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461.01999 l S 28.99001 483.84998 m 565.84998 483.84998 l S 28.99001 461.01999 m 565.84998 461.01999 l S 28.99001 367.87 m 565.84998 367.87 l S 30.07001 484.92999 m 30.07001 366.80002 l S 161.5 484.92999 m 161.5 366.80002 l S 564.77997 484.92999 m 564.77997 366.80002 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 467.66998 Tm (Name:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 165.48 467.66998 Tm (Denewood House Care Home)Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 444.84 Tm (Address:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 165.48 444.84 Tm (12-14 Denewood Road )Tj 1 0 0 1 165.48 427.25998 Tm (West Moors)Tj 1 0 0 1 165.48 409.67999 Tm (Ferndown)Tj 1 0 0 1 165.48 392.10001 Tm (Dorset)Tj 1 0 0 1 165.48 374.51999 Tm (BH22 0LX)Tj /C2_1 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 355.62 Tm <0003>Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 338.62 Tm <0003>Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 319.07999 m 358.94998 319.07999 l S 1 1 1 RG 361.20001 319.07999 m 565.90002 319.07999 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 330.5 m 568.10004 330.5 l S 28.99001 307.66998 m 568.10004 307.66998 l S 30.07001 331.57001 m 30.07001 306.59 l S 360.06998 331.57001 m 360.06998 306.59 l S 567.01996 331.57001 m 567.01996 306.59 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 314.31 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 314.31 Tm [(care home)21( is:)]TJ /TT0 12 Tf 82.882 0 Td [( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )]TJ /TT1 12 Tf 0 Tr 93.95398 0 Td (Tw)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (o)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star )Tj /TT0 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( service)Tj /C2_1 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 295.41 Tm <0003>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 276.35999 Tm (A quality rating is our assessment of how well a care home, agency or sc\ heme is )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 259.35999 Tm (meeting the needs of the people who use it.)Tj 1 0 0 1 295.20001 259.35999 Tm (\240 )Tj 1 0 0 1 303.64999 259.35999 Tm (We give a quality rating following a full )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 242.36 Tm (assessment of the service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 189.22 242.36 Tm (\240 )Tj 1 0 0 1 197.67 242.36 Tm (We call this a \221key\222 inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 225.36 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 207.87999 m 315.25 207.87999 l S 317.5 207.87999 m 565.90002 207.87999 l S 1 1 1 RG 317.5 185.05 m 346.54999 185.05 l S 348.80002 185.05 m 377.89999 185.05 l S 380.14999 185.05 m 409.20001 185.05 l S 411.44998 185.05 m 440.54999 185.05 l S 442.80002 185.05 m 471.89993 185.05 l S 474.14993 185.05 m 503.20001 185.05 l S 505.44998 185.05 m 534.54999 185.05 l S 536.79999 185.05 m 565.90002 185.05 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 196.45999 m 568.10004 196.45999 l S 28.99001 219.28998 m 568.10004 219.28998 l S 28.99001 196.45999 m 568.10004 196.45999 l S 28.99001 173.62999 m 568.10004 173.62999 l S 30.07001 220.37 m 30.07001 172.55 l S 316.37 220.37 m 316.37 172.55 l S 347.66998 197.53998 m 347.66998 172.55 l S 379.01999 197.53998 m 379.01999 172.55 l S 410.31998 197.53998 m 410.31998 172.55 l S 441.66998 197.53998 m 441.66998 172.55 l S 473.01999 197.53998 m 473.01999 172.55 l S 504.31998 197.53998 m 504.31998 172.55 l S 535.66998 197.53998 m 535.66998 172.55 l S 567.01996 220.37 m 567.01996 172.55 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 203.11 Tm (Lead inspector:)Tj 1 0 0 1 320.35001 203.11 Tm (Date:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 180.28 Tm (Gloria Ashwell)Tj 1 0 0 1 329.63 180.28 Tm (0)Tj 1 0 0 1 360.94998 180.28 Tm (8)Tj 1 0 0 1 392.28 180.28 Tm (0)Tj 1 0 0 1 423.60999 180.28 Tm (5)Tj 1 0 0 1 454.94998 180.28 Tm (2)Tj 1 0 0 1 486.28 180.28 Tm (0)Tj 1 0 0 1 517.60004 180.28 Tm (0)Tj 1 0 0 1 548.95996 180.28 Tm (9)Tj /C2_1 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 161.37999 Tm <0003>Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 144.37999 Tm <0003>Tj /C2_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 297.63998 127.38 Tm <0003>Tj 1 0 0 1 297.63998 115.31 Tm <0003>Tj 1 0 0 1 297.63998 103.24001 Tm <0003>Tj ET endstream endobj 1725 0 obj 5481 endobj 1726 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 35.56 m 566.92999 35.56 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.78999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 485.41998 30.78999 Tm (Page)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.95001 30.78999 Tm (2)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 523.58002 30.78999 Tm ( of )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 541.88 30.78999 Tm (26)Tj /C2_0 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 297.63998 803.64996 Tm <0003>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 787.02997 Tm (This is a report of an inspection where we looked at how well this )Tj 1 0 0 1 428.31998 787.02997 Tm (care home is meeting )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 769.52997 Tm (the needs of people who use it.)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.65999 769.52997 Tm (There is a summary of what we think this service does )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 752.02997 Tm (well, what they have improved on and, where it applies, what they need t\ o do better.)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 734.53998 Tm (We use the national minimum standards to describe the outcomes that peop\ le should )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 717.03998 Tm (experience.)Tj 1 0 0 1 106.61 717.03998 Tm (National minimum standards are written by the Department of Health for )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 699.53998 Tm (each type of care service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 679.54999 Tm (After the summary there is more detail about our findings. The following\ table explains )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 662.04999 Tm (what you will see under each outcome area.)Tj ET 22.69 653.87 m 572.14996 653.87 l S 22.69 320.22998 m 572.14996 320.22998 l S 22.7 653.87 m 22.7 320.22998 l S 572.14996 653.87 m 572.14996 320.22998 l S BT /T1_0 10 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 640.57001 Tm (Outcome area \(for example )Tj 1 0 0 1 173.59 640.57001 Tm (Choice of home\))Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 610.26996 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 216.34 610.26996 Tm (staying in care homes should experience.)Tj 1 0 0 1 435.78998 610.26996 Tm (They reflect the things )Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 598.12 Tm (that people have said are important to them:)Tj ET 1 0.9451 0.76077 RG 82.23 w 30.60001 533.38 m 562.45001 533.38 l S 1 1 1 RG 39.99001 w 29.47 513.38 m 563.57001 513.38 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 27.27 534.5 m 565.76996 534.5 l S 27.27 576.73999 m 565.76996 576.73999 l S 27.27 534.5 m 565.76996 534.5 l S 27.27 492.25998 m 565.76996 492.25998 l S 28.35001 577.82001 m 28.35001 491.17999 l S 564.70001 577.82001 m 564.70001 491.17999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.87 561.06 Tm (This box tells you the outcomes that we will always inspect against when\ we do a key )Tj 1 0 0 1 34.87 543.56 Tm (inspection)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 95.78 543.56 Tm (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.87 518.82001 Tm (This box tells you any additional outcomes that we may inspect against w\ hen we do a )Tj 1 0 0 1 34.87 501.31998 Tm (key inspection.)Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 10 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 461.81 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 131.31999 461.81 Tm (staying in this care home experience:)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 424.64999 Tm (Judgement:)Tj ET 1 0.9451 0.76077 RG 39.99001 w 30.60001 393.35001 m 562.45001 393.35001 l S 1 1 1 RG 29.47 394.47 m 563.57001 394.47 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 27.27 415.59 m 565.76996 415.59 l S 27.27 373.35001 m 565.76996 373.35001 l S 28.35001 416.66998 m 28.35001 372.26999 l S 564.70001 416.66998 m 564.70001 372.26999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.87 399.91 Tm (This box tells you our opinion of what we have looked at in this outcome\ area.)Tj 1 0 0 1 517.78998 399.91 Tm (We )Tj 1 0 0 1 34.87 382.41 Tm (will say whether it is excellent, good, adequate or poor.)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 356.53998 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET 1 0.9451 0.76077 RG 22.5 w 30.60001 333.97998 m 562.45001 333.97998 l S 1 1 1 RG 29.47 335.10999 m 563.57001 335.10999 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 27.27 347.47998 m 565.76996 347.47998 l S 27.27 322.72998 m 565.76996 322.72998 l S 28.35001 348.54999 m 28.35001 321.64999 l S 564.70001 348.54999 m 564.70001 321.64999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.87 331.78998 Tm (This box describes the information we used to come to our judgement.)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 285.17999 Tm (Copies of the)Tj 1 0 0 1 111.71001 285.17999 Tm (National Minimum Standards )Tj 1 0 0 1 290.48999 285.17999 Tm (\226 )Tj 1 0 0 1 302.34 285.17999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 1 0 0 1 477.17999 285.17999 Tm ( can be found )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 267.67999 Tm (at www.dh.gov.uk or bought from The Stationery Office \(TSO\) PO Box 29,\ St Crispins, )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 250.17999 Tm (Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1GN. Tel: 0870 600 5522. Online ordering from \ the )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 232.68999 Tm (Stationery Office is also available: )Tj 0 0 1 rg 1 0 0 1 238.73 232.68999 Tm (www.tso.co.uk/bookshop)Tj 0 0 0 rg 1 0 0 1 28.35001 192.7 Tm (The Commission for Social Care Inspection aims to:)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 46.35001 172.7 Tm (\267)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 64.35001 172.7 Tm (Put the people who use social care first)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 46.35001 155.06 Tm (\267)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 64.35001 155.06 Tm (Improve services and stamp out bad practice)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 46.35001 137.42 Tm (\267)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 64.35001 137.42 Tm (Be an expert voice on social care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 46.35001 119.78 Tm (\267)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 64.35001 119.78 Tm (Practise what we preach in our own organisation)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 79.64 Tm (Our duty to regulate social care services is set out in the Care Standar\ ds Act 2000.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1727 0 obj 3357 endobj 1728 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 35.56 m 566.92999 35.56 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.78999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 485.41998 30.78999 Tm (Page)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.95001 30.78999 Tm (3)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 523.58002 30.78999 Tm ( of )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 541.88 30.78999 Tm (26)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 795.64996 Tm <0035004800440047004800550003002C0051004900520055005000440057004C00520051>Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 28.35001 774.21997 m 224.04999 774.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 774.21997 m 567 774.21997 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 28.35001 751.38995 m 224.04999 751.38995 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 751.38995 m 567 751.38995 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 28.35001 728.56 m 224.04999 728.56 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 728.56 m 567 728.56 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 28.35001 705.72998 m 224.04999 705.72998 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 705.72998 m 567 705.72998 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 151.8 w 28.35001 617.28998 m 224.04999 617.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 617.28998 m 567 617.28998 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 28.35001 528.84998 m 224.04999 528.84998 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 528.84998 m 567 528.84998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 26.14 762.79999 m 569.20001 762.79999 l S 26.14 739.96997 m 569.20001 739.96997 l S 26.14 717.13995 m 569.20001 717.13995 l S 26.14 694.31 m 569.20001 694.31 l S 26.14 540.26001 m 569.20001 540.26001 l S 26.14 785.63 m 569.20001 785.63 l S 26.14 762.79999 m 569.20001 762.79999 l S 26.14 739.96997 m 569.20001 739.96997 l S 26.14 717.13995 m 569.20001 717.13995 l S 26.14 694.31 m 569.20001 694.31 l S 26.14 540.26001 m 569.20001 540.26001 l S 26.14 517.42999 m 569.20001 517.42999 l S 27.22 786.70996 m 27.22 516.34998 l S 225.17 786.70996 m 225.17 516.34998 l S 568.12 786.70996 m 568.12 516.34998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 769.45001 Tm (Document Purpose)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14999 769.45001 Tm (Inspection report)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 746.62 Tm (Author)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14999 746.62 Tm (CSCI)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 723.78998 Tm (Audience)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14999 723.78998 Tm (General public)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 700.95996 Tm (Further copies from)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14999 700.95996 Tm (0870 240 7535 \(telephone order line\))Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 678.13 Tm (Copyright)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14999 678.13 Tm (Copyright \251 \()Tj 1 0 0 1 313.48999 678.13 Tm (2009)Tj 1 0 0 1 344.01999 678.13 Tm (\) Commission for Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14999 663.54999 Tm (Inspection \(CSCI\). This publication may be reproduced )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14999 648.96997 Tm (in whole or in part, free of charge, in any format or )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14999 634.39001 Tm (medium provided that it is not used for commercial )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14999 619.81 Tm (gain. This consent is subject to the material being )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14999 605.22998 Tm (reproduced accurately and on proviso that it is not )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14999 590.64996 Tm (used in a derogatory manner or misleading context. )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14999 576.07001 Tm (The material should be acknowledged as CSCI )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14999 561.48999 Tm (copyright, with the title and date of publication of the )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14999 546.90997 Tm (document specified.)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 524.08002 Tm (Internet address)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14999 524.08002 Tm (www.cqc.org.uk)Tj ET endstream endobj 1729 0 obj 8542 endobj 1730 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 35.56 m 566.92999 35.56 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.78999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 485.41998 30.78999 Tm (Page)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.95001 30.78999 Tm (4)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 523.58002 30.78999 Tm ( of )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 541.88 30.78999 Tm (26)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 795.64996 Tm <002C0051004900520055005000440057004C0052005100030044004500520058005700030057004B0048000300460044005500480003004B005200500048>Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 774.21997 m 267.94998 774.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 774.21997 m 565.64996 774.21997 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 90.90001 w 31.2 716.22998 m 267.94998 716.22998 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 716.22998 m 565.64996 716.22998 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 658.23999 m 267.94998 658.23999 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 658.23999 m 565.64996 658.23999 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 31.2 635.40997 m 267.94998 635.40997 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 635.40997 m 565.64996 635.40997 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 31.2 612.57996 m 267.94998 612.57996 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 612.57996 m 565.64996 612.57996 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 31.2 589.75 m 267.94998 589.75 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 589.75 m 565.64996 589.75 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 762.79999 m 567.84998 762.79999 l S 28.99001 669.64996 m 567.84998 669.64996 l S 28.99001 646.82001 m 567.84998 646.82001 l S 28.99001 623.98999 m 567.84998 623.98999 l S 28.99001 601.15997 m 567.84998 601.15997 l S 28.99001 785.63 m 567.84998 785.63 l S 28.99001 762.79999 m 567.84998 762.79999 l S 28.99001 669.64996 m 567.84998 669.64996 l S 28.99001 646.82001 m 567.84998 646.82001 l S 28.99001 623.98999 m 567.84998 623.98999 l S 28.99001 601.15997 m 567.84998 601.15997 l S 28.99001 578.33002 m 567.84998 578.33002 l S 30.07001 786.70996 m 30.07001 577.26001 l S 269.07001 786.70996 m 269.07001 577.26001 l S 566.76996 786.70996 m 566.76996 577.26001 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 769.45001 Tm (Name of care home:)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 769.45001 Tm (Denewood House Care Home)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 746.62 Tm (Address:)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 746.62 Tm (12-14 Denewood Road)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 729.03998 Tm (West Moors)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 711.45996 Tm (Ferndown)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 693.88 Tm (Dorset)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 676.29999 Tm (BH22 0LX)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 653.46997 Tm (Telephone number:)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 653.46997 Tm (01202892008)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 630.64001 Tm (Fax number:)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 630.64001 Tm (01258841255)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 607.81 Tm (Email address:)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 607.81 Tm (samilycare-denewood@hotmail.com)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 584.97998 Tm (Provider web address:)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 546.53998 m 353.25 546.53998 l S 1 1 1 RG 355.5 546.53998 m 565.90002 546.53998 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 31.2 523.70996 m 353.25 523.70996 l S 1 1 1 RG 355.5 523.70996 m 565.90002 523.70996 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 31.2 500.87997 m 353.25 500.87997 l S 1 1 1 RG 355.5 500.87997 m 565.90002 500.87997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 535.13 m 568.10004 535.13 l S 28.99001 512.29999 m 568.10004 512.29999 l S 28.99001 557.95996 m 568.10004 557.95996 l S 28.99001 535.13 m 568.10004 535.13 l S 28.99001 512.29999 m 568.10004 512.29999 l S 28.99001 489.47 m 568.10004 489.47 l S 30.07001 559.02997 m 30.07001 488.38998 l S 354.37 559.02997 m 354.37 488.38998 l S 567.01996 559.02997 m 567.01996 488.38998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 541.76996 Tm (Name of registered provider\(s\):)Tj 1 0 0 1 358.35001 541.76996 Tm (Samily Care Ltd)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 518.94 Tm (Type of registration:)Tj 1 0 0 1 358.35001 518.94 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 496.10999 Tm (Number of places registered:)Tj 1 0 0 1 358.35001 496.10999 Tm (21)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 477.16998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 457.67999 m 565.60004 457.67999 l S 41.16 w 31.2 424.56 m 297.20001 424.56 l S 20.58 w 299.44998 434.84998 m 565.60004 434.84998 l S 299.44998 414.26999 m 432.51999 414.26999 l S 432.51999 414.26999 m 565.60004 414.26999 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 446.25998 m 567.79999 446.25998 l S 28.99001 469.09 m 567.79999 469.09 l S 28.99001 446.25998 m 567.79999 446.25998 l S 28.99001 402.85001 m 567.79999 402.85001 l S 30.07001 470.16998 m 30.07001 401.76999 l S 298.32001 447.34 m 298.32001 401.76999 l S 566.71997 470.16998 m 566.71997 401.76999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 452.91 Tm (Conditions of registration:)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 430.07999 Tm (Category\(ies\) :)Tj 1 0 0 1 302.30002 430.07999 Tm (Number of places \(if applicable\):)Tj 1 0 0 1 302.30002 409.5 Tm (Under 65)Tj 1 0 0 1 435.37 409.5 Tm (Over 65)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 35.16 w 31.2 380.76999 m 297.30002 380.76999 l S 299.54999 380.76999 m 431.44998 380.76999 l S 433.70001 380.76999 m 565.60004 380.76999 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 350.64999 m 565.60004 350.64999 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 362.06998 m 567.79999 362.06998 l S 28.99001 399.47998 m 567.79999 399.47998 l S 28.99001 362.06998 m 567.79999 362.06998 l S 28.99001 339.23999 m 567.79999 339.23999 l S 30.07001 400.54999 m 30.07001 338.16 l S 298.41998 400.54999 m 298.41998 360.98999 l S 432.56998 400.54999 m 432.56998 360.98999 l S 566.71997 400.54999 m 566.71997 338.16 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 383.28998 Tm (old age, not falling within any other )Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 368.70999 Tm (category)Tj 1 0 0 1 302.39999 383.28998 Tm (0)Tj 1 0 0 1 436.54999 383.28998 Tm (21)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 345.88 Tm (Additional conditions: )Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 324.44998 m 315.25 324.44998 l S 1 1 1 RG 317.5 324.44998 m 346.54999 324.44998 l S 348.80002 324.44998 m 377.89999 324.44998 l S 380.14999 324.44998 m 409.20001 324.44998 l S 411.44998 324.44998 m 440.54999 324.44998 l S 442.80002 324.44998 m 471.89999 324.44998 l S 474.14999 324.44998 m 503.20001 324.44998 l S 505.44998 324.44998 m 534.54999 324.44998 l S 536.79999 324.44998 m 565.90002 324.44998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 335.85999 m 568.10004 335.85999 l S 28.99001 313.03 m 568.10004 313.03 l S 30.07001 336.94 m 30.07001 311.94998 l S 316.37 336.94 m 316.37 311.94998 l S 347.66998 336.94 m 347.66998 311.94998 l S 379.01999 336.94 m 379.01999 311.94998 l S 410.31998 336.94 m 410.31998 311.94998 l S 441.66998 336.94 m 441.66998 311.94998 l S 473.01999 336.94 m 473.01999 311.94998 l S 504.31998 336.94 m 504.31998 311.94998 l S 535.66998 336.94 m 535.66998 311.94998 l S 567.01996 336.94 m 567.01996 311.94998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 319.67999 Tm (\240Date of last inspection)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 17 w 31.2 301.16 m 565.90002 301.16 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 291.53 m 568.10004 291.53 l S 30.07001 292.60999 m 30.07001 39.14999 l S 567.01996 292.60999 m 567.01996 39.14999 l S 28.99001 310.78 m 568.10004 310.78 l S 28.99001 291.53 m 568.10004 291.53 l S 28.99001 40.22 m 568.10004 40.22 l S 30.07001 311.85999 m 30.07001 290.44998 l S 567.01996 311.85999 m 567.01996 290.44998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 297.60001 Tm (Brief description of the )Tj 1 0 0 1 177.31 297.60001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 278.35001 Tm (Denewood House is a detached house in a residential area of West Moors, \ local shops, )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 261.35001 Tm (churches, pubs and a library are available close by following a level wa\ lk.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 244.34999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 227.34999 Tm (The home is registered to accommodate a maximum of 21 older people. It i\ s privately )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 210.34999 Tm (owned by Samily Care Ltd and is managed by registered provider Caroline \ Bleach.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 193.34999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 176.34999 Tm (The bedrooms are on the ground and first floors. There are two double be\ drooms and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 159.34999 Tm (17 single rooms. The home does not have a passenger lift but a stair lif\ t operates to )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 142.34999 Tm (the first floor; to access a number of the first floor bedrooms it is ne\ cessary to )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 125.35001 Tm (negotiate a single step up, beyond the landing to at which the stir lift\ arrives.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 108.35001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 91.35001 Tm (The rear garden has lawn, flower beds, and seats; some bedrooms have pat\ io doors )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 74.35001 Tm (opening out to the garden.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 57.35001 Tm (\240)Tj ET endstream endobj 1731 0 obj 1808 endobj 1732 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 35.56 m 566.92999 35.56 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.78999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 485.41998 30.78999 Tm (Page)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.95001 30.78999 Tm (5)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 523.58002 30.78999 Tm ( of )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 541.88 30.78999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 17 w 31.2 804.02997 m 565.90002 804.02997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 794.40002 m 568.10004 794.40002 l S 30.07001 795.47998 m 30.07001 638.07996 l S 567.01996 795.47998 m 567.01996 638.07996 l S 28.99001 813.64996 m 568.10004 813.64996 l S 28.99001 794.40002 m 568.10004 794.40002 l S 28.99001 639.14996 m 568.10004 639.14996 l S 30.07001 814.72998 m 30.07001 793.32996 l S 567.01996 814.72998 m 567.01996 793.32996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.5 800.46997 Tm (Brief description of the )Tj 1 0 0 1 177.31 800.46997 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 783.46997 Tm (Car parking spaces are available at the front of the building and parkin\ g on the road is )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 766.46997 Tm (unrestricted.)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 749.46997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 732.46997 Tm (Fees are charged weekly; the fee range quoted by the provider at the tim\ e of )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 715.46997 Tm (inspection was \(per person\) between \243474 and \243550. Up to date in\ formation on fees )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 698.46997 Tm (can be obtained from the service. Additional charges are made for hairdr\ essing, )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 681.46997 Tm (chiropody, newspapers and personal shopping.)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 664.46997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 647.46997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 627.08997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 610.08997 Tm (\240)Tj ET endstream endobj 1733 0 obj 3255 endobj 1734 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj 1 0 0 1 398 715.45001 Tm (one star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT0 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1735 0 obj 1742 endobj 1736 0 obj<>stream 1 1 1 RG 1 i 250.86 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 32.32001 687.10004 m 566.71997 687.10004 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 813.64996 m 568.91998 813.64996 l S 30.12 560.53998 m 568.91998 560.53998 l S 31.2 814.72998 m 31.2 559.46997 l S 567.84998 814.72998 m 567.84998 559.46997 l S 0 0 0 rg BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 32.92 802.71997 Tm (toured the premises and spoke to residents, staff, observed staff intera\ ction with )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 788.13995 Tm (residents and the carrying out of routine tasks and together with regist\ ered manager )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 773.56 Tm (Mrs Bleach discussed and examined documents regarding care provision and\ )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 758.97998 Tm (management of the home.)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 744.40002 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 729.82001 Tm (The duration of the inspection was 5 hours.)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 715.23999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 700.65997 Tm (During the inspection, particular residents were 'case tracked'; for exa\ mple, for )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 686.07996 Tm (evidence regarding Standards 3, 7 and 8, records relating to the same re\ sidents were )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 671.5 Tm (examined and the residents spoken with.)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 656.91998 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 642.33997 Tm (In advance of the inspection an Annual Quality Assurance Questionnaire w\ as completed )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 627.76001 Tm (by Mrs Bleach and returned to the Commission; the information it contain\ ed has been )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 613.17999 Tm (used to inform the findings of this inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 598.60004 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 584.01996 Tm (During this inspection compliance with all key standards of the National\ Minimum )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 569.44 Tm (Standards was assessed.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1737 0 obj 4917 endobj 1738 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 52.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (8)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.20001 53.03999 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 533.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 803.35999 m 567.84998 803.35999 l S 268.44 w 32.32001 656.60004 m 566.71997 656.60004 l S 20.58 w 32.7 509.84 m 569.34998 509.84 l S 78.90001 w 33.82001 457.84998 m 568.21997 457.84998 l S 20.58 w 33.45 405.85999 m 570.10004 405.85999 l S 78.90001 w 34.57001 353.87 m 568.96997 353.87 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 791.95001 m 567.84998 791.95001 l S 30.12 791.95001 m 568.91998 791.95001 l S 30.12 521.26001 m 568.91998 521.26001 l S 31.2 793.02997 m 31.2 520.17999 l S 31.2 521.26001 m 569.34998 521.26001 l S 32.7 498.42996 m 569.34998 498.42996 l S 31.62 498.42996 m 570.41998 498.42996 l S 31.62 417.28 m 570.41998 417.28 l S 33.45 394.44998 m 570.10004 394.44998 l S 33.45 417.28 m 570.10004 417.28 l S 32.37 394.44998 m 571.16998 394.44998 l S 32.37 313.30002 m 571.16998 313.30002 l S 32.7 499.50998 m 32.7 416.20001 l S 33.45 395.53 m 33.45 312.22 l S 567.84998 793.02997 m 567.84998 520.17999 l S 569.34998 499.50998 m 569.34998 416.20001 l S 570.10004 395.53 m 570.10004 312.22 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 798.58997 Tm (What the )Tj 1 0 0 1 90.52 798.58997 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 154.2 798.58997 Tm ( does well:)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 567.84998 801.25 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.17 775.76001 Tm (All the residents spoken with were complimentary of the care they receiv\ ed and the )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 761.17999 Tm (friendly nature of management and care staff.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 746.60004 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 732.01996 Tm (People considering moving into the home receive a full assessment and ar\ e provided )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 717.44 Tm (with the opportunity to visit and spend time at the home to make sure th\ at it is able to )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 702.85999 Tm (meet their needs.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 688.27997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 673.70001 Tm (Residents are encouraged to maintain their links with friends and family\ and all visitors )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 659.12 Tm (are made welcome.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 644.53998 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 629.95996 Tm (The house and gardens are maintained to provide a comfortable place to l\ ive. )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 615.38 Tm (Residents are encouraged to personalise their rooms with items of furnit\ ure, pictures )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 600.79999 Tm (and a variety of mementos.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 586.21997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 571.64001 Tm (Sufficient numbers of care staff are on duty throughout the day and nigh\ t to meet the )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 557.06 Tm (needs of the residents.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 542.47998 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 527.90002 Tm (Financial procedures within the home ensure residents' interests are pro\ tected.)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 568.96997 655.04999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 507.72998 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 32.7 505.06998 Tm (What has improved since the last inspection?)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 569.34998 508.28998 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 456.30002 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 36.67 482.23999 Tm (Care planning processes and associated record keeping have been improved\ to provide )Tj 1 0 0 1 36.67 467.66 Tm (staff with sufficient information to be able to meet the needs of reside\ nts.)Tj 1 0 0 1 36.67 453.07999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 36.67 438.5 Tm (The range and frequency of social and recreational activities has been e\ xtended, but )Tj 1 0 0 1 36.67 423.91998 Tm (would benefit from further improvement to ensure the satisfaction of res\ idents.)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 570.46997 456.30002 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 404.31 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.45 401.09 Tm (What they could do better:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf -2.25 -48.76999 Td [( )-21( )]TJ /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 8.948 0 Td (Greater choice of menus and more opportunities to participate in recreat\ ional and )Tj /TT0 12 Tf -8.948 -14.57999 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (social activities would be welcomed by some residents. )Tj -9.06999 -22.33002 Td (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -19.98999 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (If you want to know what action the person responsible for this care hom\ e is taking )Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (following this report, you can contact them using the details set out on\ page 4.)Tj 0 -19.99001 TD (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -20 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf [(The report of this inspection is available from our website www.cqc.org.