Livability Brookside House rated Outstanding by CQC

Published: 9 September 2019 Page last updated: 9 September 2019

A Barnet care service has been rated Outstanding overall by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

The residential care home, providing accommodation and personal care for up to 24

people living with physical disabilities, sensory impairment and learning disabilities, was rated Outstanding for being caring, responsive and well-led. It was being rated as Good for being safe and effective.

Inspectors received exceptionally positive feedback from people and relatives regarding the overall caring and compassionate nature of staff and the management team. One person said: “The staff are kind and helpful. They have helped make this my home." Another person said: "I get on well with the staff."

It was clear the staff and management team were extremely dedicated and passionate about people. Staff had developed warm relationships with people and their families. One staff member said: "Listening to their needs is so important. To have empathy for their situation; the more empathy the better trust, so people open up and share more."

Inspectors heard that staff had supported two people to get married. A relative said: "The Registered Manager phoned me and said they had got engaged and were getting married in six weeks. On the day they got married, some staff came in on their day off to do hair etc. They made the day for them."

On the day CQC inspected, another person had been supported by staff to travel on the tube for the first time to meet a celebrity after they won the opportunity in a competition run by the provider. Inspectors saw that they had enjoyed their trip immensely.

One person's care plan noted that they experienced foot pain and were awaiting a podiatry appointment. As an interim measure, staff introduced a 15-minute foot massage nightly before bed to assist with circulation, pain and relaxation.

Feedback included, "The best thing is the trips" and "I liked many of the activities in the home and the trips and outside visits." A relative said: "The activities! Lots of things happen."

The leadership of the home was exceptional. CQC found the registered manager and provider shared a clear vision and very strong values. They led by example and were passionately committed to providing exceptional individualised care and support to people. A staff member said: "We try to be resident led."

The management team kept an overview of complaints, accidents and incidents. We saw these were reviewed to ensure correct action had been taken and to identify any lessons that could be learned. People benefited from receiving a service that was exceptionally well organised and managed effectively.

A staff member said: "Managers are very supportive. The staff team is very good. We work as a team. People have fun here they love it."

Alison Murray, Head of Adult Social Care Inspection in London, said: “I am always delighted to see examples of Outstanding care and Livability Brookside House is no exception.

“From a wedding to a first journey on the London Underground, staff went out of their way to improve the lives of those in their care and they deserve lots of praise for that.”

You can read the report in full by clicking on


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The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and social care in England.

We make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage care services to improve.

We monitor, inspect and regulate services to make sure they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety and we publish what we find to help people choose care.