• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Hyde Road

7 Hyde Road, Gillingham, Dorset, SP8 4BX (01747) 822241

Provided and run by:

All Inspections

11 December 2013

During a routine inspection

We found that people who use the service were supported well by staff and home management based at Mulberry Court, a nearby Scope care home. We spoke with the two people who use the service. They told us that staff understood their needs, and provided them with the level of support they wanted.

We saw that each person who uses the service had a detailed support plan which focussed on their abilities, wishes and choices. We saw that people had access to appropriate specialist advice and guidance. Records showed that when one person had made a decision not to follow the advice given, the decision had been recorded.

Records showed that the staff team had received safeguarding training and were aware of how and where to report any concerns. The people who use the service confirmed they knew who to talk to if they had any worries or concerns.

Records showed that the provider had followed the recruitment process appropriately. We saw that references had been obtained and appropriate criminal records checks had been completed. Staff had received an induction, and on-going training to ensure they were adequately trained to meet people's needs.

Processes were in place to monitor the quality of the service being provided. We saw that people's support plans had been reviewed regularly, and we were told that the manager met regularly with the people who use the service to discuss their long-term goals.

30 May 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with one of the two people who lived in the home. They received support to set and achieve goals around activities, independence and accessing the community. Talking about the staff, the person told us 'I know all of them well. They know exactly what's to be done'. Their support plan reflected what they told us.

The two people in the home went out together and separately, without staff support. They received a weekly allowance to go shopping for food. The person we spoke with showed us their mobility scooter and described making extensive use of it.

A member of staff attended at the home at arranged times to give specific support, such as assistance to prepare meals and oversee use of medicines. Most of the time, including overnight, there were no staff at the home, because the people living there had achieved a high level of independence. They took responsibility for keeping the house secure. They knew how to access additional support quickly if necessary. The person we spoke with said staff had a good understanding of the things each person found difficult as a result of mobility and sensory impairments.

Staff and home management were provided from a nearby Scope care home, Mulberry Court, where less independent people lived. The person we spoke with told us all the staff that came to the home knew the two people in the home very well and respected their independence and privacy.

The person we spoke with was clear about who they would go to with any concern. The manager told us people who lived in the home were referred to as 'customers'. She said people were encouraged to use the complaints procedure whenever they considered the service delivered less than they expected as a customer. The person we spoke with showed us that there was guidance in the home about how to make a complaint. They knew how to report defective appliances or furnishings and their experience was that such matters were quickly put right.