\ uk.)-704(You can get )]TJ /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (printed copies from enquiries@cqc.org.uk or by telephoning our order lin\ e \2260870 240 )Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.48999 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (7535.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1739 0 obj 2093 endobj 1740 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 52.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (9)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.20001 53.03999 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 533.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 14 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 782.57996 Tm (Details of our findings)Tj ET 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 26 w 32.32001 746.26996 m 562.52997 746.26996 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 761.51996 m 565.84998 761.51996 l S 28.99001 733.26996 m 565.84998 733.26996 l S 30.07001 762.60004 m 30.07001 732.19 l S 564.77997 762.60004 m 564.77997 732.19 l S BT /C2_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 744.38995 Tm <00260052005100570048005100570056>Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 16 w 28.35001 700.01996 m 566.92999 700.01996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 695.95996 Tm (Choice of home\240 \(standards 1 - 6\))Tj ET 28.35001 678.01996 m 566.92999 678.01996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 673.95996 Tm (Health and personal care\240 \(standards 7 - 11\))Tj ET 28.35001 656.01996 m 566.92999 656.01996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 651.95996 Tm (Daily life and social activities\240 \(standards 12 - 15\))Tj ET 28.35001 634.01996 m 566.92999 634.01996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 629.95996 Tm (Complaints and protection\240 \(standards 16 - 18\))Tj ET 28.35001 612.01996 m 566.92999 612.01996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 607.95996 Tm (Environment\240 \(standards 19 - 26\))Tj ET 28.35001 590.01996 m 566.92999 590.01996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 585.95996 Tm (Staffing\240 \(standards 27 - 30\))Tj ET 28.35001 568.01996 m 566.92999 568.01996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 563.95996 Tm (Management and administration\240 \(standards 31 - 38\))Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 543.95996 Tm (Outstanding statutory requirements)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 522.08997 Tm (Requirements and recommendations from this inspection)Tj ET endstream endobj 1741 0 obj 5347 endobj 1742 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (10)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Choice of home)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50999 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 206.25 w 32.32001 593.28998 m 562.52997 593.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 119 w 31.2 550.78998 m 563.64996 550.78998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 611.41998 m 565.84998 611.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 611.41998 m 565.84998 611.41998 l S 28.99001 490.16998 m 565.84998 490.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 489.09 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 489.09 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People are confident that the care home can support them. This is becaus\ e there is an )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (accurate assessment of their needs that they, or people close to them, h\ ave been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (involved in. This tells the home all about them and the support they nee\ d. People who )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (stay at the home only for intermediate care, have a clear assessment tha\ t includes a )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (plan on what they hope for and want to achieve when they return home.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 598.22998 Tm (People can decide whether the care home can meet their support and accom\ modation )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (needs. This is because they, or people close to them, have been able to \ visit the home )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and have got full, clear, accurate and up to date information about the \ home. If they )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (decide to stay in the home they know about their rights and responsibili\ ties because )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (there is an easy to understand contract or statement of terms and condit\ ions between )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 513.22998 Tm (them and the care home that includes how much they will pay and what the\ home )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 496.22998 Tm (provides for the money.)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 471.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 449.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 449.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 449.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 449.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 432.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 119.98 w 33.45 368.73999 m 563.64996 368.73999 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 419.72998 m 565.90002 419.72998 l S 97.48 w 32.32001 357.5 m 564.77997 357.5 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 407.35999 m 566.97998 407.35999 l S 31.2 408.44 m 31.2 306.54999 l S 565.90002 408.44 m 565.90002 306.54999 l S 31.2 407.35999 m 565.90002 407.35999 l S 30.12 307.63 m 566.97998 307.63 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 416.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 391.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 258.01999 391.67999 Tm (good)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 291.76999 391.67999 Tm (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 374.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 354.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 334.19 Tm (Prior to admission, the needs of each proposed resident are assessed to \ ensure the )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 316.69 Tm (home will be properly able to meet them.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 213.53999 w 33.45 174.98999 m 563.64996 174.98999 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 272.75998 m 565.90002 272.75998 l S 192.15999 w 32.32001 163.17999 m 564.77997 163.17999 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 260.38998 m 566.97998 260.38998 l S 31.2 261.47 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 261.47 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 260.38998 m 565.90002 260.38998 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 269.44998 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 244.7 Tm (All new admissions are planned to minimise distress to the new resident \ and to ensure )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 227.20999 Tm (that staff have available relevant information in order that they can pr\ operly meet )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 209.70999 Tm (each persons needs.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 192.22 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 174.72 Tm (The records of two residents admitted since the last inspection included\ clear details of )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 157.22 Tm (pre admission assessment carried out by the manager while visiting the p\ rospective )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 139.73 Tm (residents at their previous addresses.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 122.23 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 104.74001 Tm (In advance of making the decision to enter the home prospective resident\ s or their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 87.24001 Tm (representatives visited the home to view the premises and meet residents\ and staff.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1743 0 obj 1267 endobj 1744 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (11)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 93.86 w 33.45 764.47998 m 563.64996 764.47998 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 72.48 w 32.32001 752.66998 m 564.77997 752.66998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 714.21997 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 714.21997 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 715.29999 m 566.97998 715.29999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 779.10004 Tm (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( )Tj -2.02 -19.98993 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Following pre admission assessment of each prospective residents needs a\ nd )Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.49005 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (circumstances the home writes to them confirming the agreement and abili\ ty to )Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (provide accommodation and care.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1745 0 obj 5321 endobj 1746 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (12)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 172.25 w 32.32001 610.28998 m 562.52997 610.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 559.28998 m 563.64996 559.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 524.16998 m 565.84998 524.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 523.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 523.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People\222s health, personal and social care needs are met. The home has\ a plan of care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (that the person, or someone close to them, has been involved in making. \ If they take )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (medicine, they manage it themselves if they can. If they cannot manage t\ heir )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (medicine, the care home supports them with it, in a safe way. People\222\ s right to privacy )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (is respected and the support they get from staff is given in a way that \ maintains their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.47998 Tm (dignity.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (If people are approaching the end of their life, the care home will resp\ ect their choices )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and help them feel comfortable and secure. They, and people close to the\ m, are )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (reassured that their death will be handled with sensitivity, dignity and\ respect, and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (take account of their spiritual and cultural wishes. )Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 505.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 483.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 483.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 483.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 483.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 466.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 207.45999 w 33.45 359 m 563.64996 359 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 453.72998 m 565.90002 453.72998 l S 184.95999 w 32.32001 347.75998 m 564.77997 347.75998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 441.35999 m 566.97998 441.35999 l S 31.2 442.44 m 31.2 253.06998 l S 565.90002 442.44 m 565.90002 253.06998 l S 31.2 441.35999 m 565.90002 441.35999 l S 30.12 254.14998 m 566.97998 254.14998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 450.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 425.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /TT0 12 Tf 2 Tr 221.55202 0 Td (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 33.746 0 Td (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 408.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 388.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 368.19 Tm (The care needs of residents are met by suitably trained staff; doctors a\ nd other )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 350.69 Tm (professionals visit as necessary and residents receive the medicines the\ y have been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 333.20001 Tm (prescribed.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 315.70001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 298.20001 Tm (Care is planned to promote the individuality of each resident and to pro\ vide staff with )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 280.70999 Tm (sufficient information to enable the needs of each person to be properly\ met but more )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 263.20999 Tm (must be done to ensure that appropriate control of infection precautions\ are in place.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 160.05 w 33.45 148.25 m 563.64996 148.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 219.28 m 565.90002 219.28 l S 138.67999 w 32.32001 136.44 m 564.77997 136.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 206.90999 m 566.97998 206.90999 l S 31.2 207.98999 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 207.98999 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 206.90999 m 565.90002 206.90999 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 215.97 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 191.22 Tm (The care records of 3 people who live at the home were examined and foun\ d to )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 173.73 Tm (contain risk assessments forming the basis for care plans and daily reco\ rds describing )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 156.23 Tm (the care of each person. There was evidence that individual residents or\ their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 138.73999 Tm (representatives had been involved in the development and review of plann\ ed care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 121.24001 Tm (provision.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 103.74001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 86.25 Tm (The care plans were clear and comprehensive)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 1747 0 obj 2110 endobj 1748 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (13)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 478.76999 w 33.45 572.01996 m 563.64996 572.01996 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 457.39996 w 32.32001 560.20996 m 564.77997 560.20996 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 329.31 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 329.31 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 330.38998 m 566.97998 330.38998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.5 Td (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Medicine handling is carried out by staff trained in this work. Medicati\ on records were )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (properly kept indicating that residents receive prescribed medicines at \ the correct )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (times and in correct amounts. To promote good practice it is recommended\ that each )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (record includes the allergy status of the resident e.g. None Known, and \ that for every )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (occasion on which a prescribed medicine is not administered the reason f\ or omission is )Tj T* (recorded.)Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The Controlled Drug register had been properly kept and Controlled Drugs\ were )Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (correctly stored although a drug that is not of the Controlled status wa\ s also stored in )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (the CD cabinet and a Controlled Drug no longer prescribed for the reside\ nt had not )Tj T* (been promptly disposed of. Associated requirements are contained in this\ report.)Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Residents spoken to during the inspection said they are treated with res\ pect and their )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (privacy is protected. One said that living at Denewood was like being at\ home.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1749 0 obj 5359 endobj 1750 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (14)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 138.25 w 32.32001 627.28998 m 562.52997 627.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 17 w 31.2 567.78998 m 563.64996 567.78998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 577.41998 m 565.84998 577.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 577.41998 m 565.84998 577.41998 l S 28.99001 558.16998 m 565.84998 558.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 557.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 557.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (Each person is treated as an individual and the care home is responsive \ to his or her )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (race, culture, religion, age, disability, gender and sexual orientation.\ They are part of )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (their local community. The care home supports people to follow personal \ interests and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (activities. People are able to keep in touch with family, friends and re\ presentatives. )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (They are as independent as they can be, lead their chosen lifestyle and \ have the )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.47998 Tm (opportunity to make the most of their abilities. People have nutritious \ and attractive )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 583.47998 Tm (meals and snacks, at a time and place to suit them.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (There are no additional outcomes.)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 539.90997 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 517.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 517.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 517.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 517.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 500.67996 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 242.45 w 33.45 375.50998 m 563.64996 375.50998 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 487.72998 m 565.90002 487.72998 l S 219.95 w 32.32001 364.25998 m 564.77997 364.25998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 475.35999 m 566.97998 475.35999 l S 31.2 476.44 m 31.2 252.08 l S 565.90002 476.44 m 565.90002 252.08 l S 31.2 475.35999 m 565.90002 475.35999 l S 30.12 253.15999 m 566.97998 253.15999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 484.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 459.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 258.01999 459.67999 Tm (adequate)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 318.25 459.67999 Tm (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 442.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 422.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 402.19 Tm (More should be done to provide opportunities for the residents to engage\ in )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 384.69 Tm (recreational and social activities to reduce the probability that they b\ ecome bored, )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 367.20001 Tm (apathetic and restless.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 349.70001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 332.20001 Tm (Residents are encouraged to maintain contact with the local community an\ d visits by )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 314.70999 Tm (their friends and relatives are welcomed by the home.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 297.20999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 279.72 Tm (Meals are nutritional and appetising but opportunities for choice of mea\ ls should be )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 262.22 Tm (improved.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 159.06 w 33.45 147.75998 m 563.64996 147.75998 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 218.28998 m 565.90002 218.28998 l S 137.69 w 32.32001 135.95 m 564.77997 135.95 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 205.92 m 566.97998 205.92 l S 31.2 206.98999 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 206.98999 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 205.92 m 565.90002 205.92 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 214.98 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 190.23 Tm (The home does not employ an Activity Organiser and at the time of this i\ nspection no )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 172.73999 Tm (programme of activities was displayed in communal areas; Mrs Bleach said\ that each )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 155.23999 Tm (resident is provided with a weekly programme which they keep in their be\ drooms. )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 137.73999 Tm (Residents spoken with during the inspection did not know if any activiti\ es were )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 120.25 Tm (scheduled and none took place during the inspection. Some residents comm\ ented that )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 102.75 Tm (they would like more organised activities and it was noted that a commen\ t received )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 85.25999 Tm (from an opinion survey conducted by the home during 2008 requested great\ er activity)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 1751 0 obj 2495 endobj 1752 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (15)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 338.80002 w 33.45 642.01001 m 563.64996 642.01001 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 317.42999 w 32.32001 630.19 m 564.77997 630.19 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 469.28 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 469.28 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 470.35999 m 566.97998 470.35999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 779.10004 Tm (provision.)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 761.60004 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 744.10999 Tm (No menu was seen to be displayed in the home and residents did not know \ what the )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 726.60999 Tm (lunchtime choices were. Residents indicated that in general they are sat\ isfied with the )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 709.10999 Tm (food which is plentiful and well cooked, but the impression received was\ that for main )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 691.62 Tm (meals one meal is provided, with routine alternatives such as salad or s\ andwiches )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 674.12 Tm (available to residents upon request.)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 656.63 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 639.13 Tm (This report contains recommendations for the provision of more meaningfu\ l daytime )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 621.63 Tm (activities suited to the individual interests, needs and capabilities of\ the residents, and )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 604.14001 Tm (for a greater focus on the provision of meal choices and advance informa\ tion to )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 586.64001 Tm (residents, enabling them to select their preferred meal from a variety o\ f options.)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 569.14996 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 551.64996 Tm (Visitors are welcome at any time and residents spoken to during the insp\ ection said )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 534.14996 Tm (their visitors are always made to feel welcome and placed at ease by the\ staff.)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 516.65997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 499.16 Tm (Residents believe they are shown respect and properly treated; comments \ made )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 481.66998 Tm (during the inspection included I like the atmosphere.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1753 0 obj 4003 endobj 1754 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (16)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50999 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 87.25 w 32.32001 652.78998 m 562.52997 652.78998 l S 1 1 1 RG 17 w 31.2 618.78998 m 563.64996 618.78998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 628.41998 m 565.84998 628.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 628.41998 m 565.84998 628.41998 l S 28.99001 609.16998 m 565.84998 609.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 608.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 608.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (If people have concerns with their care, they or people close to them kn\ ow how to )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (complain. Any concern is looked into and action taken to put things righ\ t. The care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (home safeguards people from abuse and neglect and takes action to follow\ up any )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (allegations.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 615.22998 Tm (People\222s legal rights are protected, including being able to vote in \ elections.)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 590.90997 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 568.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 568.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 568.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 568.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 551.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 119.98 w 33.45 487.73999 m 563.64996 487.73999 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 538.72998 m 565.90002 538.72998 l S 97.48 w 32.32001 476.5 m 564.77997 476.5 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 526.35999 m 566.97998 526.35999 l S 31.2 527.44 m 31.2 425.54999 l S 565.90002 527.44 m 565.90002 425.54999 l S 31.2 526.35999 m 565.90002 526.35999 l S 30.12 426.63 m 566.97998 426.63 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 535.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 510.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 258.01999 510.67999 Tm (good)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 291.76999 510.67999 Tm (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 493.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 473.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 453.19 Tm (People know how to complain and are confident their complaints would be \ listened to.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 435.69 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 132.47 w 33.45 334.51999 m 563.64996 334.51999 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 391.75998 m 565.90002 391.75998 l S 109.98 w 32.32001 323.28 m 564.77997 323.28 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 379.38998 m 566.97998 379.38998 l S 31.2 380.47 m 31.2 266.09 l S 565.90002 380.47 m 565.90002 266.09 l S 31.2 379.38998 m 565.90002 379.38998 l S 30.12 267.16 m 566.97998 267.16 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 388.44998 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 363.70001 Tm (The home has a complaints policy and procedure and records are kept of i\ nvestigation )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 346.20999 Tm (and outcome of complaints.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 328.70999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 311.22 Tm (The home has a written policy and procedure for the protection of vulner\ able adults.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 293.72 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 276.22 Tm (\240)Tj ET endstream endobj 1755 0 obj 4922 endobj 1756 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (17)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Environment)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 104.25 w 32.32001 644.28998 m 562.52997 644.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 627.28998 m 563.64996 627.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 662.41998 m 565.84998 662.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 662.41998 m 565.84998 662.41998 l S 28.99001 592.16998 m 565.84998 592.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 591.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 591.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People stay in a safe and well-maintained home that is homely, clean, pl\ easant and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (hygienic. )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 649.22998 Tm (People stay in a home that has enough space and facilities for them to l\ ead the life )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 632.22998 Tm (they choose and to meet their needs. The home makes sure they have the r\ ight )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 615.22998 Tm (specialist equipment that encourages and promotes their independence. Th\ eir room )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 598.22998 Tm (feels like their own, it is comfortable and they feel safe when they use\ it.)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 573.90997 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 551.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 551.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 551.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 551.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 534.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 119.98 w 33.45 470.73999 m 563.64996 470.73999 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 521.72998 m 565.90002 521.72998 l S 97.48 w 32.32001 459.5 m 564.77997 459.5 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 509.35999 m 566.97998 509.35999 l S 31.2 510.44 m 31.2 408.54999 l S 565.90002 510.44 m 565.90002 408.54999 l S 31.2 509.35999 m 565.90002 509.35999 l S 30.12 409.63 m 566.97998 409.63 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 518.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 493.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /TT0 12 Tf 2 Tr 221.55202 0 Td (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 33.746 0 Td (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 476.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 456.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 436.19 Tm (The home is comfortable and clean)Tj /TT1 12 Tf (.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 315.53998 w 33.45 225.98999 m 563.64996 225.98999 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 374.75998 m 565.90002 374.75998 l S 294.16 w 32.32001 214.17998 m 564.77997 214.17998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 362.38998 m 566.97998 362.38998 l S 31.2 363.47 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 363.47 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 362.38998 m 565.90002 362.38998 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 31.2 388.94998 Td (Evidence:)Tj /TT2 12 Tf 4.27 -24.74997 Td ( )Tj -7.37 -24.74997 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Denewood is a traditionally built house which has been extended. To the \ rear of the )Tj /TT2 12 Tf 0 -17.49002 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (premises is an enclosed garden with lawns, outdoor seating, flower beds \ and raised )Tj /TT2 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (beds specifically provided for use by residents who enjoy gardening.)Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Bedrooms are on the ground and first floors; there is a stair lift betwe\ en the floors but )Tj T* (to access a number of the first floor bedrooms it remains necessary to n\ egotiate a )Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (separate step, so only people able to do this can be accommodated on the\ upper floor )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (of the home.)Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (On each floor is a bathroom equipped with a bath hoist to provide assist\ ed bathing )Tj T* (facilities for residents with impaired mobility.)Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The previous inspection report contained a requirement for arrangements \ to be made )Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (to safeguard people against risks of scalding from potentially hot radia\ tors. Mrs Bleach )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (said she has arranged for radiator covers to be installed to overcome th\ ese risks.)Tj T* (\240)Tj ET endstream endobj 1757 0 obj 1535 endobj 1758 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ required )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the manag\ ement of )Tj T* (commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are properly managed.)Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1759 0 obj 5099 endobj 1760 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (19)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Staffing)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50999 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 104.25 w 32.32001 644.28998 m 562.52997 644.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 17 w 31.2 601.78998 m 563.64996 601.78998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 611.41998 m 565.84998 611.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 611.41998 m 565.84998 611.41998 l S 28.99001 592.16998 m 565.84998 592.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 591.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 591.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People have safe and appropriate support as there are enough competent s\ taff on duty )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (at all times. They have confidence in the staff at the home because chec\ ks have been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (done to make sure that they are suitable to care for them. Their needs a\ re met and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (they are cared for by staff who get the relevant training and support fr\ om their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (managers.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 598.22998 Tm (There are no additional outcomes.)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 573.90997 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 551.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 551.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 551.