Display your ratings: posters

Page last updated: 24 April 2024
Organisations we regulate


You can download and print posters showing your most up-to-date ratings. These posters include all the information you need to display.

You can find the correct posters for your service on your individual service page.

NHS trusts (for acute, ambulance and mental health services) will also have a provider-level poster on their provider page.

How to download posters and widgets from this website.

The posters must be clear and conspicuous. Print in colour and on A4 paper or larger.

If you share premises with other registered providers, you are each responsible for displaying your ratings when you are providing regulated activities to the public.

Assessments under our new approach

If your service is one of the first to have a report and rating published under our new single assessment framework, there will not be a PDF poster generated on your profile page. These will be added early in 2024.

Instead, we will provide a template for you to use to display your ratings at your premises. As before, you can choose to create your own posters so long as they include the necessary information and are as visible and clear as our posters.

Additional information for the public

You can promote your most recent ratings when you contact people who use your services, for example on letters or emails. If you are rated as good or outstanding, you can use our official promotional graphics to promote this to people using your service and the wider community.

As well as displaying ratings posters, think whether people who use your service will fully understand your ratings. You can display additional information alongside a poster, but not instead of it.

You can tell people how to find out about improvements or what you have changed since we published your ratings. Use the space we provide on our posters or put extra information next to the poster, but make sure it does not detract from it.

Creating posters

You can decide not to use CQC posters and create your own. They must be just as visible and clear as our posters.

If you create your own poster, our inspectors will compare it with the ones we produce to decide whether your ratings display meets the regulation.

See also