• Services in your home
  • Homecare service

Archived: Newcross Healthcare Solutions Limited (Truro)

1 Lemon Street, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 2LS (01872) 222525

Provided and run by:
Newcross Healthcare Solutions Limited

Important: This service is now registered at a different address - see new profile

All Inspections

3 December 2013

During a routine inspection

We visited the agency office and spoke with the registered manager, staff allocations officer, team leader, and the quality manager. We spoke to four people who used the service and five staff. People who received support from Newcross told us they were pleased with the care they received. One person told us 'I would recommend them unreservedly' and 'a very good service from really nice staff'. Other comments included 'they (staff) are very focussed and utterly professional', and 'very good care'.

We found people were asked for their consent before care and support was provided.

People's privacy and dignity was respected by staff when care and support was provided in peoples' homes.

We found people were protected from the risks associated with the use of equipment as Newcross had provided appropriate training and guidance for staff.

Newcross undertook appropriate recruitment checks before staff began working for the service


We saw records were stored securely and people's confidential information was protected at the agency office.

18, 20 March 2013

During a routine inspection

We inspected the agency office and spoke with two people who used the service and three staff members. People who used the service said they were pleased with the care and support provided by the agency. People said communication was good. They also said the service was excellent. One person said: 'The staff couldn't be faulted." Another person said:" The staff are committed and the service is absolutely fantastic."

We found people were given appropriate information and were involved in making decisions about their care and treatment. People told us staff treated them with respect and courtesy and that they were well cared for. One person said, "The care team are very polite and most helpful." We found that care was planned and delivered in a way that ensured people's safety and welfare.

Staff received professional development and the staff spoken with said they were well trained. They also said they were supported by their managers.

We saw the provider had systems in place to gather feedback from people, who used the service, and to regularly assess and monitor the quality of service people received.