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 551.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 534.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 137.47 w 33.45 462 m 563.64996 462 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 521.72998 m 565.90002 521.72998 l S 114.98 w 32.32001 450.75 m 564.77997 450.75 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 509.35999 m 566.97998 509.35999 l S 31.2 510.44 m 31.2 391.06 l S 565.90002 510.44 m 565.90002 391.06 l S 31.2 509.35999 m 565.90002 509.35999 l S 30.12 392.13998 m 566.97998 392.13998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 518.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 493.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 258.01999 493.67999 Tm (good)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 291.76999 493.67999 Tm (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 476.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 456.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 436.19 Tm (The home employs enough staff to meet the needs of residents.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 418.69 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 401.20001 Tm (The home promotes the achievement of nationally recognised care qualific\ ations.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 298.04001 w 33.45 217.23999 m 563.64996 217.23999 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 357.26999 m 565.90002 357.26999 l S 276.66998 w 32.32001 205.42999 m 564.77997 205.42999 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 344.88998 m 566.97998 344.88998 l S 31.2 345.97 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 345.97 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 344.88998 m 565.90002 344.88998 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 353.94998 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 329.20999 Tm (The home is at all times in the charge of an experienced person and staf\ fing levels are )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 311.70999 Tm (provided in accordance with the assessed needs of residents to ensure th\ at at all times )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 294.22 Tm (sufficient staff are available to properly meet their needs.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 276.72 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 259.22 Tm (The records of a recently employed care worker were examined and found t\ o contain )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 241.73 Tm (essential information including written references, interview assessment\ , health )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 224.23 Tm (details, evidence of identity and a Criminal Records Bureau \(CRB\) disc\ losure obtained )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 206.73999 Tm (in advance of employment.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 189.23999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 171.73999 Tm (The home meets the standard for at least 50% of staff to hold the Nation\ al Vocational )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 154.25 Tm (Qualification \(NVQ\) in care.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 136.75 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 119.25999 Tm (The recently employed care worker had received induction training and fr\ om talking to )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 101.75999 Tm (staff and examining records we obtained evidence that staff are encourag\ ed and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 84.25999 Tm (supported to undertake training in subjects relevant to their work.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1761 0 obj 1090 endobj 1762 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (20)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 76.36 w 33.45 773.21997 m 563.64996 773.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 54.99001 w 32.32001 761.40997 m 564.77997 761.40997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 731.71997 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 731.71997 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 732.78998 m 566.97998 732.78998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 779.10004 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 761.60004 Tm (Residents we spoke to expressed satisfaction with the staff and one said\ they are all )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 744.10999 Tm (friendly.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1763 0 obj 5133 endobj 1764 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (21)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Management and administration)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 189.25 w 32.32001 601.78998 m 562.52997 601.78998 l S 1 1 1 RG 102 w 31.2 559.28998 m 563.64996 559.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 611.41998 m 565.84998 611.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 611.41998 m 565.84998 611.41998 l S 28.99001 507.16995 m 565.84998 507.16995 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 506.09 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 506.09 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People have confidence in the care home because it is led and managed ap\ propriately. )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (People control their own money and choose how they spend it. If they or \ someone )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (close to them cannot manage their money, it is managed by the care home \ in their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (best interests. The environment is safe for people and staff because app\ ropriate health )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (and safety practices are carried out.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 598.22998 Tm (People get the right support from the care home because the manager runs\ it )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (appropriately with an open approach that makes them feel valued and resp\ ected. The )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (people staying at the home are safeguarded because it follows clear fina\ ncial and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (accounting procedures, keeps records appropriately and ensures their sta\ ff understand )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (the way things should be done. They get the right care because the staff\ are )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 513.22998 Tm (supervised and supported by their managers.)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 488.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 466.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 466.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 466.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 466.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 449.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 137.47 w 33.45 377 m 563.64996 377 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 436.72998 m 565.90002 436.72998 l S 114.98 w 32.32001 365.75 m 564.77997 365.75 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 424.35999 m 566.97998 424.35999 l S 31.2 425.44 m 31.2 306.06 l S 565.90002 425.44 m 565.90002 306.06 l S 31.2 424.35999 m 565.90002 424.35999 l S 30.12 307.13998 m 566.97998 307.13998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 433.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 408.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 258.01999 408.67999 Tm (good)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 291.76999 408.67999 Tm (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 391.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 371.17999 Tm (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -19.98999 TD (T)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (he home is properly managed to ensure the best interests of residents ar\ e )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 333.69 Tm (promoted)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 213.03998 w 33.45 174.73999 m 563.64996 174.73999 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 272.26999 m 565.90002 272.26999 l S 191.67 w 32.32001 162.92999 m 564.77997 162.92999 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 259.88998 m 566.97998 259.88998 l S 31.2 260.97 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 260.97 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 259.88998 m 565.90002 259.88998 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 31.2 286.43997 Td (Evidence:)Tj 4.27 -24.73999 Td (The home is managed by Registered Provider Mrs Bleach. Mrs Bleach is an \ experienced )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (manager, having managed this home for approximately 20 years but is none\ theless )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (recommended to obtain a recognised qualification in this work. Prior to \ this inspection )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Mrs Bleach completed an annual quality assurance assessment \(AQAA\) ide\ ntifying )Tj T* (what she feels the home does well, what has improved during the past 12 \ months and )Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (plans for improvement over the next twelve months.)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (The home has an internal quality assurance system and periodically issue\ s )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (questionnaires to residents and their representatives to learn their opi\ nion of the )Tj T* (home.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1765 0 obj 3095 endobj 1766 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (22)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 478.76999 w 33.45 572.01996 m 563.64996 572.01996 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 457.39996 w 32.32001 560.20996 m 564.77997 560.20996 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 329.31 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 329.31 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 330.38998 m 566.97998 330.38998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 779.10004 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 761.60004 Tm (The home manages the personal expenditure of most residents. Records and\ receipts )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 744.10999 Tm (are kept of all transactions and the sample of records checked correspon\ ded to the )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 726.60999 Tm (amount of cash held by the home for that person. Residents who are unabl\ e to )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 709.10999 Tm (personally undertake the responsibility of general finances have nominat\ ed relatives, )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 691.62 Tm (friends or other representatives to do this on their behalf.)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 674.12 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 656.63 Tm (Staff trained in First Aid and health care are on duty in the home at al\ l times.)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 639.13 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 621.63 Tm (The home has a written assessment of the Health & Safety of the premises\ and )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 604.14001 Tm (working practices but this provides incorrect information regarding movi\ ng and )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 586.64001 Tm (handling in that it provided direction for the actual lifting of residen\ ts by staff instead )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 569.14996 Tm (of statign that lifting equipment should be used, and accordingly should\ be reviewed to )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 551.64996 Tm (ensure accuracy of information.)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 534.14996 Tm (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.49997 TD (P)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (olicies and procedures )Tj /TT0 12 Tf (should)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( be improved to)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (describe the management of )Tj /TT0 12 Tf -2.02 -17.49997 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (commode pans.)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (\240)Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.48999 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The fire safety assessment and escape plan should be amended to include \ details of )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (each resident currently accommodated in the home and the means by which \ they will )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.48999 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (be evacuated in the event of such necessity.)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (\240)Tj /TT1 12 Tf T* ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (During the inspection a sample of records regarding equipment servicing \ and )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.48999 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (maintenance were examined and found to be in good order.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1767 0 obj 4681 endobj 1768 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 35.56 m 566.92999 35.56 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.78999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 31.8 Tm (Page)Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 31.8 Tm (23)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 522.20001 31.8 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 31.8 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99216 0.9451 0.76077 RG 36.25 w 29.47 793.27997 m 564.96997 793.27997 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 17 w 28.35001 784.77997 m 422.10001 784.77997 l S 424.34998 784.77997 m 467.10001 784.77997 l S 1 1 1 RG 469.34998 784.77997 m 494.10001 784.77997 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 496.34998 784.77997 m 539.10004 784.77997 l S 1 1 1 RG 541.34998 784.77997 m 566.10004 784.77997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 26.14 794.40002 m 568.29999 794.40002 l S 26.14 813.64996 m 568.29999 813.64996 l S 26.14 794.40002 m 568.29999 794.40002 l S 26.14 775.14996 m 568.29999 775.14996 l S 27.22 814.72998 m 27.22 774.07996 l S 423.22 795.47998 m 423.22 774.07996 l S 468.22 795.47998 m 468.22 774.07996 l S 495.22 795.47998 m 495.22 774.07996 l S 540.21997 795.47998 m 540.21997 774.07996 l S 567.21997 814.72998 m 567.21997 774.07996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 800.46997 Tm (Are there any outstanding requirements from the last inspection?)Tj 1 0 0 1 429.75 781.21997 Tm (Yes)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 476.37 783.15997 Tm <0035>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 501.75 781.21997 Tm (No)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 546.75 783.15997 Tm <0085>Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 69.18001 w 31.2 683.94 m 566.20001 683.94 l S 30.3 w 31.2 631.95001 m 91 631.95001 l S 93.25 631.95001 m 197.40001 631.95001 l S 199.64999 631.95001 m 289.5 631.95001 l S 291.75 631.95001 m 473.89999 631.95001 l S 476.14999 631.95001 m 566.20001 631.95001 l S 1 1 1 RG 256.85999 w 31.2 486.12 m 91.05 486.12 l S 93.3 486.12 m 197.40001 486.12 l S 199.64999 486.12 m 289.44998 486.12 l S 291.70001 486.12 m 473.80002 486.12 l S 476.04999 486.12 m 566.10004 486.12 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 648.21997 m 568.40002 648.21997 l S 28.99001 615.66998 m 568.40002 615.66998 l S 92.12 649.29999 m 92.12 355.48999 l S 290.62 649.29999 m 290.62 355.48999 l S 475.01999 649.29999 m 475.01999 355.48999 l S 28.99001 719.64996 m 568.40002 719.64996 l S 28.99001 648.21997 m 568.40002 648.21997 l S 28.99001 615.66998 m 568.29999 615.66998 l S 28.99001 356.56 m 568.29999 356.56 l S 30.07001 720.72998 m 30.07001 355.48999 l S 92.17 616.75 m 92.17 355.48999 l S 198.51999 649.29999 m 198.51999 355.48999 l S 290.57001 616.75 m 290.57001 355.48999 l S 474.91998 616.75 m 474.91998 355.48999 l S 567.32001 720.72998 m 567.32001 355.48999 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 16 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 702.45001 Tm (Outstanding statutory requirements)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 684.02997 Tm (These are requirements that were set at the previous inspection, but hav\ e still not )Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 669.45001 Tm (been met.)Tj 1 0 0 1 95.57001 669.45001 Tm (\240 )Tj 1 0 0 1 104.02 669.45001 Tm (They say what the registered person had to do to meet the Care Standards\ )Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 654.87 Tm (Act 2000, Care Homes Regulations 2001 and the National Minimum Standards\ .)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 637.04999 Tm (No.)Tj 1 0 0 1 96.10001 634.04999 Tm (Standard)Tj 1 0 0 1 202.5 634.04999 Tm (Regulation)Tj 1 0 0 1 294.60001 634.04999 Tm (Requirement)Tj 1 0 0 1 479 634.04999 Tm (Timescale for )Tj 1 0 0 1 479 621.90002 Tm (action)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 602.48999 Tm (1)Tj 1 0 0 1 96.15001 599.48999 Tm (38)Tj 1 0 0 1 202.5 599.48999 Tm (12\(1\))Tj 1 0 0 1 294.54999 599.48999 Tm (The Registered Person must )Tj 1 0 0 1 294.54999 584.90997 Tm (make proper provision for )Tj 1 0 0 1 294.54999 570.33002 Tm (the health and welfare of the )Tj 1 0 0 1 294.54999 555.75 Tm (residents. This must include )Tj 1 0 0 1 294.54999 541.16998 Tm (the provision of radiator )Tj 1 0 0 1 294.54999 526.58997 Tm (covers to minimise the risk )Tj 1 0 0 1 294.54999 512.01001 Tm (of burns and scalds.)Tj 1 0 0 1 294.54999 497.42999 Tm (The original timescale for )Tj 1 0 0 1 294.54999 482.84998 Tm (action was 08/08/08; during )Tj 1 0 0 1 294.54999 468.26999 Tm (this inspection the registered )Tj 1 0 0 1 294.54999 453.69 Tm (person advised that )Tj 1 0 0 1 294.54999 439.10999 Tm (arrangements have been )Tj 1 0 0 1 294.54999 424.53 Tm (made for the installation of )Tj 1 0 0 1 294.54999 409.94998 Tm (radiator covers. This )Tj 1 0 0 1 294.54999 395.37 Tm (requirement will remain until )Tj 1 0 0 1 294.54999 380.78998 Tm (completion of the work.)Tj 1 0 0 1 294.54999 363.20999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 478.89999 599.48999 Tm (23/09/2008)Tj ET endstream endobj 1769 0 obj 6289 endobj 1770 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 35.56 m 566.92999 35.56 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.78999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 31.8 Tm (Page)Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 31.8 Tm (24)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 522.20001 31.8 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 31.8 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 797.57001 Tm (Requirements and recommendations from this inspection:)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 782.14996 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 52.74001 w 31.2 748.58997 m 566.20001 748.58997 l S 30.3 w 31.2 704.82001 m 91 704.82001 l S 93.25 704.82001 m 197.40001 704.82001 l S 199.64998 704.82001 m 289.5 704.82001 l S 291.75 704.82001 m 473.89993 704.82001 l S 476.14993 704.82001 m 566.20001 704.82001 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 721.10004 m 568.40002 721.10004 l S 28.99001 776.08997 m 568.40002 776.08997 l S 28.99001 721.10004 m 568.40002 721.10004 l S 28.99001 688.54999 m 568.40002 688.54999 l S 30.07001 777.16998 m 30.07001 687.46997 l S 92.12 722.17999 m 92.12 687.46997 l S 198.51999 722.17999 m 198.51999 687.46997 l S 290.62 722.17999 m 290.62 687.46997 l S 475.01999 722.17999 m 475.01999 687.46997 l S 567.32001 777.16998 m 567.32001 687.46997 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 759.90002 Tm (Immediate requirements:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 742.32001 Tm (These are immediate requirements that were set on the day we visited thi\ s care home. )Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 727.73999 Tm (The registered person had to meet these within 48 hours.)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 709.91998 Tm (No.)Tj 1 0 0 1 96.10001 706.91998 Tm (Standard)Tj 1 0 0 1 202.5 706.91998 Tm (Regulation)Tj 1 0 0 1 294.60001 706.91998 Tm (Requirement)Tj 1 0 0 1 479 706.91998 Tm (Timescale for )Tj 1 0 0 1 479 694.76996 Tm (action)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 66.74001 w 31.2 616.67999 m 566.20001 616.67999 l S 30.3 w 31.2 565.90997 m 91 565.90997 l S 93.25 565.90997 m 197.40001 565.90997 l S 199.64998 565.90997 m 289.5 565.90997 l S 291.75 565.90997 m 473.89993 565.90997 l S 476.14993 565.90997 m 566.20001 565.90997 l S 1 1 1 RG 102 w 31.2 497.50998 m 91.05 497.50998 l S 93.3 497.50998 m 197.40001 497.50998 l S 199.64998 497.50998 m 289.44998 497.50998 l S 291.70001 497.50998 m 473.80002 497.50998 l S 476.04999 497.50998 m 566.10004 497.50998 l S 136 w 31.2 376.25998 m 91.05 376.25998 l S 93.3 376.25998 m 197.40001 376.25998 l S 199.64998 376.25998 m 289.44998 376.25998 l S 291.70001 376.25998 m 473.80002 376.25998 l S 476.04999 376.25998 m 566.10004 376.25998 l S 153 w 31.2 229.50998 m 91.05 229.50998 l S 93.3 229.50998 m 197.40001 229.50998 l S 199.64998 229.50998 m 289.44998 229.50998 l S 291.70001 229.50998 m 473.80002 229.50998 l S 476.04999 229.50998 m 566.10004 229.50998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 582.17999 m 568.40002 582.17999 l S 28.99001 549.63 m 568.40002 549.63 l S 92.12 583.26001 m 92.12 444.31 l S 290.62 583.26001 m 290.62 444.31 l S 475.01999 583.26001 m 475.01999 444.31 l S 28.99001 445.38 m 568.29999 445.38 l S 28.99001 307.13 m 568.29999 307.13 l S 28.99001 651.16998 m 568.40002 651.16998 l S 28.99001 582.17999 m 568.40002 582.17999 l S 28.99001 549.63 m 568.29999 549.63 l S 28.99001 445.38 m 568.29999 445.38 l S 28.99001 307.13 m 568.29999 307.13 l S 28.99001 151.87999 m 568.29999 151.87999 l S 30.07001 652.25 m 30.07001 150.81 l S 92.17 550.70996 m 92.17 150.81 l S 198.51999 583.26001 m 198.51999 150.81 l S 290.57001 550.70996 m 290.57001 150.81 l S 474.91998 550.70996 m 474.91998 150.81 l S 567.32001 652.25 m 567.32001 150.81 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 637.98999 Tm (Statutory requirements)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 617.98999 Tm (These requirements set out what the registered person must do to meet th\ e Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 603.40997 Tm (Standards Act 2000, Care Homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 239.76999 603.40997 Tm (Regulations 2001 and the National Minimum )Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 588.83002 Tm (Standards. The registered person\(s\) must do this within the timescales\ we have set.)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 571.01001 Tm (No.)Tj 1 0 0 1 96.10001 568.01001 Tm (Standard)Tj 1 0 0 1 202.5 568.01001 Tm (Regulation)Tj 1 0 0 1 294.60001 568.01001 Tm (Requirement)Tj 1 0 0 1 479 568.01001 Tm (Timescale for )Tj 1 0 0 1 479 555.85999 Tm (action)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 536.45001 Tm (1)Tj 1 0 0 1 99.3 536.45001 Tm (9)Tj 1 0 0 1 201.55 536.45001 Tm (13)Tj 1 0 0 1 298.04999 536.45001 Tm (Controlled Drugs no longer )Tj 1 0 0 1 298.04999 519.45001 Tm (in use at the home must be )Tj 1 0 0 1 298.04999 502.44998 Tm (promptly disposed of in the )Tj 1 0 0 1 298.04999 485.44998 Tm (correct manner.)Tj 1 0 0 1 298.04999 468.44998 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 298.04999 451.44998 Tm (.)Tj 1 0 0 1 482.10001 536.45001 Tm (12/06/2009)Tj 1 0 0 1 554.04999 536.45001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 432.20001 Tm (2)Tj 1 0 0 1 99.3 432.20001 Tm (9)Tj 1 0 0 1 201.55 432.20001 Tm (13)Tj 1 0 0 1 298.04999 432.20001 Tm (Medicines which are not )Tj 1 0 0 1 298.04999 415.20001 Tm (Controlled Drugs must not )Tj 1 0 0 1 298.04999 398.20001 Tm (be kept in the Controlled )Tj 1 0 0 1 298.04999 381.20001 Tm (Drug cabinet when it is )Tj 1 0 0 1 298.04999 364.20001 Tm (being used to store )Tj 1 0 0 1 298.04999 347.20001 Tm (Controlled Drugs.)Tj 1 0 0 1 298.04999 330.20001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 298.04999 313.20001 Tm (.)Tj 1 0 0 1 482.10001 432.20001 Tm (12/06/2009)Tj 1 0 0 1 554.04999 432.20001 Tm (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf -518.54999 -138.25003 Td (.)Tj -7.39999 -138.25003 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 446.60001 135.99997 Td (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 52.73 w 31.2 88.14 m 566.20001 88.14 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 115.63 m 568.40002 115.63 l S 28.99001 60.64999 m 568.40002 60.64999 l S 30.07001 116.71001 m 30.07001 59.57001 l S 567.32001 116.71001 m 567.32001 59.57001 l S BT /TT0 12 Tf 26.65001 97.19995 Td [( )21( )]TJ 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr (Recommendations)Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.58 TD [( )-21( )]TJ /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 8.948 0 Td (These recommendations are taken from the best practice described in the \ National )Tj /TT0 12 Tf -8.948 -14.57999 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Minimum Standards and the registered person\(s\) should consider them as\ a way of )Tj ET endstream endobj 1771 0 obj 8605 endobj 1772 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 35.56 m 566.92999 35.56 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.78999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 31.8 Tm (Page)Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 31.8 Tm (25)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 522.20001 31.8 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 31.8 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 17.58 w 31.2 803.73999 m 566.20001 803.73999 l S 18.14999 w 31.2 783.62 m 91 783.62 l S 93.25 783.62 m 197.40001 783.62 l S 199.64998 783.62 m 566.20001 783.62 l S 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 762.01001 m 91.05 762.01001 l S 93.3 762.01001 m 197.40001 762.01001 l S 199.64998 762.01001 m 566.10004 762.01001 l S 64.32001 w 31.2 717.31 m 91.05 717.31 l S 93.3 717.31 m 197.40001 717.31 l S 199.64998 717.31 m 566.10004 717.31 l S 49.74001 w 31.2 658.02997 m 91.05 658.02997 l S 93.3 658.02997 m 197.40001 658.02997 l S 199.64998 658.02997 m 566.10004 658.02997 l S 35.16 w 31.2 613.32996 m 91.05 613.32996 l S 93.3 613.32996 m 197.40001 613.32996 l S 199.64998 613.32996 m 566.10004 613.32996 l S 31.2 575.91998 m 91.05 575.91998 l S 93.3 575.91998 m 197.40001 575.91998 l S 199.64998 575.91998 m 566.10004 575.91998 l S 49.74001 w 31.2 531.21997 m 91.05 531.21997 l S 93.3 531.21997 m 197.40001 531.21997 l S 199.64998 531.21997 m 566.10004 531.21997 l S 31.2 479.22998 m 91.05 479.22998 l S 93.3 479.22998 m 197.40001 479.22998 l S 199.64998 479.22998 m 566.10004 479.22998 l S 64.32001 w 31.2 419.94998 m 91.05 419.94998 l S 93.3 419.94998 m 197.40001 419.94998 l S 199.64998 419.94998 m 566.10004 419.94998 l S 49.74001 w 31.2 360.66998 m 91.05 360.66998 l S 93.3 360.66998 m 197.40001 360.66998 l S 199.64998 360.66998 m 566.10004 360.66998 l S 31.2 308.67999 m 91.05 308.67999 l S 93.3 308.67999 m 197.40001 308.67999 l S 199.64998 308.67999 m 566.10004 308.67999 l S 31.2 256.69 m 91.05 256.69 l S 93.3 256.69 m 197.40001 256.69 l S 199.64998 256.69 m 566.10004 256.69 l S 64.32001 w 31.2 197.40999 m 91.05 197.40999 l S 93.3 197.40999 m 197.40001 197.40999 l S 199.64998 197.40999 m 566.10004 197.40999 l S 35.16 w 31.2 145.42 m 91.05 145.42 l S 93.3 145.42 m 197.40001 145.42 l S 199.64998 145.42 m 566.10004 145.42 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 793.82001 m 568.40002 793.82001 l S 28.99001 773.41998 m 568.40002 773.41998 l S 92.12 794.90002 m 92.12 749.51996 l S 28.99001 750.58997 m 568.29999 750.58997 l S 28.99001 684.01996 m 568.29999 684.01996 l S 28.99001 632.02997 m 568.29999 632.02997 l S 28.99001 594.62 m 568.29999 594.62 l S 28.99001 557.20996 m 568.29999 557.20996 l S 28.99001 505.22 m 568.29999 505.22 l S 28.99001 453.22998 m 568.29999 453.22998 l S 28.99001 386.66 m 568.29999 386.66 l S 28.99001 334.66998 m 568.29999 334.66998 l S 28.99001 282.67999 m 568.29999 282.67999 l S 28.99001 230.69 m 568.29999 230.69 l S 28.99001 164.12 m 568.29999 164.12 l S 28.99001 813.64996 m 568.40002 813.64996 l S 28.99001 793.82001 m 568.40002 793.82001 l S 28.99001 773.41998 m 568.29999 773.41998 l S 28.99001 750.58997 m 568.29999 750.58997 l S 28.99001 684.01996 m 568.29999 684.01996 l S 28.99001 632.02997 m 568.29999 632.02997 l S 28.99001 594.62 m 568.29999 594.62 l S 28.99001 557.20996 m 568.29999 557.20996 l S 28.99001 505.22 m 568.29999 505.22 l S 28.99001 453.22998 m 568.29999 453.22998 l S 28.99001 386.66 m 568.29999 386.66 l S 28.99001 334.66998 m 568.29999 334.66998 l S 28.99001 282.67999 m 568.29999 282.67999 l S 28.99001 230.69 m 568.29999 230.69 l S 28.99001 164.12 m 568.29999 164.12 l S 28.99001 126.71001 m 568.29999 126.71001 l S 30.07001 814.72998 m 30.07001 125.64 l S 92.17 774.5 m 92.17 125.64 l S 198.51999 794.90002 m 198.51999 125.64 l S 567.32001 814.72998 m 567.32001 125.64 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.8 802.71997 Tm (improving their service.)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 782.64996 Tm (No.)Tj 1 0 0 1 96.10001 779.64996 Tm (Refer to Standard)Tj 1 0 0 1 202.5 779.64996 Tm (Good Practice Recommendations)Tj /TT0 12 Tf -168.45 -22.41602 Td ( )Tj -5.70001 -22.83002 Td ( )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (1)Tj 73.95601 0 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (8)Tj /TT2 12 Tf ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Records of investigation, assessment and outcome should )Tj /TT0 12 Tf 94.494 -14.58002 Td ( )Tj /TT3 12 Tf ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (be promptly recorded with regard to all accidents involving )Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -14.57996 TD ( )Tj /TT3 12 Tf ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (residents of the home, to ensure that risks of recurrence )Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -14.58002 TD ( )Tj /TT3 12 Tf ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (are minimised.)Tj /TT0 12 Tf -168.45 -22.83002 Td ( )Tj /TT4 12 Tf ( )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 82.40401 0 Td (9)Tj 106.34998 0 Td (When a prescribed medicine is not administered the reason )Tj /TT0 12 Tf -20.304 -14.58002 Td ( )Tj /TT5 12 Tf ( )Tj /TT6 12 Tf ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (for each occasion of omission should be recorded.)Tj /TT5 12 Tf ( )Tj -168.45 -22.82996 Td ( )Tj /TT6 12 Tf -2.85007 -22.82996 Td ( )Tj /TT7 12 Tf -2.85007 -22.82996 Td ( )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (3)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 86.62801 0 Td (9)Tj /TT8 12 Tf ( T)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (he allergy status of each resident should be recorded on )Tj /TT5 12 Tf 81.82198 -14.58002 Td ( )Tj /TT3 12 Tf ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (the Medication Administration Records.)Tj /TT5 12 Tf -168.45 -22.83002 Td ( )Tj /TT7 12 Tf ( )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (4)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 82.40401 0 Td (12)Tj /TT9 12 Tf ( T)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (he programme of social and recreational activities should )Tj /TT3 12 Tf 86.04597 -14.57996 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (be expanded to ensure that each resident has opportunities )Tj /TT3 12 Tf T* ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (for enjoyable and meaningful activity.)Tj /TT5 12 Tf -168.45 -22.83002 Td ( )Tj /TT2 12 Tf ( 5)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 82.40401 0 Td (1)Tj /TT8 12 Tf (5 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The menu should be prominently displayed and greater )Tj /TT3 12 Tf 86.04597 -14.57999 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (opportunities provided for residents to make their selection )Tj /TT3 12 Tf 0 -14.57999 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (from a variety of options.)Tj /TT5 12 Tf -168.45 -22.83002 Td ( )Tj /TT8 12 Tf ( )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (6)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 82.40401 0 Td (26)Tj /TT10 12 Tf ( A policy and procedure for the management of commode\ s )Tj -85.25401 -22.83002 Td ( )Tj /TT3 12 Tf ( )Tj /TT10 12 Tf (should be developed and implemented, to provide staff with)Tj 0 -22.83002 TD ( )Tj /TT3 12 Tf ( )Tj /TT10 12 Tf (clear guidance on the particular control of infection methods.)Tj /TT11 12 Tf T* ( )Tj /TT8 12 Tf ( 7)Tj /TT1 12 Tf ( )Tj /TT12 12 Tf ( )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (36 T)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (he processes for staff supervision should be improved to )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 168.45 -14.57999 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (ensure that any concerns are promptly identified and )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -14.57999 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (effectively managed.)Tj /TT13 12 Tf -168.45 -22.83002 Td ( )Tj /TT8 12 Tf ( 8)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 83.22 0 Td (38)Tj /TT12 12 Tf ( T)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (he recommendation of the Environmental Health Officer to )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 85.22998 -14.57999 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (provide mechanical ventilation to the kitchen should be )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -14.58002 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (met.)Tj /TT1 12 Tf -168.45 -22.82999 Td ( )Tj /TT8 12 Tf ( 9)Tj /TT12 12 Tf 78.996 0 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (38)Tj /TT1 12 Tf ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The Health and Safety assessment of the premises should )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 89.45399 -14.58 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (be reviewed to ensure accuracy, with particular regard to )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -14.58 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (correct moving and handling processes and policies.)Tj /TT1 12 Tf -168.45 -22.83002 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (1)Tj /TT12 12 Tf [(0)-3903( )]TJ /T1_0 12 Tf (38)Tj /TT12 12 Tf ( T)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (he fire safety assessment should be amended to include )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 168.44998 -14.58002 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (details of each resident currently accommodated in the )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -14.58002 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (home and the means by which they will be evacuated in )Tj /TT1 12 Tf T* ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (the event of such necessity.)Tj /TT1 12 Tf -168.45 -22.82999 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (1)Tj /TT12 12 Tf [(1)-3903( )]TJ /T1_0 12 Tf (3)Tj /TT12 12 Tf (8 T)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (he registered manager should obtain a verifiable )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 168.44998 -14.58 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (qualification in care work.