A quick guide to our consultation on guidance for services

Published: 8 August 2014 Page last updated: 3 November 2022

Want to get your head around our consultation on the guidance we’ve produced to help services meet new fundamental standards? Download our new guide to help you understand what we want your feedback on and how to get involved.

Quick guide: Consultation on our guidance for providers on meeting the fundamental standards and our enforcement powers

What are we consulting on?

We want your feedback on the guidance we plan to produce for health and social care services.

The guidance sets:

  • how they can meet the new regulations.
  • how we will use our enforcement powers to take action.

What’s in the guide?

The new regulations

The quick guide tells you about the 11 new regulations that set out the fundamental standards.

These regulations are:

  1. Person-centred care
  2. Dignity and respect
  3. Need for consent
  4. Safe care and treatment
  5. Safeguarding service users from abuse
  6. Meeting nutritional needs
  7. Cleanliness, safety and suitability of premises and equipment
  8. Receiving and acting on complaints
  9. Good governance
  10. Staffing
  11. Fit and proper persons employed

There are also two brand new regulations…

Duty of candour and fit and proper person requirement for directors are two new regulations that services must meet.

Duty of candour

The duty of candour says what services must do to make sure they are open and honest with people when something goes wrong with their care and treatment.

Fit and proper person requirement for directors

The fit and proper person requirement for directors makes it clear that directors and people in positions of authority are personally responsible for the overall care provided.

Get the guide

Download the guidance below.

Quick guide: Consultation on our guidance for providers on meeting the fundamental standards and our enforcement powers