NSPCC to encourage children and teenagers to share their care experiences

Published: 1 December 2015 Page last updated: 12 May 2022

We have launched a six-month partnership with NSPCC and its free, 24-hour counselling service, ChildLine, as part of our commitment and efforts to listen to and act on even more people's experiences of care.

This latest 'tell us about your care' partnership is one of seven projects we currently have with national organisations that are in a unique position to reach, and be reached, by people who may choose to discuss concerns about the way they are receiving health and adult social care or to identify examples of best practice.

The pilot project with the NSPCC adds to partnerships we already have with Action Against Medical Accidents (AvMA), Age UK, Carers UK, Mind, The Patients Association, and The Relatives and Residents Association. Our partners work on our behalf to gather and submit regular feedback to us which then acts as vital intelligence to help inform where, when and what we inspect.

Chris Day, Director of Engagement at the Care Quality Commission, said:

"It is great to have ChildLine and the NSPCC working with us. Children and young people have a great deal of experience using care services and have opinions of how they have been cared for by in their general practices, dental surgeries, hospitals and other services, which need to be listened to and acted upon. NSPCC and ChildLine can assist us to reach out to young people who may have information that can help us take action against poor care and celebrate great services.

"Through our 'tell us about your care' partnerships, anyone can share their views and concerns about services. We use this information so we can make sure people get safe, effective, compassionate and high-quality health and adult social care they deserve and that we expect."

You can learn more about sharing your care experiences here.

You can also follow us on Twitter @CareQualityComm #SharewithCQC.