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1773 0 obj<> endobj 1774 0 obj<>stream iText 1.3.6 (by lowagie.com) distributed with the Software Developer's Journal endstream endobj xref 0 1775 0000000007 65535 f 0000000016 00000 n 0000010820 00000 n 0000027387 00000 n 0000027519 00000 n 0000028074 00000 n 0000028201 00000 n 0000000011 00001 f 0000028420 00000 n 0000028548 00000 n 0000028670 00000 n 0000000013 00001 f 0000028814 00000 n 0000000015 00001 f 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0.75 0.75]/RD[0.500153 0.500153 0.500153 0.500153]>> endobj 1781 0 obj[1780 0 R 1782 0 R 1786 0 R 1787 0 R] endobj 1782 0 obj<> endobj 1783 0 obj<>/Subtype/Form/FormType 1/Matrix[1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -431.999847 -557.499878]>>stream 1 0 0 RG 433 558.5 59.25 27.25 re S endstream endobj 1784 0 obj<>/Subtype/Form/FormType 1/Matrix[1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -431.999847 -557.499878]>>stream 0.75 G 433 558.5 59.25 27.2499 re S endstream endobj 1785 0 obj<>/Subtype/Form/FormType 1/Matrix[1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -431.999847 -557.499878]>>stream 0.75 G 0.75 g 433 558.5 59.25 27.2499 re B endstream endobj 1786 0 obj<>/IC[0.399994 0.399994 0.399994]/RD[0.500153 0.500153 0.500153 0.500153]>> endobj 1787 0 obj<> endobj 1788 0 obj<>/Subtype/Form/FormType 1/Matrix[1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -431.499847 -437.499847]>>stream 1 0 0 RG 432.5 438.5 59.75 26.25 re S endstream endobj 1789 0 obj<>/Subtype/Form/FormType 1/Matrix[1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -431.499847 -437.499847]>>stream 0.25 G 432.5 438.5 59.75 26.25 re S endstream endobj 1790 0 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-437.499847]>>stream 0.270584 G 0.399994 g 432.5 438.5 59.75 26.25 re B endstream endobj 1797 0 obj<>/Subtype/Form/FormType 1/Matrix[1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -431.499847 -437.499847]>>stream 0.384308 G 0.399994 g 432.5 438.5 59.75 26.25 re B endstream endobj 1798 0 obj<>/Subtype/Form/FormType 1/Matrix[1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -431.499847 -436.499847]>>stream 0.384308 G 0.399994 g 432.5 437.5 59.75 26.25 re B endstream endobj 1799 0 obj<>/Subtype/Form/FormType 1/Matrix[1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -431.499847 -437.499847]>>stream 0.384308 G 0.399994 g 432.5 438.5 59.75 26.25 re B endstream endobj 1800 0 obj<>stream iText 1.3.6 (by lowagie.com) distributed with the Software Developer's Journal endstream endobj xref 23 1 0000678611 00000 n 92 2 0000678833 00000 n 0000678927 00000 n 1775 26 0000679151 00000 n 0000679174 00000 n 0000679467 00000 n 0000679487 00000 n 0000679606 00000 n 0000679865 00000 n 0000680191 00000 n 0000680246 00000 n 0000680357 00000 n 0000680607 00000 n 0000680857 00000 n 0000681114 00000 n 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S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (c)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the manag\ ement of )Tj T* (commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are properly managed.)Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1805 0 obj 1564 endobj 1806 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (co)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the manag\ ement of )Tj T* (commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are properly managed.)Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1807 0 obj 1565 endobj 1808 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (com)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the manag\ ement of )Tj T* (commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are properly managed.)Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1809 0 obj 1566 endobj 1810 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (comm)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the manag\ ement of )Tj T* (commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are properly managed.)Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1811 0 obj 1567 endobj 1812 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (comme)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the manag\ ement of )Tj T* (commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are properly managed.)Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1813 0 obj 1568 endobj 1814 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (commen)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the manag\ ement of )Tj T* (commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are properly managed.)Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1815 0 obj 1569 endobj 1816 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (commend)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the manag\ ement of )Tj T* (commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are properly managed.)Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1817 0 obj 1570 endobj 1818 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (commende)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the manag\ ement of )Tj T* (commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are properly managed.)Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1819 0 obj 1571 endobj 1820 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (commended)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the manag\ ement of )Tj T* (commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are properly managed.)Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1821 0 obj 1595 endobj 1822 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ )Tj -2.02 -17.48999 Td ( re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (commended)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the manag\ ement of )Tj T* (commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are properly managed.)Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1823 0 obj 1587 endobj 1824 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ )Tj -2.02 -17.48999 Td ( re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (commended)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the mana\ gement of )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are properly managed.)Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1825 0 obj 1605 endobj 1826 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ )Tj -2.02 -17.48999 Td ( re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (commended)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (management of )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are properly managed.)Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1827 0 obj 1579 endobj 1828 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ )Tj -2.02 -17.48999 Td ( re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (commended)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (management of commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are proper\ ly managed.)Tj T* (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1829 0 obj 1578 endobj 1830 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ )Tj -2.02 -17.48999 Td (re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (commended)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (management of commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are proper\ ly managed.)Tj T* (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1831 0 obj 1607 endobj 1832 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ )Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf -2.02 -17.48999 Td (re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (commended)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (management of commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are proper\ ly managed.)Tj T* (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1833 0 obj 1608 endobj 1834 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ )Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf -2.02 -17.48999 Td (re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (commended)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (management of commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are proper\ ly managed.)Tj T* (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1835 0 obj 1614 endobj 1836 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ )Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( )Tj -2.02 -17.48999 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (commended)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (management of commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are proper\ ly managed.)Tj T* (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1837 0 obj 1643 endobj 1838 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ )Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( )Tj -2.02 -17.48999 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (commended)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the )Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.48999 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (management of commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are proper\ ly managed.)Tj T* (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1839 0 obj 1660 endobj 1840 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.48999 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ )Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( )Tj -2.02 -17.48999 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (commended)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the )Tj /TT0 12 Tf T* ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (management of commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are proper\ ly managed.)Tj T* (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1841 0 obj 1689 endobj 1842 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.48999 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ )Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( )Tj -2.02 -17.48999 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (commended)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the )Tj /TT0 12 Tf T* ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (management of commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are proper\ ly managed.)Tj T* (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1843 0 obj 1718 endobj 1844 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.48999 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ )Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( )Tj -2.02 -17.48999 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (commended)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the )Tj /TT0 12 Tf T* ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (management of commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are proper\ ly managed.)Tj T* (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1845 0 obj 1747 endobj 1846 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.48999 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ )Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( )Tj -2.02 -17.48999 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (commended)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the )Tj /TT0 12 Tf T* ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (management of commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are proper\ ly managed.)Tj T* (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj T* (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1847 0 obj 1776 endobj 1848 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.48999 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ )Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( )Tj -2.02 -17.48999 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (commended)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the )Tj /TT0 12 Tf T* ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (management of commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are proper\ ly managed.)Tj T* (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj /TT0 12 Tf T* ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1849 0 obj 5128 endobj 1850 0 obj<>stream q 538.5 0 0 61.5 28.35001 14.2 cm /Im0 Do Q 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 135.75 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 24.07001 742.40002 m 558.14996 742.40002 l S 2.25 w 20.74001 812.52997 m 561.47998 812.52997 l S 20.74001 674.52997 m 561.47998 674.52997 l S 21.82001 813.60999 m 21.82001 673.45001 l S 560.40002 813.60999 m 560.40002 673.45001 l S q 191.25 0 0 117.75 28.35001 685.64996 cm /Im1 Do Q 0.60001 0.60001 0.60001 rg BT /C2_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 136.34999 656.26996 Tm <002C005100560053004800460057004C0051004A000300490052005500030045004800570057004800550003004F004C005900480056>Tj 0 0 0 rg /C2_0 28 Tf 1 0 0 1 147.05 596.26996 Tm <002E0048005C0003004C005100560053004800460057004C005200510003005500480053005200550057>Tj ET 20.58 w 27.33 552.19 m 557.14996 552.19 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 24 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 504.5 Tm (Care homes for older people)Tj /C2_0 6 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 493.45999 Tm <0003>Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 486.22 Tm <0003>Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 472.44 m 160.37999 472.44 l S 1 1 1 RG 162.62999 472.44 m 563.64996 472.44 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 90.90001 w 31.2 414.44998 m 160.37999 414.44998 l S 1 1 1 RG 162.62999 414.44998 m 563.64996 414.44998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 461.01999 m 565.84998 461.01999 l S 28.99001 483.84998 m 565.84998 483.84998 l S 28.99001 461.01999 m 565.84998 461.01999 l S 28.99001 367.87 m 565.84998 367.87 l S 30.07001 484.92999 m 30.07001 366.80002 l S 161.5 484.92999 m 161.5 366.80002 l S 564.77997 484.92999 m 564.77997 366.80002 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 467.66998 Tm (Name:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 165.48 467.66998 Tm (Denewood House Care Home)Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 444.84 Tm (Address:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 165.48 444.84 Tm (12-14 Denewood Road )Tj 1 0 0 1 165.48 427.25998 Tm (West Moors)Tj 1 0 0 1 165.48 409.67999 Tm (Ferndown)Tj 1 0 0 1 165.48 392.10001 Tm (Dorset)Tj 1 0 0 1 165.48 374.51999 Tm (BH22 0LX)Tj /C2_1 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 355.62 Tm <0003>Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 338.62 Tm <0003>Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 319.07999 m 358.94998 319.07999 l S 1 1 1 RG 361.20001 319.07999 m 565.90002 319.07999 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 330.5 m 568.10004 330.5 l S 28.99001 307.66998 m 568.10004 307.66998 l S 30.07001 331.57001 m 30.07001 306.59 l S 360.06998 331.57001 m 360.06998 306.59 l S 567.01996 331.57001 m 567.01996 306.59 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 314.31 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 314.31 Tm [(care home)21( is:)]TJ /TT0 12 Tf 82.882 0 Td [( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )]TJ /TT1 12 Tf 0 Tr 93.95398 0 Td (Tw)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (o)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star )Tj /TT0 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( service)Tj /C2_1 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 295.41 Tm <0003>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 276.35999 Tm (A quality rating is our assessment of how well a care home, agency or sc\ heme is )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 259.35999 Tm (meeting the needs of the people who use it.)Tj 1 0 0 1 295.20001 259.35999 Tm (\240 )Tj 1 0 0 1 303.64999 259.35999 Tm (We give a quality rating following a full )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 242.36 Tm (assessment of the service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 189.22 242.36 Tm (\240 )Tj 1 0 0 1 197.67 242.36 Tm (We call this a \221key\222 inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 225.36 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 207.87999 m 315.25 207.87999 l S 317.5 207.87999 m 565.90002 207.87999 l S 1 1 1 RG 317.5 185.05 m 346.54999 185.05 l S 348.80002 185.05 m 377.89999 185.05 l S 380.14999 185.05 m 409.20001 185.05 l S 411.44998 185.05 m 440.54999 185.05 l S 442.80002 185.05 m 471.89993 185.05 l S 474.14993 185.05 m 503.20001 185.05 l S 505.44998 185.05 m 534.54999 185.05 l S 536.79999 185.05 m 565.90002 185.05 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 196.45999 m 568.10004 196.45999 l S 28.99001 219.28998 m 568.10004 219.28998 l S 28.99001 196.45999 m 568.10004 196.45999 l S 28.99001 173.62999 m 568.10004 173.62999 l S 30.07001 220.37 m 30.07001 172.55 l S 316.37 220.37 m 316.37 172.55 l S 347.66998 197.53998 m 347.66998 172.55 l S 379.01999 197.53998 m 379.01999 172.55 l S 410.31998 197.53998 m 410.31998 172.55 l S 441.66998 197.53998 m 441.66998 172.55 l S 473.01999 197.53998 m 473.01999 172.55 l S 504.31998 197.53998 m 504.31998 172.55 l S 535.66998 197.53998 m 535.66998 172.55 l S 567.01996 220.37 m 567.01996 172.55 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 203.11 Tm (Lead inspector:)Tj 1 0 0 1 320.35001 203.11 Tm (Date:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 180.28 Tm (Gloria Ashwell)Tj 1 0 0 1 329.63 180.28 Tm (0)Tj 1 0 0 1 360.94998 180.28 Tm (8)Tj 1 0 0 1 392.28 180.28 Tm (0)Tj 1 0 0 1 423.60999 180.28 Tm (5)Tj 1 0 0 1 454.94998 180.28 Tm (2)Tj 1 0 0 1 486.28 180.28 Tm (0)Tj 1 0 0 1 517.60004 180.28 Tm (0)Tj 1 0 0 1 548.95996 180.28 Tm (9)Tj /C2_1 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 161.37999 Tm <0003>Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 144.37999 Tm <0003>Tj /C2_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 297.63998 127.38 Tm <0003>Tj 1 0 0 1 297.63998 115.31 Tm <0003>Tj 1 0 0 1 297.63998 103.24001 Tm <0003>Tj ET endstream endobj 1851 0 obj 5481 endobj 1852 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 35.56 m 566.92999 35.56 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.78999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 485.41998 30.78999 Tm (Page)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.95001 30.78999 Tm (2)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 523.58002 30.78999 Tm ( of )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 541.88 30.78999 Tm (26)Tj /C2_0 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 297.63998 803.64996 Tm <0003>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 787.02997 Tm (This is a report of an inspection where we looked at how well this )Tj 1 0 0 1 428.31998 787.02997 Tm (care home is meeting )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 769.52997 Tm (the needs of people who use it.)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.65999 769.52997 Tm (There is a summary of what we think this service does )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 752.02997 Tm (well, what they have improved on and, where it applies, what they need t\ o do better.)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 734.53998 Tm (We use the national minimum standards to describe the outcomes that peop\ le should )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 717.03998 Tm (experience.)Tj 1 0 0 1 106.61 717.03998 Tm (National minimum standards are written by the Department of Health for )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 699.53998 Tm (each type of care service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 679.54999 Tm (After the summary there is more detail about our findings. The following\ table explains )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 662.04999 Tm (what you will see under each outcome area.)Tj ET 22.69 653.87 m 572.14996 653.87 l S 22.69 320.22998 m 572.14996 320.22998 l S 22.7 653.87 m 22.7 320.22998 l S 572.14996 653.87 m 572.14996 320.22998 l S BT /T1_0 10 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 640.57001 Tm (Outcome area \(for example )Tj 1 0 0 1 173.59 640.57001 Tm (Choice of home\))Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 610.26996 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 216.34 610.26996 Tm (staying in care homes should experience.)Tj 1 0 0 1 435.78998 610.26996 Tm (They reflect the things )Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 598.12 Tm (that people have said are important to them:)Tj ET 1 0.9451 0.76077 RG 82.23 w 30.60001 533.38 m 562.45001 533.38 l S 1 1 1 RG 39.99001 w 29.47 513.38 m 563.57001 513.38 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 27.27 534.5 m 565.76996 534.5 l S 27.27 576.73999 m 565.76996 576.73999 l S 27.27 534.5 m 565.76996 534.5 l S 27.27 492.25998 m 565.76996 492.25998 l S 28.35001 577.82001 m 28.35001 491.17999 l S 564.70001 577.82001 m 564.70001 491.17999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.87 561.06 Tm (This box tells you the outcomes that we will always inspect against when\ we do a key )Tj 1 0 0 1 34.87 543.56 Tm (inspection)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 95.78 543.56 Tm (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.87 518.82001 Tm (This box tells you any additional outcomes that we may inspect against w\ hen we do a )Tj 1 0 0 1 34.87 501.31998 Tm (key inspection.)Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 10 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 461.81 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 131.31999 461.81 Tm (staying in this care home experience:)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 424.64999 Tm (Judgement:)Tj ET 1 0.9451 0.76077 RG 39.99001 w 30.60001 393.35001 m 562.45001 393.35001 l S 1 1 1 RG 29.47 394.47 m 563.57001 394.47 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 27.27 415.59 m 565.76996 415.59 l S 27.27 373.35001 m 565.76996 373.35001 l S 28.35001 416.66998 m 28.35001 372.26999 l S 564.70001 416.66998 m 564.70001 372.26999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.87 399.91 Tm (This box tells you our opinion of what we have looked at in this outcome\ area.)Tj 1 0 0 1 517.78998 399.91 Tm (We )Tj 1 0 0 1 34.87 382.41 Tm (will say whether it is excellent, good, adequate or poor.)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 356.53998 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET 1 0.9451 0.76077 RG 22.5 w 30.60001 333.97998 m 562.45001 333.97998 l S 1 1 1 RG 29.47 335.10999 m 563.57001 335.10999 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 27.27 347.47998 m 565.76996 347.47998 l S 27.27 322.72998 m 565.76996 322.72998 l S 28.35001 348.54999 m 28.35001 321.64999 l S 564.70001 348.54999 m 564.70001 321.64999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.87 331.78998 Tm (This box describes the information we used to come to our judgement.)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 285.17999 Tm (Copies of the)Tj 1 0 0 1 111.71001 285.17999 Tm (National Minimum Standards )Tj 1 0 0 1 290.48999 285.17999 Tm (\226 )Tj 1 0 0 1 302.34 285.17999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 1 0 0 1 477.17999 285.17999 Tm ( can be found )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 267.67999 Tm (at www.dh.gov.uk or bought from The Stationery Office \(TSO\) PO Box 29,\ St Crispins, )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 250.17998 Tm (Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1GN. Tel: 0870 600 5522. Online ordering from \ the )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 232.68999 Tm (Stationery Office is also available: )Tj 0 0 1 rg 1 0 0 1 238.73 232.68999 Tm (www.tso.co.uk/bookshop)Tj 0 0 0 rg 1 0 0 1 28.35001 192.7 Tm (The Commission for Social Care Inspection aims to:)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 46.35001 172.7 Tm (\267)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 64.35001 172.7 Tm (Put the people who use social care first)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 46.35001 155.06 Tm (\267)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 64.35001 155.06 Tm (Improve services and stamp out bad practice)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 46.35001 137.42 Tm (\267)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 64.35001 137.42 Tm (Be an expert voice on social care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 46.35001 119.78 Tm (\267)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 64.35001 119.78 Tm (Practise what we preach in our own organisation)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 79.64 Tm (Our duty to regulate social care services is set out in the Care Standar\ ds Act 2000.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1853 0 obj 3357 endobj 1854 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 35.56 m 566.92999 35.56 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.78999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 485.41998 30.78999 Tm (Page)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.95001 30.78999 Tm (3)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 523.58002 30.78999 Tm ( of )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 541.88 30.78999 Tm (26)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 795.64996 Tm <0035004800440047004800550003002C0051004900520055005000440057004C00520051>Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 28.35001 774.21997 m 224.04999 774.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 774.21997 m 567 774.21997 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 28.35001 751.38995 m 224.04999 751.38995 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 751.38995 m 567 751.38995 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 28.35001 728.56 m 224.04999 728.56 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 728.56 m 567 728.56 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 28.35001 705.72998 m 224.04999 705.72998 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 705.72998 m 567 705.72998 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 151.8 w 28.35001 617.28998 m 224.04999 617.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 617.28998 m 567 617.28998 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 28.35001 528.84998 m 224.04999 528.84998 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 528.84998 m 567 528.84998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 26.14 762.79999 m 569.20001 762.79999 l S 26.14 739.96997 m 569.20001 739.96997 l S 26.14 717.13995 m 569.20001 717.13995 l S 26.14 694.31 m 569.20001 694.31 l S 26.14 540.26001 m 569.20001 540.26001 l S 26.14 785.63 m 569.20001 785.63 l S 26.14 762.79999 m 569.20001 762.79999 l S 26.14 739.96997 m 569.20001 739.96997 l S 26.14 717.13995 m 569.20001 717.13995 l S 26.14 694.31 m 569.20001 694.31 l S 26.14 540.26001 m 569.20001 540.26001 l S 26.14 517.42999 m 569.20001 517.42999 l S 27.22 786.70996 m 27.22 516.34998 l S 225.17 786.70996 m 225.17 516.34998 l S 568.12 786.70996 m 568.12 516.34998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 769.45001 Tm (Document Purpose)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 769.45001 Tm (Inspection report)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 746.62 Tm (Author)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 746.62 Tm (CSCI)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 723.78998 Tm (Audience)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 723.78998 Tm (General public)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 700.95996 Tm (Further copies from)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 700.95996 Tm (0870 240 7535 \(telephone order line\))Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 678.13 Tm (Copyright)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 678.13 Tm (Copyright \251 \()Tj 1 0 0 1 313.48999 678.13 Tm (2009)Tj 1 0 0 1 344.01999 678.13 Tm (\) Commission for Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 663.54999 Tm (Inspection \(CSCI\). This publication may be reproduced )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 648.96997 Tm (in whole or in part, free of charge, in any format or )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 634.39001 Tm (medium provided that it is not used for commercial )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 619.81 Tm (gain. This consent is subject to the material being )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 605.22998 Tm (reproduced accurately and on proviso that it is not )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 590.64996 Tm (used in a derogatory manner or misleading context. )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 576.07001 Tm (The material should be acknowledged as CSCI )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 561.48999 Tm (copyright, with the title and date of publication of the )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 546.90997 Tm (document specified.)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 524.08002 Tm (Internet address)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 524.08002 Tm (www.cqc.org.uk)Tj ET endstream endobj 1855 0 obj 8542 endobj 1856 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 35.56 m 566.92999 35.56 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.78999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 485.41998 30.78999 Tm (Page)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.95001 30.78999 Tm (4)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 523.58002 30.78999 Tm ( of )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 541.88 30.78999 Tm (26)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 795.64996 Tm <002C0051004900520055005000440057004C0052005100030044004500520058005700030057004B0048000300460044005500480003004B005200500048>Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 774.21997 m 267.94998 774.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 774.21997 m 565.64996 774.21997 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 90.90001 w 31.2 716.22998 m 267.94998 716.22998 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 716.22998 m 565.64996 716.22998 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 658.23999 m 267.94998 658.23999 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 658.23999 m 565.64996 658.23999 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 31.2 635.40997 m 267.94998 635.40997 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 635.40997 m 565.64996 635.40997 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 31.2 612.57996 m 267.94998 612.57996 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 612.57996 m 565.64996 612.57996 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 31.2 589.75 m 267.94998 589.75 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 589.75 m 565.64996 589.75 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 762.79999 m 567.84998 762.79999 l S 28.99001 669.64996 m 567.84998 669.64996 l S 28.99001 646.82001 m 567.84998 646.82001 l S 28.99001 623.98999 m 567.84998 623.98999 l S 28.99001 601.15997 m 567.84998 601.15997 l S 28.99001 785.63 m 567.84998 785.63 l S 28.99001 762.79999 m 567.84998 762.79999 l S 28.99001 669.64996 m 567.84998 669.64996 l S 28.99001 646.82001 m 567.84998 646.82001 l S 28.99001 623.98999 m 567.84998 623.98999 l S 28.99001 601.15997 m 567.84998 601.15997 l S 28.99001 578.33002 m 567.84998 578.33002 l S 30.07001 786.70996 m 30.07001 577.26001 l S 269.07001 786.70996 m 269.07001 577.26001 l S 566.76996 786.70996 m 566.76996 577.26001 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 769.45001 Tm (Name of care home:)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 769.45001 Tm (Denewood House Care Home)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 746.62 Tm (Address:)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 746.62 Tm (12-14 Denewood Road)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 729.03998 Tm (West Moors)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 711.45996 Tm (Ferndown)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 693.88 Tm (Dorset)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 676.29999 Tm (BH22 0LX)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 653.46997 Tm (Telephone number:)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 653.46997 Tm (01202892008)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 630.64001 Tm (Fax number:)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 630.64001 Tm (01258841255)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 607.81 Tm (Email address:)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 607.81 Tm (samilycare-denewood@hotmail.com)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 584.97998 Tm (Provider web address:)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 546.53998 m 353.25 546.53998 l S 1 1 1 RG 355.5 546.53998 m 565.90002 546.53998 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 31.2 523.70996 m 353.25 523.70996 l S 1 1 1 RG 355.5 523.70996 m 565.90002 523.70996 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 31.2 500.87994 m 353.25 500.87994 l S 1 1 1 RG 355.5 500.87994 m 565.90002 500.87994 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 535.13 m 568.10004 535.13 l S 28.99001 512.29999 m 568.10004 512.29999 l S 28.99001 557.95996 m 568.10004 557.95996 l S 28.99001 535.13 m 568.10004 535.13 l S 28.99001 512.29999 m 568.10004 512.29999 l S 28.99001 489.47 m 568.10004 489.47 l S 30.07001 559.02997 m 30.07001 488.38995 l S 354.37 559.02997 m 354.37 488.38995 l S 567.01996 559.02997 m 567.01996 488.38995 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 541.76996 Tm (Name of registered provider\(s\):)Tj 1 0 0 1 358.35001 541.76996 Tm (Samily Care Ltd)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 518.94 Tm (Type of registration:)Tj 1 0 0 1 358.35001 518.94 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 496.10999 Tm (Number of places registered:)Tj 1 0 0 1 358.35001 496.10999 Tm (21)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 477.16998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 457.67999 m 565.60004 457.67999 l S 41.16 w 31.2 424.56 m 297.20001 424.56 l S 20.58 w 299.44998 434.84998 m 565.60004 434.84998 l S 299.44998 414.26999 m 432.51999 414.26999 l S 432.51999 414.26999 m 565.60004 414.26999 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 446.25998 m 567.79999 446.25998 l S 28.99001 469.09 m 567.79999 469.09 l S 28.99001 446.25998 m 567.79999 446.25998 l S 28.99001 402.85001 m 567.79999 402.85001 l S 30.07001 470.16998 m 30.07001 401.76999 l S 298.32001 447.34 m 298.32001 401.76999 l S 566.71997 470.16998 m 566.71997 401.76999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 452.91 Tm (Conditions of registration:)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 430.07999 Tm (Category\(ies\) :)Tj 1 0 0 1 302.30002 430.07999 Tm (Number of places \(if applicable\):)Tj 1 0 0 1 302.30002 409.5 Tm (Under 65)Tj 1 0 0 1 435.37 409.5 Tm (Over 65)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 35.16 w 31.2 380.76999 m 297.30002 380.76999 l S 299.54999 380.76999 m 431.44998 380.76999 l S 433.70001 380.76999 m 565.60004 380.76999 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 350.64999 m 565.60004 350.64999 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 362.06998 m 567.79999 362.06998 l S 28.99001 399.47998 m 567.79999 399.47998 l S 28.99001 362.06998 m 567.79999 362.06998 l S 28.99001 339.23999 m 567.79999 339.23999 l S 30.07001 400.54999 m 30.07001 338.16 l S 298.41998 400.54999 m 298.41998 360.98999 l S 432.56998 400.54999 m 432.56998 360.98999 l S 566.71997 400.54999 m 566.71997 338.16 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 383.28998 Tm (old age, not falling within any other )Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 368.70999 Tm (category)Tj 1 0 0 1 302.39999 383.28998 Tm (0)Tj 1 0 0 1 436.54999 383.28998 Tm (21)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 345.88 Tm (Additional conditions: )Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 324.44998 m 315.25 324.44998 l S 1 1 1 RG 317.5 324.44998 m 346.54999 324.44998 l S 348.80002 324.44998 m 377.89999 324.44998 l S 380.14999 324.44998 m 409.20001 324.44998 l S 411.44998 324.44998 m 440.54999 324.44998 l S 442.80002 324.44998 m 471.89996 324.44998 l S 474.14996 324.44998 m 503.20001 324.44998 l S 505.44998 324.44998 m 534.54999 324.44998 l S 536.79999 324.44998 m 565.90002 324.44998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 335.85999 m 568.10004 335.85999 l S 28.99001 313.03 m 568.10004 313.03 l S 30.07001 336.94 m 30.07001 311.94998 l S 316.37 336.94 m 316.37 311.94998 l S 347.66998 336.94 m 347.66998 311.94998 l S 379.01999 336.94 m 379.01999 311.94998 l S 410.31998 336.94 m 410.31998 311.94998 l S 441.66998 336.94 m 441.66998 311.94998 l S 473.01999 336.94 m 473.01999 311.94998 l S 504.31998 336.94 m 504.31998 311.94998 l S 535.66998 336.94 m 535.66998 311.94998 l S 567.01996 336.94 m 567.01996 311.94998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 319.67999 Tm (\240Date of last inspection)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 17 w 31.2 301.16 m 565.90002 301.16 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 291.53 m 568.10004 291.53 l S 30.07001 292.60999 m 30.07001 39.14999 l S 567.01996 292.60999 m 567.01996 39.14999 l S 28.99001 310.78 m 568.10004 310.78 l S 28.99001 291.53 m 568.10004 291.53 l S 28.99001 40.22 m 568.10004 40.22 l S 30.07001 311.85999 m 30.07001 290.44998 l S 567.01996 311.85999 m 567.01996 290.44998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 297.60001 Tm (Brief description of the )Tj 1 0 0 1 177.31 297.60001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 278.35001 Tm (Denewood House is a detached house in a residential area of West Moors, \ local shops, )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 261.35001 Tm (churches, pubs and a library are available close by following a level wa\ lk.