Culture of the organisation: requires improvement

Page last updated: 12 May 2022
Organisations we regulate

W3. Is there a culture of high-quality, sustainable care?

Characteristics of services we would rate as requires improvement in this area

Staff satisfaction is mixed. Improving the culture or staff satisfaction is not seen as a high priority. Staff do not always feel actively engaged or empowered. There are teams working in silos or management and clinicians do not always work cohesively. Staff do not always raise concerns or they are not always taken seriously, appropriately supported, or treated with respect when they do.

People do not always receive a timely apology when something goes wrong and are not consistently told about any actions taken to improve processes to prevent the same happening again.

Staff development is not always given sufficient priority. Appraisals take place inconsistently or are not of high quality. Equality and diversity are not consistently promoted and the causes of workforce inequality are not always identified or adequately addressed. Staff, including those with particular protected characteristics under the Equality Act, do not always feel they are treated equitably.