Response to the interim findings of the Dash review into CQC's operational effectiveness

Published: 26 July 2024 Page last updated: 13 January 2025

The interim findings of the review of our operational effectiveness led by Dr Penelope Dash have been published this morning.

In response, Kate Terroni, our interim chief executive, said: "We accept in full the findings and recommendations in this interim review, which identifies clear areas where improvement is urgently needed. Many of these align with areas we have prioritised as part of our work to restore trust with the public and providers by listening better, working together more collaboratively and being honest about what we’ve got wrong. We are working at pace and in consultation with our stakeholders to rebuild that trust and become the strong, credible, and effective regulator of health and care services that the public and providers need and deserve.

"Work is underway to improve how we're using our new regulatory approach. We’ve committed to increasing the number of inspections we are doing so that the public have an up-to-date understanding of quality and providers are able to demonstrate improvement.

"We’re increasing the number of people working in registration so we can improve waiting times. We’re working to fix and improve our provider portal, and this time we’ll be listening to providers and to our colleagues about the improvements that are needed and how we can design solutions together. We’ll be working with people who use services and providers to develop a shared definition of what good care looks like. And we’re also developing a new approach to relationship management that enables a closer and more consistent contact point for providers.

"Additionally, to strengthen our senior level healthcare expertise, we have appointed Professor Sir Mike Richards to conduct a targeted review of how the single assessment framework is currently working for NHS trusts and where we can make improvements. Sir Mike’s career as a senior clinician, and a distinguished leader of high-profile national reviews, as well as his direct experience of driving improvement through regulation, make him uniquely placed to conduct this work."

Read the findings in full

The interim findings of the review have been published on GOV.UK.