Judge finds rating review process fair, but identifies improvements to our factual accuracy procedure

Published: 24 August 2016 Page last updated: 12 May 2022

SPP Health Ltd is a GP provider in the North-West with approximately 40 locations. They requested a rating review of the location Seaforth Village Surgery.

As the request did not meet the grounds for review as set out in the Provider Handbook, CQC’s Rating Review Manager declined to consider the request. SSP was granted permission to seek a judicial review of this decision.

At the judicial review hearing before the High Court on 28 July 2016, SSP was permitted to advance a substantially different case, raising a challenge to a number of CQC’s pre- and post-publication processes.

In a judgment handed down on 12 August 2016, Mrs Justice Andrews does not find that CQC’s rating review process is unfair, nor that it was applied unfairly in this case. But she also identified a flaw in our factual accuracy process. She said that providers should have further assurance that an inspector’s refusal to make changes to matters of fact which can be easily verified would be subject to further scrutiny.

To avoid the risk of this approach being taken in the future, the Judge asks that CQC develop a further mechanism to ensure the factual accuracy process has been properly followed, which involves someone independent of the inspection, before a report is published. At present, this is partially undertaken by the inspection manager approving the final report, but there is a need to make what is included at this stage clearer.

Work was already underway to improve the factual accuracy form and guidance for all sectors which was facilitated by the business improvement team and agreed by sector continuous improvement groups. The requirements of this judgment have been reflected in the outcome of this work.

View the full judgement.

In a judgment handed down on 12 August 2016, Mrs Justice Andrews does not find that CQC’s rating review process is unfair, nor that it was applied unfairly in this case. She did identify the need for improvements which we had already planned to make.