The Care Quality Commission has found the quality of care provided by Excel Support Services Limited-South East Bracknell as Outstanding

Published: 12 May 2016 Page last updated: 12 May 2022

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has found the quality of care provided by Excel Support Services Limited – South East Bracknell, Berkshire, to be Outstanding following an inspection in March 2016.

Under CQC’s programme of inspections, all adult social care services are being given a rating according to whether they are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led.

The service located at Lime Walk, Bracknell in Berkshire, serves 77 people in 51 premises, offers a supported living service to people with learning and other difficulties which impact on their ability to live independently.

Inspectors rated Excel Support Services Limited-South East, Outstanding for Safe and Caring, Good for Effective, Responsive to people’s needs and Well-led with an overall rating of Outstanding.

A full report of the inspection, which details inspectors’ findings and highlights the areas where improvements must be made, has been published today at:

Deborah Ivanova, Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, said:

“We found that Excel Support Services Limited-South East was providing an outstanding service to the people it supported, individuals were encouraged to be part of their community and the team there should be extremely proud of the work they do.

“We were struck by the extent to which the service places the people it supports at the heart of everything it does. While this should be standard practice across the sector, we do not see it often enough – and this, amongst other good practice found, is why this service deserves the outstanding rating which has been awarded.

"The manager and all of the staff deserve the credit for this Outstanding service."

The report highlights a number of areas of outstanding practice, including:

Excel Support Services Limited-South East provided an exceptional model of care. The service aims to support and encourage people to become independent, with only as much intervention from care staff as necessary.

The staff understood how to keep people, staff and others safe and positively supported people to learn how to keep themselves safe. Effective recruitment meant that the chosen staff were suitable and safe to work with vulnerable people. Risk of harm was identified and action was taken to ensure safety of people and staff.

People were supported by well trained, committed staff that were exceptional at equipping people to attain independence and communication skills. The service demonstrated inclusivity that resulted in excellent outcomes; it helped people build their confidence and ensured that diversity was recognised and they were treated with respect and dignity at all times. Staff provided the necessary support networks to encourage people to be part of the community and experienced a wide range of activities, including attending work and college.


For further information please contact CQC Regional Engagement Officer Farrah Chandra on 07917 594 574 or, for media enquiries, call the press office on 020 7448 9401 during office hours. Journalists wishing to speak to the press office outside of office hours can find out how to contact the team here. (Please note: the duty press officer is unable to advise members of the public on health or social care matters).

For general enquiries, please call 03000 61 61 61

Find out more

Read reports from our checks on the standards at Excel Support Services Limited - South East

About the Care Quality Commission

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and social care in England.

We make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage care services to improve.

We monitor, inspect and regulate services to make sure they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety and we publish what we find to help people choose care.