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  • Homecare service

Everycare Midsussex

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

191-193 London Road, Burgess Hill, RH15 9RN (01444) 244770

Provided and run by:
Cura Muneris Limited

Report from 5 December 2023 assessment

On this page



Updated 12 January 2024

Safeguarding systems, processes and practices were effective to help ensure people were protected from the risk of abuse and neglect. The service had a balanced and proportionate approach to risk that empowered people and respected the choices they made about their care. Safe recruitment practices helped ensure all staff, were suitably experienced, competent, and able to carry out their role. There were appropriate staffing levels and skill mix to make sure people received consistently safe, good quality care that was person centred. Staff received training that were relevant to their roles and responsibilities. They were supported by the registered manager and colleagues. This included supervision, support to personally develop and improve services. People were supported to take risks balanced on their safety and their needs. People's capacity had been considered when such choices had been made and their right to take informed risks was respected. Managers and staff shared a positive, person-centred approach to the management of risk and spoke of good examples where extensive work, and support had enabled a person to be as independent as possible, whilst respecting there may be a degree of risk. This included supporting a person with increased mobility risks. Managers and staff had worked with health professionals to encourage the person to understand the risks and consider utilising support and equipment.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Learning culture

Score: 3

We did not look at Learning culture during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Score: 3

We did not look at Safe systems, pathways and transitions during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.


Score: 3

Effective systems were in place to manage safeguarding risks. Policies and procedures were available, and staff had attended safeguarding training updates to refresh their knowledge and understanding. The registered manager and staff recognised their responsibilities and duty of care to raise safeguarding concerns when they suspected an incident or event that may constitute abuse. They notified the relevant agencies including the local authority, CQC and the police. People’s capacity to make decisions was assessed. Assessments were discussed with relevant parties and outcomes recorded. Safeguarding processes had ensured allegations were managed safely. Potential incidents were reported to local authority, fully investigated and notified to CQC.

People and relatives told us they were confident Everycare Midsussex provided support to them and their loved ones safely. One relative said, “I'm confident [loved one] is safe with them”. People we spoke with were clear about what they would do if they did have concerns about their safety, who they would talk to and their expectation of how the registered manager would deal with any concerns. One person told us, "I am very happy with them, if not I can ring the office and speak to the managers. I feel comfortable to speak to the staff if there is anything that needs changing”.

The manager was clear on their safeguarding responsibilities. Statutory notifications had been submitted to CQC and the local authority alerted to any potential safeguarding incidents. The registered manager had worked at the service for many years, they and staff understood their safeguarding responsibilities. Staff were knowledgeable about safeguarding processes and when to escalate incidents. One staff member said, “If I thought someone was being neglected or was concerned about their welfare or anything unusual, I would report it.” Staff took every precaution to help keep people from unnecessary harm. They ensured people were happy and felt safe before leaving their home, one staff member said, “Sometimes people might need extra help I make sure the person feels safe before I leave them”.

Involving people to manage risks

Score: 3

The manager understood the needs of people the service supported. Management ensured that risks to people were regularly reviewed, and guidance updated if needed. Staff had a good understanding about risks to the people they supported. For example, some people had been assessed at risk of falls. Staff spoke confidently about the support people needed. One staff member told us, “Regarding falls, we report to the manager and if needed they take action to support the person to contact health professionals.”

Care plans contained assessments to identify risks and keep people safe, for example, moving and handling assessments. Risk assessments were detailed, person centred and provided detailed guidance that supported staff to manage risk appropriately. Processes and systems such as care records were available to staff via their mobile devices which helped to that ensure risks were managed safely and were effective in enhancing people’s lives. Changes to care and risk plans were communicated in a timely manner via this system, this ensured staff responded effectively to changes in a person's support requirements. Written accident and incident documentation were comprehensive. There was evidence of learning from incidents and changes were implemented. Regular audits helped staff identify trends to avoid further recurrences.

People told us they were involved and in control of managing risk. One person said, “I talk to them about any new equipment I've got. I'm safe and confident in the carers.” Another said, “I feel completely safe and staff know what they're doing.”

Safe environments

Score: 3

We did not look at Safe environments during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.

Safe and effective staffing

Score: 3

The provider completed appropriate police and criminal records checks, right to work checks were in place and employment references were obtained and verified. Staff received training to carry out their roles. The training records we reviewed during our assessment confirmed this. Staff completed a wide range of core training, including Safeguarding, First Aid, Equality and Diversity, Health and Safety and Manual Handling. The provider had a full and structured induction process in place for new staff. New staff worked towards achieving the Care Certificate during their induction period. Staff underwent regular spot checks of practice where topics including medication competency and moving and handling practices were reviewed. Staffing rotas that we reviewed confirmed that enough staff available for support calls. Managers and staff told us weekly check in calls with people provided opportunities to provide feedback on the service and ensured the staffing plans were clear.

People were supported by staff who felt confident and competent to assist and care for people. The registered manager ensured staff were equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to meet people’s needs. Staff confirmed the training they received was effective. Staff who had recently completed the provider’s induction told us the process prepared them to work independently. The registered manager told us new staff worked shadow shifts alongside a more experienced staff member to develop their knowledge and confidence. Staff consistently spoke positively about the training and support available to them. One staff member commented on how they were supported working towards a qualification and told us, "Everycare are doing really well, if there's something I need they’re there for me”.

People told us how staff had supported them safely and appreciated how Everycare Midsussex had responded promptly when they have requested emergency support. One person told us, “They are helpful in emergency situations for example, My [primary carer was unwell] and I contacted them on the Saturday and Everycare managed to sort out a care rota by the Sunday, otherwise I might have had to go into care or hospital. I really appreciated it.” People and relatives spoke positively about the skills and competence of staff. One relative told us, “[Loved one] has bonded with regular carers, [the managers] nominate a principal carer and try to fix it so that person comes regularly when available. Staff have the right skills and training”. People were confident in how changes to staffing arrangements were communicated. One person said, “It's a very good agency. If there's some delays they would ring and let me know, sometimes there might be a longer delay then they arrange for someone else to come”.

Infection prevention and control

Score: 3

We did not look at Infection prevention and control during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.

Medicines optimisation

Score: 3

We did not look at Medicines optimisation during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.