short Observational Framework for Inspection (SOFI). SOFI is a specific way of observing care to help us understand the

experience of people who could not talk with us.

We observed that staff had been attentive to people's needs. Staff had encouraged people to be as independent as possible when supporting them at meal times and with their mobility. Staff referred to people by their first name and spoke in a friendly and reassuring manner, offered encouragement and praise. People relaxed and interacted with staff and other people who used the service.

A relative of a person who used the service told us that they were confident that their mother had been well looked after. They described the care as "very good" and said that "staff were friendly and compassionate." They had been involved in discussions about told their mother's care and knew how they could raise any concerns with staff and the home's manager.

Two health professionals who told us they visited the home regularly told us, "The quality of care is good. Staff are excellent with people. People's personal care and hygiene needs had been met."

We found that the home was meeting the essential standards of quality and safety.

27 March 2012

During a routine inspection

There were 19 people living at the service when we visited on 26 March 2012. We spoke with two people living at Holly House, one relative and two members of staff to ask for their comments. We spent some time in communal areas of the home with people, observing and assessing the quality of support they received.

When asked about the home, a relative said that their family member was, 'very well cared for'. People living at Holly House we spoke with said that they were supported well by staff. One person said staff were,'quite helpful' and she didn't have to wait long for staff to come to support her. Another person when asked what they thought of the home said, 'I like it'.