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Archived: ExtraCare Charitable Trust The Rose Garden

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Ledbury Road, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR1 2TR (01432) 363000

Provided and run by:
The ExtraCare Charitable Trust

Latest inspection summary

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Background to this inspection

Updated 12 January 2016

We carried out this inspection under Section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 as part of our regulatory functions. This inspection was planned to check whether the provider is meeting the legal requirements and regulations associated with the Health and Social Care Act 2008, to look at the overall quality of the service, and to provide a rating for the service under the Care Act 2014.

This was an announced inspection which took place on 26 October 2015 by an inspector and the provider was given 48 hours’ notice. This was so that they could make staff and people were available to speak with us.

We looked at the information we held about the provider and this service, such as incidents, unexpected deaths or injuries to people receiving care, this also included any statutory notifications and enquiries relating to the service. Statutory notifications include information about important events which the provider is required to send us.

As part of our planning for the inspections we asked the local authority if they had any information to share with us about the care provided by the service. They told us they had no current concerns about the service.

We spoke with six people who used the service, one relative, three care staff, two team leaders and the registered manager.

We looked at the risk assessments and specific care plans care records for five people, four staff files and looked at records relevant to the quality monitoring of the service.

Overall inspection


Updated 12 January 2016

This inspection was carried out on 26 October 2015.

The Rose Garden is registered with us to provide personal care and support for people who live in their own flats within the premises at the Rose Garden. At the time of our inspection 39 people received care and support from this service.

There a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

The inspection took place on 26 October 2015. We gave the provider 48 hours’ notice of our visit so that they could arrange for people and staff to be available to talk with us about the service.

People said that they felt safe at The Rose Garden and received support from staff who were kind, caring and always respectful towards them. Staff understood how to protect people from abuse and received regular training around how to keep people safe. Staff were not recruited until checks had been made to make sure they were suitable to work with the people that used the service.

People told us that the staff and management were approachable and if they had any concerns they would be listened to.

People said that there were enough staff to meet their needs, including the support they needed with their medicines. People said that staff holidays or sickness were covered by other staff to make sure that they had consistent support.

People told us that they felt staff had the skills and knowledge to provide the right support for their needs. We found that staff were trainined and supported to safely and effectively deliver the care and support that people needed. People’s care records contained the relevant information for staff to follow to manage risks appropriately and identify people’s health needs and how to provide the personalised care people required. Staff told us that these care plans and risk assessments were clear and updated quickly if people’s needs changed.

People we spoke with were positive about the care that they received. They told us staff were kind and caring and treated them with dignity and respect People told us they found the staff and management approachable, willing to listen to their views and opinions. They said that if they had any concerns they were able to speak with the registered manager.

People told us that they were involved in the care and support that they received. People were given choice and their wishes respected by staff. Staff and the registered manager understood the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) and told us that they always ensured that people’s rights to make choices were respected.

People told us that staff were quick to respond when a person was unwell. People were supported to access other health professionals when needed.

People told us that staff helped them prepare meals or attend the restaurant when needed. There were a choice of nutritious options available. People told us that they received support from staff to access activities and facilities at the Rose Garden. This included a programme of entertainment and activities as well as access to other facilities such as a gym and a Jacuzzi.

The provider and registered manager had systems to measure the safety and quality of the service. Checks and audits were completed regularly to make sure that good standards of care were maintained. Regular meetings with the people between the people that lived there and the registered manager made sure that feedback was gathered and acted upon.