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 244.34999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 227.34999 Tm (The home is registered to accommodate a maximum of 21 older people. It i\ s privately )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 210.34999 Tm (owned by Samily Care Ltd and is managed by registered provider Caroline \ Bleach.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 193.34999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 176.34999 Tm (The bedrooms are on the ground and first floors. There are two double be\ drooms and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 159.34999 Tm (17 single rooms. The home does not have a passenger lift but a stair lif\ t operates to )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 142.34999 Tm (the first floor; to access a number of the first floor bedrooms it is ne\ cessary to )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 125.35001 Tm (negotiate a single step up, beyond the landing to at which the stir lift\ arrives.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 108.35001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 91.35001 Tm (The rear garden has lawn, flower beds, and seats; some bedrooms have pat\ io doors )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 74.35001 Tm (opening out to the garden.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 57.35001 Tm (\240)Tj ET endstream endobj 1857 0 obj 1808 endobj 1858 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 35.56 m 566.92999 35.56 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.78999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 485.41998 30.78999 Tm (Page)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.95001 30.78999 Tm (5)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 523.58002 30.78999 Tm ( of )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 541.88 30.78999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 17 w 31.2 804.02997 m 565.90002 804.02997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 794.40002 m 568.10004 794.40002 l S 30.07001 795.47998 m 30.07001 638.07996 l S 567.01996 795.47998 m 567.01996 638.07996 l S 28.99001 813.64996 m 568.10004 813.64996 l S 28.99001 794.40002 m 568.10004 794.40002 l S 28.99001 639.14996 m 568.10004 639.14996 l S 30.07001 814.72998 m 30.07001 793.32996 l S 567.01996 814.72998 m 567.01996 793.32996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.5 800.46997 Tm (Brief description of the )Tj 1 0 0 1 177.31 800.46997 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 783.46997 Tm (Car parking spaces are available at the front of the building and parkin\ g on the road is )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 766.46997 Tm (unrestricted.)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 749.46997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 732.46997 Tm (Fees are charged weekly; the fee range quoted by the provider at the tim\ e of )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 715.46997 Tm (inspection was \(per person\) between \243474 and \243550. Up to date in\ formation on fees )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 698.46997 Tm (can be obtained from the service. Additional charges are made for hairdr\ essing, )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 681.46997 Tm (chiropody, newspapers and personal shopping.)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 664.46997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 647.46997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 627.08997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 610.08997 Tm (\240)Tj ET endstream endobj 1859 0 obj 3255 endobj 1860 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj 1 0 0 1 398 715.45001 Tm (one star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT0 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1861 0 obj 1742 endobj 1862 0 obj<>stream 1 1 1 RG 1 i 250.86 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 32.32001 687.10004 m 566.71997 687.10004 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 813.64996 m 568.91998 813.64996 l S 30.12 560.53998 m 568.91998 560.53998 l S 31.2 814.72998 m 31.2 559.46997 l S 567.84998 814.72998 m 567.84998 559.46997 l S 0 0 0 rg BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 32.92 802.71997 Tm (toured the premises and spoke to residents, staff, observed staff intera\ ction with )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 788.13995 Tm (residents and the carrying out of routine tasks and together with regist\ ered manager )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 773.56 Tm (Mrs Bleach discussed and examined documents regarding care provision and\ )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 758.97998 Tm (management of the home.)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 744.40002 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 729.82001 Tm (The duration of the inspection was 5 hours.)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 715.23999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 700.65997 Tm (During the inspection, particular residents were 'case tracked'; for exa\ mple, for )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 686.07996 Tm (evidence regarding Standards 3, 7 and 8, records relating to the same re\ sidents were )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 671.5 Tm (examined and the residents spoken with.)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 656.91998 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 642.33997 Tm (In advance of the inspection an Annual Quality Assurance Questionnaire w\ as completed )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 627.76001 Tm (by Mrs Bleach and returned to the Commission; the information it contain\ ed has been )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 613.17999 Tm (used to inform the findings of this inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 598.60004 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 584.01996 Tm (During this inspection compliance with all key standards of the National\ Minimum )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 569.44 Tm (Standards was assessed.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1863 0 obj 4917 endobj 1864 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 52.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (8)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.20001 53.03999 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 533.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 803.35999 m 567.84998 803.35999 l S 268.44 w 32.32001 656.60004 m 566.71997 656.60004 l S 20.58 w 32.7 509.84 m 569.34998 509.84 l S 78.90001 w 33.82001 457.84998 m 568.21997 457.84998 l S 20.58 w 33.45 405.85999 m 570.10004 405.85999 l S 78.90001 w 34.57001 353.87 m 568.96997 353.87 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 791.95001 m 567.84998 791.95001 l S 30.12 791.95001 m 568.91998 791.95001 l S 30.12 521.26001 m 568.91998 521.26001 l S 31.2 793.02997 m 31.2 520.17999 l S 31.2 521.26001 m 569.34998 521.26001 l S 32.7 498.42996 m 569.34998 498.42996 l S 31.62 498.42996 m 570.41998 498.42996 l S 31.62 417.28 m 570.41998 417.28 l S 33.45 394.44998 m 570.10004 394.44998 l S 33.45 417.28 m 570.10004 417.28 l S 32.37 394.44998 m 571.16998 394.44998 l S 32.37 313.30002 m 571.16998 313.30002 l S 32.7 499.50998 m 32.7 416.20001 l S 33.45 395.53 m 33.45 312.22 l S 567.84998 793.02997 m 567.84998 520.17999 l S 569.34998 499.50998 m 569.34998 416.20001 l S 570.10004 395.53 m 570.10004 312.22 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 798.58997 Tm (What the )Tj 1 0 0 1 90.52 798.58997 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 154.2 798.58997 Tm ( does well:)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 567.84998 801.25 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.17 775.76001 Tm (All the residents spoken with were complimentary of the care they receiv\ ed and the )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 761.17999 Tm (friendly nature of management and care staff.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 746.60004 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 732.01996 Tm (People considering moving into the home receive a full assessment and ar\ e provided )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 717.44 Tm (with the opportunity to visit and spend time at the home to make sure th\ at it is able to )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 702.85999 Tm (meet their needs.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 688.27997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 673.70001 Tm (Residents are encouraged to maintain their links with friends and family\ and all visitors )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 659.12 Tm (are made welcome.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 644.53998 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 629.95996 Tm (The house and gardens are maintained to provide a comfortable place to l\ ive. )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 615.38 Tm (Residents are encouraged to personalise their rooms with items of furnit\ ure, pictures )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 600.79999 Tm (and a variety of mementos.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 586.21997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 571.64001 Tm (Sufficient numbers of care staff are on duty throughout the day and nigh\ t to meet the )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 557.06 Tm (needs of the residents.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 542.47998 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 527.90002 Tm (Financial procedures within the home ensure residents' interests are pro\ tected.)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 568.96997 655.04999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 507.72998 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 32.7 505.06998 Tm (What has improved since the last inspection?)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 569.34998 508.28998 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 456.30002 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 36.67 482.23999 Tm (Care planning processes and associated record keeping have been improved\ to provide )Tj 1 0 0 1 36.67 467.66 Tm (staff with sufficient information to be able to meet the needs of reside\ nts.)Tj 1 0 0 1 36.67 453.07999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 36.67 438.5 Tm (The range and frequency of social and recreational activities has been e\ xtended, but )Tj 1 0 0 1 36.67 423.91998 Tm (would benefit from further improvement to ensure the satisfaction of res\ idents.)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 570.46997 456.30002 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 404.31 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.45 401.09 Tm (What they could do better:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf -2.25 -48.76999 Td [( )-21( )]TJ /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 8.948 0 Td (Greater choice of menus and more opportunities to participate in recreat\ ional and )Tj /TT0 12 Tf -8.948 -14.57999 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (social activities would be welcomed by some residents. )Tj -9.06999 -22.33002 Td (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -19.98999 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (If you want to know what action the person responsible for this care hom\ e is taking )Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (following this report, you can contact them using the details set out on\ page 4.)Tj 0 -19.99001 TD (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -20 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf [(The report of this inspection is available from our website www.cqc.org.\ uk.)-704(You can get )]TJ /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (printed copies from enquiries@cqc.org.uk or by telephoning our order lin\ e \2260870 240 )Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.48999 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (7535.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1865 0 obj 2093 endobj 1866 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 52.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (9)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.20001 53.03999 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 533.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 14 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 782.57996 Tm (Details of our findings)Tj ET 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 26 w 32.32001 746.26996 m 562.52997 746.26996 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 761.51996 m 565.84998 761.51996 l S 28.99001 733.26996 m 565.84998 733.26996 l S 30.07001 762.60004 m 30.07001 732.19 l S 564.77997 762.60004 m 564.77997 732.19 l S BT /C2_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 744.38995 Tm <00260052005100570048005100570056>Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 16 w 28.35001 700.01996 m 566.92999 700.01996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 695.95996 Tm (Choice of home\240 \(standards 1 - 6\))Tj ET 28.35001 678.01996 m 566.92999 678.01996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 673.95996 Tm (Health and personal care\240 \(standards 7 - 11\))Tj ET 28.35001 656.01996 m 566.92999 656.01996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 651.95996 Tm (Daily life and social activities\240 \(standards 12 - 15\))Tj ET 28.35001 634.01996 m 566.92999 634.01996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 629.95996 Tm (Complaints and protection\240 \(standards 16 - 18\))Tj ET 28.35001 612.01996 m 566.92999 612.01996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 607.95996 Tm (Environment\240 \(standards 19 - 26\))Tj ET 28.35001 590.01996 m 566.92999 590.01996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 585.95996 Tm (Staffing\240 \(standards 27 - 30\))Tj ET 28.35001 568.01996 m 566.92999 568.01996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 563.95996 Tm (Management and administration\240 \(standards 31 - 38\))Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 543.95996 Tm (Outstanding statutory requirements)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 522.08997 Tm (Requirements and recommendations from this inspection)Tj ET endstream endobj 1867 0 obj 5347 endobj 1868 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (10)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Choice of home)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 206.25 w 32.32001 593.28998 m 562.52997 593.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 119 w 31.2 550.78998 m 563.64996 550.78998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 611.41998 m 565.84998 611.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 611.41998 m 565.84998 611.41998 l S 28.99001 490.16995 m 565.84998 490.16995 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 489.09 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 489.09 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People are confident that the care home can support them. This is becaus\ e there is an )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (accurate assessment of their needs that they, or people close to them, h\ ave been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (involved in. This tells the home all about them and the support they nee\ d. People who )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (stay at the home only for intermediate care, have a clear assessment tha\ t includes a )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (plan on what they hope for and want to achieve when they return home.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 598.22998 Tm (People can decide whether the care home can meet their support and accom\ modation )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (needs. This is because they, or people close to them, have been able to \ visit the home )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and have got full, clear, accurate and up to date information about the \ home. If they )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (decide to stay in the home they know about their rights and responsibili\ ties because )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (there is an easy to understand contract or statement of terms and condit\ ions between )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 513.22998 Tm (them and the care home that includes how much they will pay and what the\ home )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 496.22998 Tm (provides for the money.)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 471.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 449.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 449.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 449.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 449.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 432.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 119.98 w 33.45 368.73999 m 563.64996 368.73999 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 419.72998 m 565.90002 419.72998 l S 97.48 w 32.32001 357.5 m 564.77997 357.5 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 407.35999 m 566.97998 407.35999 l S 31.2 408.44 m 31.2 306.54999 l S 565.90002 408.44 m 565.90002 306.54999 l S 31.2 407.35999 m 565.90002 407.35999 l S 30.12 307.63 m 566.97998 307.63 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 416.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 391.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 258.01999 391.67999 Tm (good)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 291.76999 391.67999 Tm (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 374.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 354.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 334.19 Tm (Prior to admission, the needs of each proposed resident are assessed to \ ensure the )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 316.69 Tm (home will be properly able to meet them.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 213.53998 w 33.45 174.98999 m 563.64996 174.98999 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 272.75998 m 565.90002 272.75998 l S 192.15999 w 32.32001 163.17999 m 564.77997 163.17999 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 260.38998 m 566.97998 260.38998 l S 31.2 261.47 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 261.47 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 260.38998 m 565.90002 260.38998 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 269.44998 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 244.7 Tm (All new admissions are planned to minimise distress to the new resident \ and to ensure )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 227.20999 Tm (that staff have available relevant information in order that they can pr\ operly meet )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 209.70999 Tm (each persons needs.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 192.22 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 174.72 Tm (The records of two residents admitted since the last inspection included\ clear details of )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 157.22 Tm (pre admission assessment carried out by the manager while visiting the p\ rospective )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 139.73 Tm (residents at their previous addresses.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 122.23 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 104.74001 Tm (In advance of making the decision to enter the home prospective resident\ s or their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 87.24001 Tm (representatives visited the home to view the premises and meet residents\ and staff.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1869 0 obj 1267 endobj 1870 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (11)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 93.86 w 33.45 764.47998 m 563.64996 764.47998 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 72.48 w 32.32001 752.66998 m 564.77997 752.66998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 714.21997 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 714.21997 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 715.29999 m 566.97998 715.29999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 779.10004 Tm (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( )Tj -2.02 -19.98993 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Following pre admission assessment of each prospective residents needs a\ nd )Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.49005 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (circumstances the home writes to them confirming the agreement and abili\ ty to )Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (provide accommodation and care.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1871 0 obj 5321 endobj 1872 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (12)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 172.25 w 32.32001 610.28998 m 562.52997 610.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 559.28998 m 563.64996 559.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 524.16998 m 565.84998 524.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 523.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 523.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People\222s health, personal and social care needs are met. The home has\ a plan of care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (that the person, or someone close to them, has been involved in making. \ If they take )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (medicine, they manage it themselves if they can. If they cannot manage t\ heir )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (medicine, the care home supports them with it, in a safe way. People\222\ s right to privacy )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (is respected and the support they get from staff is given in a way that \ maintains their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.47998 Tm (dignity.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (If people are approaching the end of their life, the care home will resp\ ect their choices )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and help them feel comfortable and secure. They, and people close to the\ m, are )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (reassured that their death will be handled with sensitivity, dignity and\ respect, and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (take account of their spiritual and cultural wishes. )Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 505.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 483.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 483.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 483.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 483.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 466.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 207.45999 w 33.45 359 m 563.64996 359 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 453.72998 m 565.90002 453.72998 l S 184.95999 w 32.32001 347.75998 m 564.77997 347.75998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 441.35999 m 566.97998 441.35999 l S 31.2 442.44 m 31.2 253.06998 l S 565.90002 442.44 m 565.90002 253.06998 l S 31.2 441.35999 m 565.90002 441.35999 l S 30.12 254.14998 m 566.97998 254.14998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 450.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 425.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /TT0 12 Tf 2 Tr 221.55202 0 Td (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 33.746 0 Td (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 408.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 388.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 368.19 Tm (The care needs of residents are met by suitably trained staff; doctors a\ nd other )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 350.69 Tm (professionals visit as necessary and residents receive the medicines the\ y have been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 333.20001 Tm (prescribed.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 315.70001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 298.20001 Tm (Care is planned to promote the individuality of each resident and to pro\ vide staff with )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 280.70999 Tm (sufficient information to enable the needs of each person to be properly\ met but more )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 263.20999 Tm (must be done to ensure that appropriate control of infection precautions\ are in place.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 160.05 w 33.45 148.25 m 563.64996 148.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 219.28 m 565.90002 219.28 l S 138.67999 w 32.32001 136.44 m 564.77997 136.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 206.90999 m 566.97998 206.90999 l S 31.2 207.98999 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 207.98999 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 206.90999 m 565.90002 206.90999 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 215.97 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 191.22 Tm (The care records of 3 people who live at the home were examined and foun\ d to )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 173.73 Tm (contain risk assessments forming the basis for care plans and daily reco\ rds describing )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 156.23 Tm (the care of each person. There was evidence that individual residents or\ their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 138.73999 Tm (representatives had been involved in the development and review of plann\ ed care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 121.24001 Tm (provision.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 103.74001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 86.25 Tm (The care plans were clear and comprehensive)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 1873 0 obj 2110 endobj 1874 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (13)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 478.76999 w 33.45 572.01996 m 563.64996 572.01996 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 457.39996 w 32.32001 560.20996 m 564.77997 560.20996 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 329.31 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 329.31 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 330.38998 m 566.97998 330.38998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.5 Td (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Medicine handling is carried out by staff trained in this work. Medicati\ on records were )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (properly kept indicating that residents receive prescribed medicines at \ the correct )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (times and in correct amounts. To promote good practice it is recommended\ that each )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (record includes the allergy status of the resident e.g. None Known, and \ that for every )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (occasion on which a prescribed medicine is not administered the reason f\ or omission is )Tj T* (recorded.)Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The Controlled Drug register had been properly kept and Controlled Drugs\ were )Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (correctly stored although a drug that is not of the Controlled status wa\ s also stored in )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (the CD cabinet and a Controlled Drug no longer prescribed for the reside\ nt had not )Tj T* (been promptly disposed of. Associated requirements are contained in this\ report.)Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Residents spoken to during the inspection said they are treated with res\ pect and their )Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (privacy is protected. One said that living at Denewood was like being at\ home.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1875 0 obj 5359 endobj 1876 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (14)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 138.25 w 32.32001 627.28998 m 562.52997 627.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 17 w 31.2 567.78998 m 563.64996 567.78998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 577.41998 m 565.84998 577.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 577.41998 m 565.84998 577.41998 l S 28.99001 558.16998 m 565.84998 558.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 557.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 557.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (Each person is treated as an individual and the care home is responsive \ to his or her )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (race, culture, religion, age, disability, gender and sexual orientation.\ They are part of )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (their local community. The care home supports people to follow personal \ interests and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (activities. People are able to keep in touch with family, friends and re\ presentatives. )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (They are as independent as they can be, lead their chosen lifestyle and \ have the )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.47998 Tm (opportunity to make the most of their abilities. People have nutritious \ and attractive )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 583.47998 Tm (meals and snacks, at a time and place to suit them.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (There are no additional outcomes.)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 539.90997 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 517.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 517.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 517.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 517.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 500.67996 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 242.45 w 33.45 375.50998 m 563.64996 375.50998 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 487.72998 m 565.90002 487.72998 l S 219.95 w 32.32001 364.25998 m 564.77997 364.25998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 475.35999 m 566.97998 475.35999 l S 31.2 476.44 m 31.2 252.08 l S 565.90002 476.44 m 565.90002 252.08 l S 31.2 475.35999 m 565.90002 475.35999 l S 30.12 253.15999 m 566.97998 253.15999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 484.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 459.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 258.01999 459.67999 Tm (adequate)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 318.25 459.67999 Tm (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 442.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 422.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 402.19 Tm (More should be done to provide opportunities for the residents to engage\ in )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 384.69 Tm (recreational and social activities to reduce the probability that they b\ ecome bored, )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 367.20001 Tm (apathetic and restless.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 349.70001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 332.20001 Tm (Residents are encouraged to maintain contact with the local community an\ d visits by )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 314.70999 Tm (their friends and relatives are welcomed by the home.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 297.20999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 279.72 Tm (Meals are nutritional and appetising but opportunities for choice of mea\ ls should be )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 262.22 Tm (improved.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 159.06 w 33.45 147.75998 m 563.64996 147.75998 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 218.28998 m 565.90002 218.28998 l S 137.69 w 32.32001 135.95 m 564.77997 135.95 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 205.92 m 566.97998 205.92 l S 31.2 206.98999 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 206.98999 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 205.92 m 565.90002 205.92 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 214.98 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 190.23 Tm (The home does not employ an Activity Organiser and at the time of this i\ nspection no )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 172.73999 Tm (programme of activities was displayed in communal areas; Mrs Bleach said\ that each )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 155.23999 Tm (resident is provided with a weekly programme which they keep in their be\ drooms. )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 137.73999 Tm (Residents spoken with during the inspection did not know if any activiti\ es were )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 120.25 Tm (scheduled and none took place during the inspection. Some residents comm\ ented that )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 102.75 Tm (they would like more organised activities and it was noted that a commen\ t received )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 85.25999 Tm (from an opinion survey conducted by the home during 2008 requested great\ er activity)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 1877 0 obj 2495 endobj 1878 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (15)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 338.80002 w 33.45 642.01001 m 563.64996 642.01001 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 317.42999 w 32.32001 630.19 m 564.77997 630.19 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 469.28 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 469.28 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 470.35999 m 566.97998 470.35999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 779.10004 Tm (provision.)