Person-centred care: inadequate

Page last updated: 12 May 2022
Organisations we regulate

R1. How do people receive personalised care that is responsive to their needs?

Characteristics of services we would rate as inadequate in this area

People are not involved in developing their care plan; their individual needs and circumstances are not taken into account.

Care records may be standardised with no evidence of individualised or person-centred care.

Staff do not understand or recognise people's needs based on their protected equality characteristics  or their values and beliefs, and do not take these into account when planning or providing care, treatment and support.

People's care needs are not regularly reviewed. Their care plans are out of date and do not sufficiently guide staff on their current care, treatment and support needs.

Training and development regarding human rights and diversity is either not provided or is inadequate.

The service does not meet people's individual needs in relation to maintaining interests and hobbies, maintaining relationships or contact with the community.

The service has not taken any steps to comply with the Accessible Information Standard to identify, record, flag, share and meet the information and communication needs of people with a disability or sensory loss.

Technology used by the service is not easy to use and does not support timely and responsive care and support. The way it is used may hinder staff and disadvantage people.