Culture of the organisation: code snippet for healthcare assessment framework

Page last updated: 12 May 2022

W3. Is there a culture of high-quality, sustainable care?

W3.1 Do staff feel supported, respected and valued?

W3.2 Is the culture centred on the needs and experience of people who use services?

W3.3 Do staff feel positive and proud to work in the organisation?

W3.4 Is action taken to address behaviour and performance that is inconsistent with the vision and values, regardless of seniority?

W3.5 Does the culture encourage openness and honesty at all levels within the organisation, including with people who use services, in response to incidents? Do leaders and staff understand the importance of staff being able to raise concerns without fear of retribution, and is appropriate learning and action taken as a result of concerns raised?

W3.6 Are there mechanisms for providing all staff at every level with the development they need, including high-quality appraisal and career development conversations?

W3.7 Is there a strong emphasis on the safety and wellbeing of staff?

W3.8 Are equality and diversity promoted within and beyond the organisation? Do all staff, including those with particular protected characteristics under the Equality Act, feel they are treated equitably?

W3.9 Are there cooperative, supportive and appreciative relationships among staff? Do staff and teams work collaboratively, share responsibility and resolve conflict quickly and constructively?