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 761.60004 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 744.10999 Tm (No menu was seen to be displayed in the home and residents did not know \ what the )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 726.60999 Tm (lunchtime choices were. Residents indicated that in general they are sat\ isfied with the )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 709.10999 Tm (food which is plentiful and well cooked, but the impression received was\ that for main )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 691.62 Tm (meals one meal is provided, with routine alternatives such as salad or s\ andwiches )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 674.12 Tm (available to residents upon request.)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 656.63 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 639.13 Tm (This report contains recommendations for the provision of more meaningfu\ l daytime )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 621.63 Tm (activities suited to the individual interests, needs and capabilities of\ the residents, and )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 604.14001 Tm (for a greater focus on the provision of meal choices and advance informa\ tion to )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 586.64001 Tm (residents, enabling them to select their preferred meal from a variety o\ f options.)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 569.14996 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 551.64996 Tm (Visitors are welcome at any time and residents spoken to during the insp\ ection said )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 534.14996 Tm (their visitors are always made to feel welcome and placed at ease by the\ staff.)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 516.65997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 499.16 Tm (Residents believe they are shown respect and properly treated; comments \ made )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 481.66998 Tm (during the inspection included I like the atmosphere.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1879 0 obj 4003 endobj 1880 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (16)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 87.25 w 32.32001 652.78998 m 562.52997 652.78998 l S 1 1 1 RG 17 w 31.2 618.78998 m 563.64996 618.78998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 628.41998 m 565.84998 628.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 628.41998 m 565.84998 628.41998 l S 28.99001 609.16998 m 565.84998 609.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 608.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 608.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (If people have concerns with their care, they or people close to them kn\ ow how to )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (complain. Any concern is looked into and action taken to put things righ\ t. The care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (home safeguards people from abuse and neglect and takes action to follow\ up any )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (allegations.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 615.22998 Tm (People\222s legal rights are protected, including being able to vote in \ elections.)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 590.90997 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 568.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 568.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 568.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 568.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 551.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 119.98 w 33.45 487.73999 m 563.64996 487.73999 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 538.72998 m 565.90002 538.72998 l S 97.48 w 32.32001 476.5 m 564.77997 476.5 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 526.35999 m 566.97998 526.35999 l S 31.2 527.44 m 31.2 425.54999 l S 565.90002 527.44 m 565.90002 425.54999 l S 31.2 526.35999 m 565.90002 526.35999 l S 30.12 426.63 m 566.97998 426.63 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 535.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 510.67996 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 258.01999 510.67996 Tm (good)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 291.76999 510.67996 Tm (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 493.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 473.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 453.19 Tm (People know how to complain and are confident their complaints would be \ listened to.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 435.69 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 132.47 w 33.45 334.51999 m 563.64996 334.51999 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 391.75998 m 565.90002 391.75998 l S 109.98 w 32.32001 323.28 m 564.77997 323.28 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 379.38998 m 566.97998 379.38998 l S 31.2 380.47 m 31.2 266.09 l S 565.90002 380.47 m 565.90002 266.09 l S 31.2 379.38998 m 565.90002 379.38998 l S 30.12 267.16 m 566.97998 267.16 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 388.44998 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 363.70001 Tm (The home has a complaints policy and procedure and records are kept of i\ nvestigation )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 346.20999 Tm (and outcome of complaints.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 328.70999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 311.22 Tm (The home has a written policy and procedure for the protection of vulner\ able adults.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 293.72 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 276.22 Tm (\240)Tj ET endstream endobj 1881 0 obj 4922 endobj 1882 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (17)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Environment)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 104.25 w 32.32001 644.28998 m 562.52997 644.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 627.28998 m 563.64996 627.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 662.41998 m 565.84998 662.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 662.41998 m 565.84998 662.41998 l S 28.99001 592.16998 m 565.84998 592.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 591.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 591.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People stay in a safe and well-maintained home that is homely, clean, pl\ easant and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (hygienic. )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 649.22998 Tm (People stay in a home that has enough space and facilities for them to l\ ead the life )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 632.22998 Tm (they choose and to meet their needs. The home makes sure they have the r\ ight )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 615.22998 Tm (specialist equipment that encourages and promotes their independence. Th\ eir room )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 598.22998 Tm (feels like their own, it is comfortable and they feel safe when they use\ it.)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 573.90997 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 551.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 551.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 551.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 551.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 534.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 119.98 w 33.45 470.73999 m 563.64996 470.73999 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 521.72998 m 565.90002 521.72998 l S 97.48 w 32.32001 459.5 m 564.77997 459.5 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 509.35999 m 566.97998 509.35999 l S 31.2 510.44 m 31.2 408.54999 l S 565.90002 510.44 m 565.90002 408.54999 l S 31.2 509.35999 m 565.90002 509.35999 l S 30.12 409.63 m 566.97998 409.63 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 518.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 493.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /TT0 12 Tf 2 Tr 221.55202 0 Td (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 33.746 0 Td (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 476.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 456.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 436.19 Tm (The home is comfortable and clean)Tj /TT1 12 Tf (.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 315.53998 w 33.45 225.98999 m 563.64996 225.98999 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 374.75998 m 565.90002 374.75998 l S 294.16 w 32.32001 214.17998 m 564.77997 214.17998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 362.38998 m 566.97998 362.38998 l S 31.2 363.47 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 363.47 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 362.38998 m 565.90002 362.38998 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 31.2 388.94998 Td (Evidence:)Tj /TT2 12 Tf 4.27 -24.74997 Td ( )Tj -7.37 -24.74997 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Denewood is a traditionally built house which has been extended. To the \ rear of the )Tj /TT2 12 Tf 0 -17.49002 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (premises is an enclosed garden with lawns, outdoor seating, flower beds \ and raised )Tj /TT2 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (beds specifically provided for use by residents who enjoy gardening.)Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (Bedrooms are on the ground and first floors; there is a stair lift betwe\ en the floors but )Tj T* (to access a number of the first floor bedrooms it remains necessary to n\ egotiate a )Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (separate step, so only people able to do this can be accommodated on the\ upper floor )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (of the home.)Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (On each floor is a bathroom equipped with a bath hoist to provide assist\ ed bathing )Tj T* (facilities for residents with impaired mobility.)Tj 0 -17.48999 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (The previous inspection report contained a requirement for arrangements \ to be made )Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (to safeguard people against risks of scalding from potentially hot radia\ tors. Mrs Bleach )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (said she has arranged for radiator covers to be installed to overcome th\ ese risks.)Tj T* (\240)Tj ET endstream endobj 1883 0 obj 1776 endobj 1884 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (18)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 286.31 w 33.45 668.25 m 563.64996 668.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 264.94 w 32.32001 656.44 m 564.77997 656.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 521.76996 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 521.76996 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 522.83997 m 566.97998 522.83997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 2.02 -17.48999 Td (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Residents without en suite toilet facilities are offered use of a portab\ le commode; the )Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.48999 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (home does not have a sluice room or a commode washer and it is therefore\ )Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( )Tj -2.02 -17.48999 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (re)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (commended)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( that the home develop and implement a policy and procedure for the )Tj /TT0 12 Tf T* ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (management of commodes, to ensure that all risks of infection are proper\ ly managed.)Tj T* (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The home appeared clean and free from any unpleasant odours.)Tj 0 -17.49005 TD (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The laundry was well managed and adequate supplies of clean linen were s\ een to be )Tj /TT0 12 Tf T* ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (available.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1885 0 obj<>stream iText 1.3.6 (by lowagie.com) distributed with the Software Developer's Journal endstream endobj xref 6 1 0000689009 00000 n 12 1 0000689228 00000 n 14 1 0000689401 00000 n 16 1 0000689548 00000 n 18 1 0000689695 00000 n 23 1 0000689831 00000 n 25 1 0000690053 00000 n 27 1 0000690189 00000 n 29 1 0000690337 00000 n 32 1 0000690484 00000 n 35 1 0000690643 00000 n 37 1 0000690792 00000 n 39 1 0000690964 00000 n 41 1 0000691101 00000 n 43 1 0000691273 00000 n 45 1 0000691410 00000 n 47 1 0000691570 00000 n 49 1 0000691766 00000 n 92 2 0000691916 00000 n 0000692010 00000 n 1801 85 0000692234 00000 n 0000693448 00000 n 0000693619 00000 n 0000693642 00000 n 0000695262 00000 n 0000695285 00000 n 0000696906 00000 n 0000696929 00000 n 0000698551 00000 n 0000698574 00000 n 0000700197 00000 n 0000700220 00000 n 0000701844 00000 n 0000701867 00000 n 0000703492 00000 n 0000703515 00000 n 0000705141 00000 n 0000705164 00000 n 0000706791 00000 n 0000706814 00000 n 0000708442 00000 n 0000708465 00000 n 0000710117 00000 n 0000710140 00000 n 0000711784 00000 n 0000711807 00000 n 0000713469 00000 n 0000713492 00000 n 0000715128 00000 n 0000715151 00000 n 0000716786 00000 n 0000716809 00000 n 0000718473 00000 n 0000718496 00000 n 0000720161 00000 n 0000720184 00000 n 0000721855 00000 n 0000721878 00000 n 0000723578 00000 n 0000723601 00000 n 0000725318 00000 n 0000725341 00000 n 0000727087 00000 n 0000727110 00000 n 0000728885 00000 n 0000728908 00000 n 0000730712 00000 n 0000730735 00000 n 0000732568 00000 n 0000732591 00000 n 0000737776 00000 n 0000737799 00000 n 0000743337 00000 n 0000743360 00000 n 0000746774 00000 n 0000746797 00000 n 0000755396 00000 n 0000755419 00000 n 0000757284 00000 n 0000757307 00000 n 0000760619 00000 n 0000760642 00000 n 0000762441 00000 n 0000762464 00000 n 0000767438 00000 n 0000767461 00000 n 0000769611 00000 n 0000769634 00000 n 0000775038 00000 n 0000775061 00000 n 0000776385 00000 n 0000776408 00000 n 0000781786 00000 n 0000781809 00000 n 0000783976 00000 n 0000783999 00000 n 0000789415 00000 n 0000789438 00000 n 0000791990 00000 n 0000792013 00000 n 0000796073 00000 n 0000796096 00000 n 0000801075 00000 n 0000801098 00000 n 0000802931 00000 n trailer <]/Prev 688241 >> startxref 806486 %%EOF 6 0 obj<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]>>>> endobj 12 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>>> endobj 14 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>>> endobj 16 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>>> endobj 18 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>>> endobj 23 0 obj<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>>> endobj 25 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>>> endobj 27 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>>> endobj 29 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>>> endobj 32 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>>> endobj 35 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>>> endobj 37 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>>> endobj 92 0 obj<> endobj 93 0 obj<> endobj 1886 0 obj<> endobj 1887 0 obj<> endobj 1888 0 obj 5355 endobj 1889 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (12)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 172.25 w 32.32001 610.28998 m 562.52997 610.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 559.28998 m 563.64996 559.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 524.16998 m 565.84998 524.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 523.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 523.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People\222s health, personal and social care needs are met. The home has\ a plan of care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (that the person, or someone close to them, has been involved in making. \ If they take )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (medicine, they manage it themselves if they can. If they cannot manage t\ heir )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (medicine, the care home supports them with it, in a safe way. People\222\ s right to privacy )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (is respected and the support they get from staff is given in a way that \ maintains their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.47998 Tm (dignity.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (If people are approaching the end of their life, the care home will resp\ ect their choices )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and help them feel comfortable and secure. They, and people close to the\ m, are )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (reassured that their death will be handled with sensitivity, dignity and\ respect, and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (take account of their spiritual and cultural wishes. )Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 505.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 483.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 483.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 483.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 483.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 466.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 207.45999 w 33.45 359 m 563.64996 359 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 453.72998 m 565.90002 453.72998 l S 184.95999 w 32.32001 347.75998 m 564.77997 347.75998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 441.35999 m 566.97998 441.35999 l S 31.2 442.44 m 31.2 253.06998 l S 565.90002 442.44 m 565.90002 253.06998 l S 31.2 441.35999 m 565.90002 441.35999 l S 30.12 254.14998 m 566.97998 254.14998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 450.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 425.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /TT0 12 Tf 2 Tr 221.55202 0 Td (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 33.746 0 Td (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 408.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 388.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 368.19 Tm (The care needs of residents are met by suitably trained staff; doctors a\ nd other )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 350.69 Tm (professionals visit as necessary and residents receive the medicines the\ y have been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 333.20001 Tm (prescribed.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 315.70001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 298.20001 Tm (Care is planned to promote the individuality of each resident and to pro\ vide staff with )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 280.70999 Tm (sufficient information to enable the needs of each person to be properly\ met)Tj /TT1 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( but more )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 263.20999 Tm (must be done to ensure that appropriate control of infection precautions\ are in place.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 160.05 w 33.45 148.25 m 563.64996 148.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 219.28 m 565.90002 219.28 l S 138.67999 w 32.32001 136.44 m 564.77997 136.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 206.90999 m 566.97998 206.90999 l S 31.2 207.98999 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 207.98999 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 206.90999 m 565.90002 206.90999 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 215.97 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 191.22 Tm (The care records of 3 people who live at the home were examined and foun\ d to )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 173.73 Tm (contain risk assessments forming the basis for care plans and daily reco\ rds describing )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 156.23 Tm (the care of each person. There was evidence that individual residents or\ their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 138.73999 Tm (representatives had been involved in the development and review of plann\ ed care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 121.24001 Tm (provision.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 103.74001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 86.25 Tm (The care plans were clear and comprehensive)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 1890 0 obj 5139 endobj 1891 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (12)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 172.25 w 32.32001 610.28998 m 562.52997 610.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 559.28998 m 563.64996 559.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 524.16998 m 565.84998 524.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 523.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 523.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People\222s health, personal and social care needs are met. The home has\ a plan of care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (that the person, or someone close to them, has been involved in making. \ If they take )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (medicine, they manage it themselves if they can. If they cannot manage t\ heir )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (medicine, the care home supports them with it, in a safe way. People\222\ s right to privacy )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (is respected and the support they get from staff is given in a way that \ maintains their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.47998 Tm (dignity.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (If people are approaching the end of their life, the care home will resp\ ect their choices )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and help them feel comfortable and secure. They, and people close to the\ m, are )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (reassured that their death will be handled with sensitivity, dignity and\ respect, and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (take account of their spiritual and cultural wishes. )Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 505.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 483.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 483.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 483.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 483.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 466.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 207.45999 w 33.45 359 m 563.64996 359 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 453.72998 m 565.90002 453.72998 l S 184.95999 w 32.32001 347.75998 m 564.77997 347.75998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 441.35999 m 566.97998 441.35999 l S 31.2 442.44 m 31.2 253.06998 l S 565.90002 442.44 m 565.90002 253.06998 l S 31.2 441.35999 m 565.90002 441.35999 l S 30.12 254.14998 m 566.97998 254.14998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 450.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 425.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /TT0 12 Tf 2 Tr 221.55202 0 Td (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 33.746 0 Td (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 408.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 388.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 368.19 Tm (The care needs of residents are met by suitably trained staff; doctors a\ nd other )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 350.69 Tm (professionals visit as necessary and residents receive the medicines the\ y have been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 333.20001 Tm (prescribed.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 315.70001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 298.20001 Tm (Care is planned to promote the individuality of each resident and to pro\ vide staff with )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 280.70999 Tm (sufficient information to enable the needs of each person to be properly\ met)Tj /TT1 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 160.05 w 33.45 148.25 m 563.64996 148.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 219.28 m 565.90002 219.28 l S 138.67999 w 32.32001 136.44 m 564.77997 136.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 206.90999 m 566.97998 206.90999 l S 31.2 207.98999 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 207.98999 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 206.90999 m 565.90002 206.90999 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 31.2 233.47 Td (Evidence:)Tj 4.27 -24.75 Td (The care records of 3 people who live at the home were examined and foun\ d to )Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (contain risk assessments forming the basis for care plans and daily reco\ rds describing )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (the care of each person. There was evidence that individual residents or\ their )Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (representatives had been involved in the development and review of plann\ ed care )Tj 0 -17.49998 TD (provision.)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (The care plans were clear and comprehensive)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 1892 0 obj 5178 endobj 1893 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (12)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 172.25 w 32.32001 610.28998 m 562.52997 610.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 559.28998 m 563.64996 559.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 524.16998 m 565.84998 524.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 523.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 523.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People\222s health, personal and social care needs are met. The home has\ a plan of care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (that the person, or someone close to them, has been involved in making. \ If they take )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (medicine, they manage it themselves if they can. If they cannot manage t\ heir )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (medicine, the care home supports them with it, in a safe way. People\222\ s right to privacy )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (is respected and the support they get from staff is given in a way that \ maintains their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.47998 Tm (dignity.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (If people are approaching the end of their life, the care home will resp\ ect their choices )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and help them feel comfortable and secure. They, and people close to the\ m, are )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (reassured that their death will be handled with sensitivity, dignity and\ respect, and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (take account of their spiritual and cultural wishes. )Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 505.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 483.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 483.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 483.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 483.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 466.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 207.45999 w 33.45 359 m 563.64996 359 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 453.72998 m 565.90002 453.72998 l S 184.95999 w 32.32001 347.75998 m 564.77997 347.75998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 441.35999 m 566.97998 441.35999 l S 31.2 442.44 m 31.2 253.06998 l S 565.90002 442.44 m 565.90002 253.06998 l S 31.2 441.35999 m 565.90002 441.35999 l S 30.12 254.14998 m 566.97998 254.14998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 450.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 425.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /TT0 12 Tf 2 Tr 221.55202 0 Td (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 33.746 0 Td (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 408.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 388.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 368.19 Tm (The care needs of residents are met by suitably trained staff; doctors a\ nd other )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 350.69 Tm (professionals visit as necessary and residents receive the medicines the\ y have been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 333.20001 Tm (prescribed.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 315.70001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 298.20001 Tm (Care is planned to promote the individuality of each resident and to pro\ vide staff with )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 280.70999 Tm (sufficient information to enable the needs of each person to be properly\ met)Tj /TT1 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 160.05 w 33.45 148.25 m 563.64996 148.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 219.28 m 565.90002 219.28 l S 138.67999 w 32.32001 136.44 m 564.77997 136.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 206.90999 m 566.97998 206.90999 l S 31.2 207.98999 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 207.98999 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 206.90999 m 565.90002 206.90999 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /TT1 12 Tf 31.2 233.47 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf -3.09999 -47.23999 Td (Evidence:)Tj 4.27 -24.75 Td (The care records of 3 people who live at the home were examined and foun\ d to )Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (contain risk assessments forming the basis for care plans and daily reco\ rds describing )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (the care of each person. There was evidence that individual residents or\ their )Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (representatives had been involved in the development and review of plann\ ed care )Tj 0 -17.49998 TD (provision.)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (The care plans were clear and comprehensive)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 1894 0 obj 5156 endobj 1895 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (12)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 172.25 w 32.32001 610.28998 m 562.52997 610.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 559.28998 m 563.64996 559.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 524.16998 m 565.84998 524.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 523.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 523.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People\222s health, personal and social care needs are met. The home has\ a plan of care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (that the person, or someone close to them, has been involved in making. \ If they take )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (medicine, they manage it themselves if they can. If they cannot manage t\ heir )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (medicine, the care home supports them with it, in a safe way. People\222\ s right to privacy )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (is respected and the support they get from staff is given in a way that \ maintains their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.47998 Tm (dignity.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (If people are approaching the end of their life, the care home will resp\ ect their choices )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and help them feel comfortable and secure. They, and people close to the\ m, are )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (reassured that their death will be handled with sensitivity, dignity and\ respect, and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (take account of their spiritual and cultural wishes. )Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 505.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 483.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 483.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 483.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 483.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 466.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 207.45999 w 33.45 359 m 563.64996 359 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 453.72998 m 565.90002 453.72998 l S 184.95999 w 32.32001 347.75998 m 564.77997 347.75998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 441.35999 m 566.97998 441.35999 l S 31.2 442.44 m 31.2 253.06998 l S 565.90002 442.44 m 565.90002 253.06998 l S 31.2 441.35999 m 565.90002 441.35999 l S 30.12 254.14998 m 566.97998 254.14998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 450.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 425.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /TT0 12 Tf 2 Tr 221.55202 0 Td (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 33.746 0 Td (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 408.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 388.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 368.19 Tm (The care needs of residents are met by suitably trained staff; doctors a\ nd other )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 350.69 Tm (professionals visit as necessary and residents receive the medicines the\ y have been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 333.20001 Tm (prescribed.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 315.70001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 298.20001 Tm (Care is planned to promote the individuality of each resident and to pro\ vide staff with )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 280.70999 Tm (sufficient information to enable the needs of each person to be properly\ met)Tj /TT1 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 160.05 w 33.45 148.25 m 563.64996 148.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 219.28 m 565.90002 219.28 l S 138.67999 w 32.32001 136.44 m 564.77997 136.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 206.90999 m 566.97998 206.90999 l S 31.2 207.98999 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 207.98999 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 206.90999 m 565.90002 206.90999 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /TT1 12 Tf 31.2 233.47 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Evidence:)Tj 4.27 -24.75 Td (The care records of 3 people who live at the home were examined and foun\ d to )Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (contain risk assessments forming the basis for care plans and daily reco\ rds describing )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (the care of each person. There was evidence that individual residents or\ their )Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (representatives had been involved in the development and review of plann\ ed care )Tj 0 -17.49998 TD (provision.)