CQC finds improvements after progress check at Humber NHS Foundation Trust

Published: 17 February 2017 Page last updated: 12 May 2022

England's Chief Inspector of Hospitals has found improvements at Humber NHS Foundation Trust following its latest inspection.

The CQC had previously inspected the trust’s acute mental health wards for adults of working age and psychiatric intensive care units in in April 2016. At the time inspectors found that significant improvements were needed and issued the trust with a Warning Notice.

This latest unannounced inspection took place in December 2016 to check if the trust had made the required improvements. Although further improvements are still required, CQC has now withdrawn the warning notice.   

You can read the full report on our website.

Dr Paul Lelliott, the Deputy Chief Inspector of Hospitals (and CQC lead for mental health), said:

“At our previous inspection in April last year, we issued Humber NHS Foundation Trust with a Warning Notice to ensure they addressed poor practice in respect of rapid tranquilisation, inadequate life support training for some staff and length of time that some patients were kept in seclusion."

“During this most recent inspection, we examined how far the trust has gone to address the issues which we identified in the Warning Notice. We found sufficient improvement to allow us to withdraw the Warning Notice."

“The trust has made a detailed and candid analysis of their current position, and developed an ongoing action plan for improvement. The trust should continue to focus on implementing their action plan and I hope to be able to report on further improvements after our next follow up inspection.”

Areas where the trust has been told they must continue to improve include:

  • The trust must ensure that physical health monitoring is carried out in line with the trust policy, following the use of rapid tranquilisation.
  • The trust must ensure that all qualified staff are up to date with immediate life support training.
  • The trust must ensure that clinicians carry out reviews for patients in seclusion within the timeframes specified in their policy.
  • The trust must ensure seclusion ends at the earliest opportunity.


For further information please contact CQC Regional Engagement Officer Kerri James by email kerri.james@cqc.org.uk or by phone on 07464 92 9966. 

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