Give us your views on the future of quality regulation

Published: 28 October 2015 Page last updated: 12 May 2022

Today we’ve published a discussion paper that sets out our thinking about some of the choices we face in developing our strategy in response to the rapidly changing health and social care sector – and in ensuring people continue to receive safe, high-quality and compassionate care.

In Building on strong foundations, we ask for your views on how regulation can develop ahead of the next stage of consultation on our new strategy in January 2016.

Two years ago, we set out our strategy, A Fresh Start, which made fundamental changes to the way we regulate. These changes have resulted in a more robust way of inspecting and rating providers, which is providing the most comprehensive insight ever into the quality of health and social care and increased transparency for people who use services.

With our strategy for the next five years (2016-21), we will develop the way we regulate health and adult social care in England based on what we have learned from inspections and as new ‘models of care’ develop, which seek to dissolve the traditional boundaries between primary, community, hospital and social care so that they are structured around people’s needs and experiences.

The paper also considers the development of an assessment of how NHS hospitals use their resources. This additional assessment is being developed at the Government’s request and could sit alongside CQC’s quality rating.

David Behan, Chief Executive of the Care Quality Commission, said: "Our next strategy will set out the case for developing our approach – building on the strong foundations we now have in place.

"Since April, we have engaged over 700 members of staff and stakeholders about the future direction of regulation. We will make our current model more efficient and effective by being more risk-based and proportionate; we will also look at the quality of care in a geographical area and across pathways of care.

"Regulation alone cannot drive improvement but it has a crucial role to play alongside the role of commissioners, providers and professionals. This document sets out our thinking about how working with others we can further contribute to the improvement of the quality and safety of health and care in England."

We are encouraging comments on our discussion paper until 22 November, ahead of a consultation on our next strategy in January 2016.

Share your feedback

We want your views on the development of our new strategy:

Building on strong foundations

Hospital inspections next phase