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (The care plans were clear and comprehensive)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 1896 0 obj 5201 endobj 1897 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (12)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 172.25 w 32.32001 610.28998 m 562.52997 610.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 559.28998 m 563.64996 559.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 524.16998 m 565.84998 524.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 523.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 523.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People\222s health, personal and social care needs are met. The home has\ a plan of care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (that the person, or someone close to them, has been involved in making. \ If they take )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (medicine, they manage it themselves if they can. If they cannot manage t\ heir )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (medicine, the care home supports them with it, in a safe way. People\222\ s right to privacy )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (is respected and the support they get from staff is given in a way that \ maintains their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.47998 Tm (dignity.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (If people are approaching the end of their life, the care home will resp\ ect their choices )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and help them feel comfortable and secure. They, and people close to the\ m, are )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (reassured that their death will be handled with sensitivity, dignity and\ respect, and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (take account of their spiritual and cultural wishes. )Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 505.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 483.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 483.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 483.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 483.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 466.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 207.45999 w 33.45 359 m 563.64996 359 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 453.72998 m 565.90002 453.72998 l S 184.95999 w 32.32001 347.75998 m 564.77997 347.75998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 441.35999 m 566.97998 441.35999 l S 31.2 442.44 m 31.2 253.06998 l S 565.90002 442.44 m 565.90002 253.06998 l S 31.2 441.35999 m 565.90002 441.35999 l S 30.12 254.14998 m 566.97998 254.14998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 450.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 425.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /TT0 12 Tf 2 Tr 221.55202 0 Td (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 33.746 0 Td (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 408.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 388.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 368.19 Tm (The care needs of residents are met by suitably trained staff; doctors a\ nd other )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 350.69 Tm (professionals visit as necessary and residents receive the medicines the\ y have been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 333.20001 Tm (prescribed.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 315.70001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 298.20001 Tm (Care is planned to promote the individuality of each resident and to pro\ vide staff with )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 280.70999 Tm (sufficient information to enable the needs of each person to be properly\ met)Tj /TT1 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 160.05 w 33.45 148.25 m 563.64996 148.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 219.28 m 565.90002 219.28 l S 138.67999 w 32.32001 136.44 m 564.77997 136.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 206.90999 m 566.97998 206.90999 l S 31.2 207.98999 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 207.98999 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 206.90999 m 565.90002 206.90999 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /TT1 12 Tf 31.2 233.47 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Evidence:)Tj /TT1 12 Tf 4.27 -24.75 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf -7.37 -24.75 Td (The care records of 3 people who live at the home were examined and foun\ d to )Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (contain risk assessments forming the basis for care plans and daily reco\ rds describing )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (the care of each person. There was evidence that individual residents or\ their )Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (representatives had been involved in the development and review of plann\ ed care )Tj 0 -17.49998 TD (provision.)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (The care plans were clear and comprehensive)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 1898 0 obj 5207 endobj 1899 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (12)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 172.25 w 32.32001 610.28998 m 562.52997 610.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 559.28998 m 563.64996 559.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 524.16998 m 565.84998 524.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 523.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 523.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People\222s health, personal and social care needs are met. The home has\ a plan of care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (that the person, or someone close to them, has been involved in making. \ If they take )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (medicine, they manage it themselves if they can. If they cannot manage t\ heir )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (medicine, the care home supports them with it, in a safe way. People\222\ s right to privacy )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (is respected and the support they get from staff is given in a way that \ maintains their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.47998 Tm (dignity.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (If people are approaching the end of their life, the care home will resp\ ect their choices )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and help them feel comfortable and secure. They, and people close to the\ m, are )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (reassured that their death will be handled with sensitivity, dignity and\ respect, and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (take account of their spiritual and cultural wishes. )Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 505.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 483.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 483.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 483.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 483.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 466.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 207.45999 w 33.45 359 m 563.64996 359 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 453.72998 m 565.90002 453.72998 l S 184.95999 w 32.32001 347.75998 m 564.77997 347.75998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 441.35999 m 566.97998 441.35999 l S 31.2 442.44 m 31.2 253.06998 l S 565.90002 442.44 m 565.90002 253.06998 l S 31.2 441.35999 m 565.90002 441.35999 l S 30.12 254.14998 m 566.97998 254.14998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 450.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 425.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /TT0 12 Tf 2 Tr 221.55202 0 Td (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 33.746 0 Td (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 408.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 388.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 368.19 Tm (The care needs of residents are met by suitably trained staff; doctors a\ nd other )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 350.69 Tm (professionals visit as necessary and residents receive the medicines the\ y have been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 333.20001 Tm (prescribed.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 315.70001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 298.20001 Tm (Care is planned to promote the individuality of each resident and to pro\ vide staff with )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 280.70999 Tm (sufficient information to enable the needs of each person to be properly\ met)Tj /TT1 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 160.05 w 33.45 148.25 m 563.64996 148.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 219.28 m 565.90002 219.28 l S 138.67999 w 32.32001 136.44 m 564.77997 136.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 206.90999 m 566.97998 206.90999 l S 31.2 207.98999 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 207.98999 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 206.90999 m 565.90002 206.90999 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /TT1 12 Tf 31.2 233.47 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Evidence:)Tj /TT1 12 Tf 4.27 -24.75 Td ( )Tj -7.37 -24.75 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The care records of 3 people who live at the home were examined and foun\ d to )Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (contain risk assessments forming the basis for care plans and daily reco\ rds describing )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (the care of each person. There was evidence that individual residents or\ their )Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (representatives had been involved in the development and review of plann\ ed care )Tj 0 -17.49998 TD (provision.)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (The care plans were clear and comprehensive)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 1900 0 obj 5236 endobj 1901 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (12)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 172.25 w 32.32001 610.28998 m 562.52997 610.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 559.28998 m 563.64996 559.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 524.16998 m 565.84998 524.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 523.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 523.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People\222s health, personal and social care needs are met. The home has\ a plan of care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (that the person, or someone close to them, has been involved in making. \ If they take )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (medicine, they manage it themselves if they can. If they cannot manage t\ heir )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (medicine, the care home supports them with it, in a safe way. People\222\ s right to privacy )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (is respected and the support they get from staff is given in a way that \ maintains their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.47998 Tm (dignity.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (If people are approaching the end of their life, the care home will resp\ ect their choices )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and help them feel comfortable and secure. They, and people close to the\ m, are )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (reassured that their death will be handled with sensitivity, dignity and\ respect, and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (take account of their spiritual and cultural wishes. )Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 505.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 483.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 483.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 483.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 483.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 466.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 207.45999 w 33.45 359 m 563.64996 359 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 453.72998 m 565.90002 453.72998 l S 184.95999 w 32.32001 347.75998 m 564.77997 347.75998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 441.35999 m 566.97998 441.35999 l S 31.2 442.44 m 31.2 253.06998 l S 565.90002 442.44 m 565.90002 253.06998 l S 31.2 441.35999 m 565.90002 441.35999 l S 30.12 254.14998 m 566.97998 254.14998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 450.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 425.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /TT0 12 Tf 2 Tr 221.55202 0 Td (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 33.746 0 Td (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 408.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 388.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 368.19 Tm (The care needs of residents are met by suitably trained staff; doctors a\ nd other )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 350.69 Tm (professionals visit as necessary and residents receive the medicines the\ y have been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 333.20001 Tm (prescribed.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 315.70001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 298.20001 Tm (Care is planned to promote the individuality of each resident and to pro\ vide staff with )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 280.70999 Tm (sufficient information to enable the needs of each person to be properly\ met)Tj /TT1 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 160.05 w 33.45 148.25 m 563.64996 148.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 219.28 m 565.90002 219.28 l S 138.67999 w 32.32001 136.44 m 564.77997 136.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 206.90999 m 566.97998 206.90999 l S 31.2 207.98999 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 207.98999 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 206.90999 m 565.90002 206.90999 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /TT1 12 Tf 31.2 233.47 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Evidence:)Tj /TT1 12 Tf 4.27 -24.75 Td ( )Tj -7.37 -24.75 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The care records of 3 people who live at the home were examined and foun\ d to )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49001 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (contain risk assessments forming the basis for care plans and daily reco\ rds describing )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (the care of each person. There was evidence that individual residents or\ their )Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (representatives had been involved in the development and review of plann\ ed care )Tj 0 -17.49998 TD (provision.)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (The care plans were clear and comprehensive)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 1902 0 obj 5237 endobj 1903 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (12)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 172.25 w 32.32001 610.28998 m 562.52997 610.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 559.28998 m 563.64996 559.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 524.16998 m 565.84998 524.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 523.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 523.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People\222s health, personal and social care needs are met. The home has\ a plan of care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (that the person, or someone close to them, has been involved in making. \ If they take )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (medicine, they manage it themselves if they can. If they cannot manage t\ heir )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (medicine, the care home supports them with it, in a safe way. People\222\ s right to privacy )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (is respected and the support they get from staff is given in a way that \ maintains their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.47998 Tm (dignity.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (If people are approaching the end of their life, the care home will resp\ ect their choices )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and help them feel comfortable and secure. They, and people close to the\ m, are )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (reassured that their death will be handled with sensitivity, dignity and\ respect, and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (take account of their spiritual and cultural wishes. )Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 505.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 483.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 483.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 483.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 483.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 466.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 207.45999 w 33.45 359 m 563.64996 359 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 453.72998 m 565.90002 453.72998 l S 184.95999 w 32.32001 347.75998 m 564.77997 347.75998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 441.35999 m 566.97998 441.35999 l S 31.2 442.44 m 31.2 253.06998 l S 565.90002 442.44 m 565.90002 253.06998 l S 31.2 441.35999 m 565.90002 441.35999 l S 30.12 254.14998 m 566.97998 254.14998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 450.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 425.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /TT0 12 Tf 2 Tr 221.55202 0 Td (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 33.746 0 Td (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 408.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 388.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 368.19 Tm (The care needs of residents are met by suitably trained staff; doctors a\ nd other )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 350.69 Tm (professionals visit as necessary and residents receive the medicines the\ y have been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 333.20001 Tm (prescribed.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 315.70001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 298.20001 Tm (Care is planned to promote the individuality of each resident and to pro\ vide staff with )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 280.70999 Tm (sufficient information to enable the needs of each person to be properly\ met)Tj /TT1 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 160.05 w 33.45 148.25 m 563.64996 148.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 219.28 m 565.90002 219.28 l S 138.67999 w 32.32001 136.44 m 564.77997 136.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 206.90999 m 566.97998 206.90999 l S 31.2 207.98999 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 207.98999 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 206.90999 m 565.90002 206.90999 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /TT1 12 Tf 31.2 233.47 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Evidence:)Tj /TT1 12 Tf 4.27 -24.75 Td ( )Tj -7.37 -24.75 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The care records of 3 people who live at the home were examined and foun\ d to )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49001 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (contain risk assessments forming the basis for care plans and daily reco\ rds describing )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (the care of each person. There was evidence that individual residents or\ their )Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (representatives had been involved in the development and review of plann\ ed care )Tj 0 -17.49998 TD (provision.)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (The care plans were clear and comprehensive)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 1904 0 obj 5238 endobj 1905 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (12)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 172.25 w 32.32001 610.28998 m 562.52997 610.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 559.28998 m 563.64996 559.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 524.16998 m 565.84998 524.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 523.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 523.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People\222s health, personal and social care needs are met. The home has\ a plan of care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (that the person, or someone close to them, has been involved in making. \ If they take )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (medicine, they manage it themselves if they can. If they cannot manage t\ heir )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (medicine, the care home supports them with it, in a safe way. People\222\ s right to privacy )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (is respected and the support they get from staff is given in a way that \ maintains their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.47998 Tm (dignity.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (If people are approaching the end of their life, the care home will resp\ ect their choices )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and help them feel comfortable and secure. They, and people close to the\ m, are )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (reassured that their death will be handled with sensitivity, dignity and\ respect, and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (take account of their spiritual and cultural wishes. )Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 505.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 483.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 483.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 483.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 483.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 466.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 207.45999 w 33.45 359 m 563.64996 359 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 453.72998 m 565.90002 453.72998 l S 184.95999 w 32.32001 347.75998 m 564.77997 347.75998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 441.35999 m 566.97998 441.35999 l S 31.2 442.44 m 31.2 253.06998 l S 565.90002 442.44 m 565.90002 253.06998 l S 31.2 441.35999 m 565.90002 441.35999 l S 30.12 254.14998 m 566.97998 254.14998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 450.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 425.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /TT0 12 Tf 2 Tr 221.55202 0 Td (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 33.746 0 Td (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 408.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 388.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 368.19 Tm (The care needs of residents are met by suitably trained staff; doctors a\ nd other )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 350.69 Tm (professionals visit as necessary and residents receive the medicines the\ y have been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 333.20001 Tm (prescribed.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 315.70001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 298.20001 Tm (Care is planned to promote the individuality of each resident and to pro\ vide staff with )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 280.70999 Tm (sufficient information to enable the needs of each person to be properly\ met)Tj /TT1 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 160.05 w 33.45 148.25 m 563.64996 148.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 219.28 m 565.90002 219.28 l S 138.67999 w 32.32001 136.44 m 564.77997 136.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 206.90999 m 566.97998 206.90999 l S 31.2 207.98999 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 207.98999 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 206.90999 m 565.90002 206.90999 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /TT1 12 Tf 31.2 233.47 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Evidence:)Tj /TT1 12 Tf 4.27 -24.75 Td ( )Tj -7.37 -24.75 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The care records of 3 people who live at the home were examined and foun\ d to )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49001 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (contain risk assessments forming the basis for care plans and daily reco\ rds describing )Tj 0 -17.5 TD (the care of each person. There was evidence that individual residents or\ their )Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (representatives had been involved in the development and review of plann\ ed care )Tj 0 -17.49998 TD (provision.)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (The care plans were clear and comprehensive)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 1906 0 obj 5267 endobj 1907 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (12)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 172.25 w 32.32001 610.28998 m 562.52997 610.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 559.28998 m 563.64996 559.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 524.16998 m 565.84998 524.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 523.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 523.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People\222s health, personal and social care needs are met. The home has\ a plan of care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (that the person, or someone close to them, has been involved in making. \ If they take )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (medicine, they manage it themselves if they can. If they cannot manage t\ heir )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (medicine, the care home supports them with it, in a safe way. People\222\ s right to privacy )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (is respected and the support they get from staff is given in a way that \ maintains their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.47998 Tm (dignity.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (If people are approaching the end of their life, the care home will resp\ ect their choices )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and help them feel comfortable and secure. They, and people close to the\ m, are )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (reassured that their death will be handled with sensitivity, dignity and\ respect, and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (take account of their spiritual and cultural wishes. )Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 505.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 483.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 483.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 483.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 483.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 466.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 207.45999 w 33.45 359 m 563.64996 359 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 453.72998 m 565.90002 453.72998 l S 184.95999 w 32.32001 347.75998 m 564.77997 347.75998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 441.35999 m 566.97998 441.35999 l S 31.2 442.44 m 31.2 253.06998 l S 565.90002 442.44 m 565.90002 253.06998 l S 31.2 441.35999 m 565.90002 441.35999 l S 30.12 254.14998 m 566.97998 254.14998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 450.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 425.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /TT0 12 Tf 2 Tr 221.55202 0 Td (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 33.746 0 Td (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 408.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 388.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 368.19 Tm (The care needs of residents are met by suitably trained staff; doctors a\ nd other )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 350.69 Tm (professionals visit as necessary and residents receive the medicines the\ y have been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 333.20001 Tm (prescribed.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 315.70001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 298.20001 Tm (Care is planned to promote the individuality of each resident and to pro\ vide staff with )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 280.70999 Tm (sufficient information to enable the needs of each person to be properly\ met)Tj /TT1 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 160.05 w 33.45 148.25 m 563.64996 148.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 219.28 m 565.90002 219.28 l S 138.67999 w 32.32001 136.44 m 564.77997 136.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 206.90999 m 566.97998 206.90999 l S 31.2 207.98999 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 207.98999 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 206.90999 m 565.90002 206.90999 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /TT1 12 Tf 31.2 233.47 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Evidence:)Tj /TT1 12 Tf 4.27 -24.75 Td ( )Tj -7.37 -24.75 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The care records of 3 people who live at the home were examined and foun\ d to )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49001 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (contain risk assessments forming the basis for care plans and daily reco\ rds describing )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (the care of each person. There was evidence that individual residents or\ their )Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (representatives had been involved in the development and review of plann\ ed care )Tj 0 -17.49998 TD (provision.)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (The care plans were clear and comprehensive)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 1908 0 obj 5268 endobj 1909 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (12)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 172.25 w 32.32001 610.28998 m 562.52997 610.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 559.28998 m 563.64996 559.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 524.16998 m 565.84998 524.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 523.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 523.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People\222s health, personal and social care needs are met. The home has\ a plan of care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (that the person, or someone close to them, has been involved in making. \ If they take )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (medicine, they manage it themselves if they can. If they cannot manage t\ heir )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (medicine, the care home supports them with it, in a safe way. People\222\ s right to privacy )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (is respected and the support they get from staff is given in a way that \ maintains their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.47998 Tm (dignity.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (If people are approaching the end of their life, the care home will resp\ ect their choices )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and help them feel comfortable and secure. They, and people close to the\ m, are )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (reassured that their death will be handled with sensitivity, dignity and\ respect, and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (take account of their spiritual and cultural wishes. )Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 505.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 483.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 483.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 483.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 483.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 466.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 207.45999 w 33.45 359 m 563.64996 359 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 453.72998 m 565.90002 453.72998 l S 184.95999 w 32.32001 347.75998 m 564.77997 347.75998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 441.35999 m 566.97998 441.35999 l S 31.2 442.44 m 31.2 253.06998 l S 565.90002 442.44 m 565.90002 253.06998 l S 31.2 441.35999 m 565.90002 441.35999 l S 30.12 254.14998 m 566.97998 254.14998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 450.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 425.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /TT0 12 Tf 2 Tr 221.55202 0 Td (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 33.746 0 Td (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 408.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 388.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 368.19 Tm (The care needs of residents are met by suitably trained staff; doctors a\ nd other )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 350.69 Tm (professionals visit as necessary and residents receive the medicines the\ y have been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 333.20001 Tm (prescribed.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 315.70001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 298.20001 Tm (Care is planned to promote the individuality of each resident and to pro\ vide staff with )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 280.70999 Tm (sufficient information to enable the needs of each person to be properly\ met)Tj /TT1 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 160.05 w 33.45 148.25 m 563.64996 148.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 219.28 m 565.90002 219.28 l S 138.67999 w 32.32001 136.44 m 564.77997 136.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 206.90999 m 566.97998 206.90999 l S 31.2 207.98999 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 207.98999 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 206.90999 m 565.90002 206.90999 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /TT1 12 Tf 31.2 233.47 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Evidence:)Tj /TT1 12 Tf 4.27 -24.75 Td ( )Tj -7.37 -24.75 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The care records of 3 people who live at the home were examined and foun\ d to )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49001 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (contain risk assessments forming the basis for care plans and daily reco\ rds describing )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (the care of each person. There was evidence that individual residents or\ their )Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (representatives had been involved in the development and review of plann\ ed care )Tj 0 -17.49998 TD (provision.)