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  • Care home

Archived: Douglas Arter Centre

Odstock Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 4JL (01722) 320318

Provided and run by:

All Inspections

25 September 2013

During a routine inspection

We used a number of different methods to help us understand the experiences of people living at the Douglas Arter Centre, this was because they had complex needs, which meant that they were not all able to tell us their views.

Evidence indicated that people living in the home were positive about the support they received and suggested that they were consulted and involved in how they wished to live their lives.

We found that people's health and welfare needs were being met and that support given was individualised and person centred.

Evidence informed us that systems were in place to protect people from possible abuse and that staff had an awareness of safeguarding issues.

We found that staff were available in sufficient numbers and were experienced and knowledgable; ensuring that they were able to meet the needs of people living in the home.

We found the quality of the service was being monitored and that systems were in place to meet people's health, welfare and safety needs.

18 July 2012

During a routine inspection

We used a number of different methods to help us understand the experiences of people using the service, because the people using the service had complex needs which meant they were not able to tell us their experiences. We spoke to one relative about their experiences of the service.

During our visit we observed there was a good rapport between staff on duty and the people who lived at the home. People looked comfortable and relaxed in their environment. We saw staff involved people in their conversations. People took part in various activities throughout the day such as gardening, cooking, music and drama therapy.

Care plans covered all aspects of the person's life. We saw care plans were kept under review and staff signed to say they had read and understood the plans.

Staff members we spoke with demonstrated a good understanding of people's needs and how they were to be met.

One relative told us they were involved in their family members care. They said 'we do trust them'.