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (The care plans were clear and comprehensive)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 1910 0 obj 5297 endobj 1911 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (12)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 172.25 w 32.32001 610.28998 m 562.52997 610.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 559.28998 m 563.64996 559.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 524.16998 m 565.84998 524.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 523.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 523.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People\222s health, personal and social care needs are met. The home has\ a plan of care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (that the person, or someone close to them, has been involved in making. \ If they take )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (medicine, they manage it themselves if they can. If they cannot manage t\ heir )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (medicine, the care home supports them with it, in a safe way. People\222\ s right to privacy )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (is respected and the support they get from staff is given in a way that \ maintains their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.47998 Tm (dignity.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (If people are approaching the end of their life, the care home will resp\ ect their choices )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and help them feel comfortable and secure. They, and people close to the\ m, are )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (reassured that their death will be handled with sensitivity, dignity and\ respect, and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (take account of their spiritual and cultural wishes. )Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 505.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 483.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 483.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 483.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 483.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 466.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 207.45999 w 33.45 359 m 563.64996 359 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 453.72998 m 565.90002 453.72998 l S 184.95999 w 32.32001 347.75998 m 564.77997 347.75998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 441.35999 m 566.97998 441.35999 l S 31.2 442.44 m 31.2 253.06998 l S 565.90002 442.44 m 565.90002 253.06998 l S 31.2 441.35999 m 565.90002 441.35999 l S 30.12 254.14998 m 566.97998 254.14998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 450.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 425.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /TT0 12 Tf 2 Tr 221.55202 0 Td (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 33.746 0 Td (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 408.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 388.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 368.19 Tm (The care needs of residents are met by suitably trained staff; doctors a\ nd other )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 350.69 Tm (professionals visit as necessary and residents receive the medicines the\ y have been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 333.20001 Tm (prescribed.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 315.70001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 298.20001 Tm (Care is planned to promote the individuality of each resident and to pro\ vide staff with )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 280.70999 Tm (sufficient information to enable the needs of each person to be properly\ met)Tj /TT1 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 160.05 w 33.45 148.25 m 563.64996 148.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 219.28 m 565.90002 219.28 l S 138.67999 w 32.32001 136.44 m 564.77997 136.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 206.90999 m 566.97998 206.90999 l S 31.2 207.98999 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 207.98999 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 206.90999 m 565.90002 206.90999 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /TT1 12 Tf 31.2 233.47 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Evidence:)Tj /TT1 12 Tf 4.27 -24.75 Td ( )Tj -7.37 -24.75 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The care records of 3 people who live at the home were examined and foun\ d to )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49001 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (contain risk assessments forming the basis for care plans and daily reco\ rds describing )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (the care of each person. There was evidence that individual residents or\ their )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49001 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (representatives had been involved in the development and review of plann\ ed care )Tj 0 -17.49998 TD (provision.)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (The care plans were clear and comprehensive)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 1912 0 obj 5298 endobj 1913 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (12)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 172.25 w 32.32001 610.28998 m 562.52997 610.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 559.28998 m 563.64996 559.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 524.16998 m 565.84998 524.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 523.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 523.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People\222s health, personal and social care needs are met. The home has\ a plan of care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (that the person, or someone close to them, has been involved in making. \ If they take )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (medicine, they manage it themselves if they can. If they cannot manage t\ heir )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (medicine, the care home supports them with it, in a safe way. People\222\ s right to privacy )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (is respected and the support they get from staff is given in a way that \ maintains their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.47998 Tm (dignity.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (If people are approaching the end of their life, the care home will resp\ ect their choices )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and help them feel comfortable and secure. They, and people close to the\ m, are )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (reassured that their death will be handled with sensitivity, dignity and\ respect, and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (take account of their spiritual and cultural wishes. )Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 505.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 483.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 483.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 483.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 483.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 466.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 207.45999 w 33.45 359 m 563.64996 359 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 453.72998 m 565.90002 453.72998 l S 184.95999 w 32.32001 347.75998 m 564.77997 347.75998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 441.35999 m 566.97998 441.35999 l S 31.2 442.44 m 31.2 253.06998 l S 565.90002 442.44 m 565.90002 253.06998 l S 31.2 441.35999 m 565.90002 441.35999 l S 30.12 254.14998 m 566.97998 254.14998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 450.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 425.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /TT0 12 Tf 2 Tr 221.55202 0 Td (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 33.746 0 Td (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 408.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 388.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 368.19 Tm (The care needs of residents are met by suitably trained staff; doctors a\ nd other )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 350.69 Tm (professionals visit as necessary and residents receive the medicines the\ y have been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 333.20001 Tm (prescribed.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 315.70001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 298.20001 Tm (Care is planned to promote the individuality of each resident and to pro\ vide staff with )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 280.70999 Tm (sufficient information to enable the needs of each person to be properly\ met)Tj /TT1 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 160.05 w 33.45 148.25 m 563.64996 148.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 219.28 m 565.90002 219.28 l S 138.67999 w 32.32001 136.44 m 564.77997 136.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 206.90999 m 566.97998 206.90999 l S 31.2 207.98999 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 207.98999 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 206.90999 m 565.90002 206.90999 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /TT1 12 Tf 31.2 233.47 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Evidence:)Tj /TT1 12 Tf 4.27 -24.75 Td ( )Tj -7.37 -24.75 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The care records of 3 people who live at the home were examined and foun\ d to )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49001 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (contain risk assessments forming the basis for care plans and daily reco\ rds describing )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (the care of each person. There was evidence that individual residents or\ their )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49001 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (representatives had been involved in the development and review of plann\ ed care )Tj 0 -17.49998 TD (provision.)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (The care plans were clear and comprehensive)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 1914 0 obj 5327 endobj 1915 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (12)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 172.25 w 32.32001 610.28998 m 562.52997 610.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 559.28998 m 563.64996 559.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 524.16998 m 565.84998 524.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 523.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 523.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People\222s health, personal and social care needs are met. The home has\ a plan of care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (that the person, or someone close to them, has been involved in making. \ If they take )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (medicine, they manage it themselves if they can. If they cannot manage t\ heir )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (medicine, the care home supports them with it, in a safe way. People\222\ s right to privacy )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (is respected and the support they get from staff is given in a way that \ maintains their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.47998 Tm (dignity.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (If people are approaching the end of their life, the care home will resp\ ect their choices )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and help them feel comfortable and secure. They, and people close to the\ m, are )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (reassured that their death will be handled with sensitivity, dignity and\ respect, and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (take account of their spiritual and cultural wishes. )Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 505.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 483.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 483.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 483.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 483.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 466.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 207.45999 w 33.45 359 m 563.64996 359 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 453.72998 m 565.90002 453.72998 l S 184.95999 w 32.32001 347.75998 m 564.77997 347.75998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 441.35999 m 566.97998 441.35999 l S 31.2 442.44 m 31.2 253.06998 l S 565.90002 442.44 m 565.90002 253.06998 l S 31.2 441.35999 m 565.90002 441.35999 l S 30.12 254.14998 m 566.97998 254.14998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 450.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 425.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /TT0 12 Tf 2 Tr 221.55202 0 Td (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 33.746 0 Td (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 408.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 388.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 368.19 Tm (The care needs of residents are met by suitably trained staff; doctors a\ nd other )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 350.69 Tm (professionals visit as necessary and residents receive the medicines the\ y have been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 333.20001 Tm (prescribed.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 315.70001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 298.20001 Tm (Care is planned to promote the individuality of each resident and to pro\ vide staff with )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 280.70999 Tm (sufficient information to enable the needs of each person to be properly\ met)Tj /TT1 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 160.05 w 33.45 148.25 m 563.64996 148.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 219.28 m 565.90002 219.28 l S 138.67999 w 32.32001 136.44 m 564.77997 136.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 206.90999 m 566.97998 206.90999 l S 31.2 207.98999 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 207.98999 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 206.90999 m 565.90002 206.90999 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /TT1 12 Tf 31.2 233.47 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Evidence:)Tj /TT1 12 Tf 4.27 -24.75 Td ( )Tj -7.37 -24.75 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The care records of 3 people who live at the home were examined and foun\ d to )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49001 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (contain risk assessments forming the basis for care plans and daily reco\ rds describing )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (the care of each person. There was evidence that individual residents or\ their )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49001 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (representatives had been involved in the development and review of plann\ ed care )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49998 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (provision.)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (The care plans were clear and comprehensive)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 1916 0 obj 5328 endobj 1917 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (12)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 172.25 w 32.32001 610.28998 m 562.52997 610.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 559.28998 m 563.64996 559.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 524.16998 m 565.84998 524.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 523.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 523.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People\222s health, personal and social care needs are met. The home has\ a plan of care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (that the person, or someone close to them, has been involved in making. \ If they take )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (medicine, they manage it themselves if they can. If they cannot manage t\ heir )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (medicine, the care home supports them with it, in a safe way. People\222\ s right to privacy )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (is respected and the support they get from staff is given in a way that \ maintains their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.47998 Tm (dignity.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (If people are approaching the end of their life, the care home will resp\ ect their choices )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and help them feel comfortable and secure. They, and people close to the\ m, are )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (reassured that their death will be handled with sensitivity, dignity and\ respect, and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (take account of their spiritual and cultural wishes. )Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 505.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 483.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 483.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 483.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 483.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 466.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 207.45999 w 33.45 359 m 563.64996 359 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 453.72998 m 565.90002 453.72998 l S 184.95999 w 32.32001 347.75998 m 564.77997 347.75998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 441.35999 m 566.97998 441.35999 l S 31.2 442.44 m 31.2 253.06998 l S 565.90002 442.44 m 565.90002 253.06998 l S 31.2 441.35999 m 565.90002 441.35999 l S 30.12 254.14998 m 566.97998 254.14998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 450.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 425.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /TT0 12 Tf 2 Tr 221.55202 0 Td (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 33.746 0 Td (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 408.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 388.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 368.19 Tm (The care needs of residents are met by suitably trained staff; doctors a\ nd other )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 350.69 Tm (professionals visit as necessary and residents receive the medicines the\ y have been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 333.20001 Tm (prescribed.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 315.70001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 298.20001 Tm (Care is planned to promote the individuality of each resident and to pro\ vide staff with )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 280.70999 Tm (sufficient information to enable the needs of each person to be properly\ met)Tj /TT1 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 160.05 w 33.45 148.25 m 563.64996 148.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 219.28 m 565.90002 219.28 l S 138.67999 w 32.32001 136.44 m 564.77997 136.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 206.90999 m 566.97998 206.90999 l S 31.2 207.98999 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 207.98999 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 206.90999 m 565.90002 206.90999 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /TT1 12 Tf 31.2 233.47 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Evidence:)Tj /TT1 12 Tf 4.27 -24.75 Td ( )Tj -7.37 -24.75 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The care records of 3 people who live at the home were examined and foun\ d to )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49001 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (contain risk assessments forming the basis for care plans and daily reco\ rds describing )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (the care of each person. There was evidence that individual residents or\ their )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49001 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (representatives had been involved in the development and review of plann\ ed care )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49998 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (provision.)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (\240)Tj 0 -17.49001 TD (The care plans were clear and comprehensive)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 1918 0 obj 5357 endobj 1919 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (12)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 172.25 w 32.32001 610.28998 m 562.52997 610.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 559.28998 m 563.64996 559.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 524.16998 m 565.84998 524.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 523.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 523.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People\222s health, personal and social care needs are met. The home has\ a plan of care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (that the person, or someone close to them, has been involved in making. \ If they take )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (medicine, they manage it themselves if they can. If they cannot manage t\ heir )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (medicine, the care home supports them with it, in a safe way. People\222\ s right to privacy )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (is respected and the support they get from staff is given in a way that \ maintains their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.47998 Tm (dignity.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (If people are approaching the end of their life, the care home will resp\ ect their choices )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and help them feel comfortable and secure. They, and people close to the\ m, are )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (reassured that their death will be handled with sensitivity, dignity and\ respect, and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (take account of their spiritual and cultural wishes. )Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 505.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 483.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 483.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 483.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 483.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 466.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 207.45999 w 33.45 359 m 563.64996 359 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 453.72998 m 565.90002 453.72998 l S 184.95999 w 32.32001 347.75998 m 564.77997 347.75998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 441.35999 m 566.97998 441.35999 l S 31.2 442.44 m 31.2 253.06998 l S 565.90002 442.44 m 565.90002 253.06998 l S 31.2 441.35999 m 565.90002 441.35999 l S 30.12 254.14998 m 566.97998 254.14998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 450.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 425.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /TT0 12 Tf 2 Tr 221.55202 0 Td (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 33.746 0 Td (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 408.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 388.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 368.19 Tm (The care needs of residents are met by suitably trained staff; doctors a\ nd other )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 350.69 Tm (professionals visit as necessary and residents receive the medicines the\ y have been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 333.20001 Tm (prescribed.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 315.70001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 298.20001 Tm (Care is planned to promote the individuality of each resident and to pro\ vide staff with )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 280.70999 Tm (sufficient information to enable the needs of each person to be properly\ met)Tj /TT1 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 160.05 w 33.45 148.25 m 563.64996 148.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 219.28 m 565.90002 219.28 l S 138.67999 w 32.32001 136.44 m 564.77997 136.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 206.90999 m 566.97998 206.90999 l S 31.2 207.98999 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 207.98999 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 206.90999 m 565.90002 206.90999 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /TT1 12 Tf 31.2 233.47 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Evidence:)Tj /TT1 12 Tf 4.27 -24.75 Td ( )Tj -7.37 -24.75 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The care records of 3 people who live at the home were examined and foun\ d to )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49001 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (contain risk assessments forming the basis for care plans and daily reco\ rds describing )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (the care of each person. There was evidence that individual residents or\ their )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49001 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (representatives had been involved in the development and review of plann\ ed care )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49998 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (provision.)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (\240)Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49001 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The care plans were clear and comprehensive)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 1920 0 obj 5358 endobj 1921 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (12)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 172.25 w 32.32001 610.28998 m 562.52997 610.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 559.28998 m 563.64996 559.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 524.16998 m 565.84998 524.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 523.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 523.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People\222s health, personal and social care needs are met. The home has\ a plan of care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (that the person, or someone close to them, has been involved in making. \ If they take )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (medicine, they manage it themselves if they can. If they cannot manage t\ heir )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (medicine, the care home supports them with it, in a safe way. People\222\ s right to privacy )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (is respected and the support they get from staff is given in a way that \ maintains their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.47998 Tm (dignity.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (If people are approaching the end of their life, the care home will resp\ ect their choices )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and help them feel comfortable and secure. They, and people close to the\ m, are )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (reassured that their death will be handled with sensitivity, dignity and\ respect, and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (take account of their spiritual and cultural wishes. )Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 505.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 483.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 483.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 483.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 483.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 466.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 207.45999 w 33.45 359 m 563.64996 359 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 453.72998 m 565.90002 453.72998 l S 184.95999 w 32.32001 347.75998 m 564.77997 347.75998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 441.35999 m 566.97998 441.35999 l S 31.2 442.44 m 31.2 253.06998 l S 565.90002 442.44 m 565.90002 253.06998 l S 31.2 441.35999 m 565.90002 441.35999 l S 30.12 254.14998 m 566.97998 254.14998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 450.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 425.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /TT0 12 Tf 2 Tr 221.55202 0 Td (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 33.746 0 Td (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 408.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 388.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 368.19 Tm (The care needs of residents are met by suitably trained staff; doctors a\ nd other )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 350.69 Tm (professionals visit as necessary and residents receive the medicines the\ y have been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 333.20001 Tm (prescribed.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 315.70001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 298.20001 Tm (Care is planned to promote the individuality of each resident and to pro\ vide staff with )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 280.70999 Tm (sufficient information to enable the needs of each person to be properly\ met)Tj /TT1 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 160.05 w 33.45 148.25 m 563.64996 148.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 219.28 m 565.90002 219.28 l S 138.67999 w 32.32001 136.44 m 564.77997 136.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 206.90999 m 566.97998 206.90999 l S 31.2 207.98999 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 207.98999 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 206.90999 m 565.90002 206.90999 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /TT1 12 Tf 31.2 233.47 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Evidence:)Tj /TT1 12 Tf 4.27 -24.75 Td ( )Tj -7.37 -24.75 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The care records of 3 people who live at the home were examined and foun\ d to )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49001 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (contain risk assessments forming the basis for care plans and daily reco\ rds describing )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (the care of each person. There was evidence that individual residents or\ their )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49001 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (representatives had been involved in the development and review of plann\ ed care )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49998 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (provision.)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (\240)Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49001 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The care plans were clear and comprehensive)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 1922 0 obj 5128 endobj 1923 0 obj<>stream q 538.5 0 0 61.5 28.35001 14.2 cm /Im0 Do Q 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 135.75 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 24.07001 742.40002 m 558.14996 742.40002 l S 2.25 w 20.74001 812.52997 m 561.47998 812.52997 l S 20.74001 674.52997 m 561.47998 674.52997 l S 21.82001 813.60999 m 21.82001 673.45001 l S 560.40002 813.60999 m 560.40002 673.45001 l S q 191.25 0 0 117.75 28.35001 685.64996 cm /Im1 Do Q 0.60001 0.60001 0.60001 rg BT /C2_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 136.34999 656.26996 Tm <002C005100560053004800460057004C0051004A000300490052005500030045004800570057004800550003004F004C005900480056>Tj 0 0 0 rg /C2_0 28 Tf 1 0 0 1 147.05 596.26996 Tm <002E0048005C0003004C005100560053004800460057004C005200510003005500480053005200550057>Tj ET 20.58 w 27.33 552.19 m 557.14996 552.19 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 24 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 504.5 Tm (Care homes for older people)Tj /C2_0 6 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 493.45999 Tm <0003>Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 486.22 Tm <0003>Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 472.44 m 160.37999 472.44 l S 1 1 1 RG 162.62999 472.44 m 563.64996 472.44 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 90.90001 w 31.2 414.44998 m 160.37999 414.44998 l S 1 1 1 RG 162.62999 414.44998 m 563.64996 414.44998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 461.01999 m 565.84998 461.01999 l S 28.99001 483.84998 m 565.84998 483.84998 l S 28.99001 461.01999 m 565.84998 461.01999 l S 28.99001 367.87 m 565.84998 367.87 l S 30.07001 484.92999 m 30.07001 366.80002 l S 161.5 484.92999 m 161.5 366.80002 l S 564.77997 484.92999 m 564.77997 366.80002 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 467.66998 Tm (Name:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 165.48 467.66998 Tm (Denewood House Care Home)Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 444.84 Tm (Address:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 165.48 444.84 Tm (12-14 Denewood Road )Tj 1 0 0 1 165.48 427.25998 Tm (West Moors)Tj 1 0 0 1 165.48 409.67999 Tm (Ferndown)Tj 1 0 0 1 165.48 392.10001 Tm (Dorset)Tj 1 0 0 1 165.48 374.51999 Tm (BH22 0LX)Tj /C2_1 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 355.62 Tm <0003>Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 338.62 Tm <0003>Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 319.07999 m 358.94998 319.07999 l S 1 1 1 RG 361.20001 319.07999 m 565.90002 319.07999 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 330.5 m 568.10004 330.5 l S 28.99001 307.66998 m 568.10004 307.66998 l S 30.07001 331.57001 m 30.07001 306.59 l S 360.06998 331.57001 m 360.06998 306.59 l S 567.01996 331.57001 m 567.01996 306.59 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 314.31 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 314.31 Tm [(care home)21( is:)]TJ /TT0 12 Tf 82.882 0 Td [( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )]TJ /TT1 12 Tf 0 Tr 93.95398 0 Td (Tw)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (o)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star )Tj /TT0 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( service)Tj /C2_1 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 295.41 Tm <0003>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 276.35999 Tm (A quality rating is our assessment of how well a care home, agency or sc\ heme is )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 259.35999 Tm (meeting the needs of the people who use it.)Tj 1 0 0 1 295.20001 259.35999 Tm (\240 )Tj 1 0 0 1 303.64999 259.35999 Tm (We give a quality rating following a full )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 242.36 Tm (assessment of the service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 189.22 242.36 Tm (\240 )Tj 1 0 0 1 197.67 242.36 Tm (We call this a \221key\222 inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 225.36 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 207.87999 m 315.25 207.87999 l S 317.5 207.87999 m 565.90002 207.87999 l S 1 1 1 RG 317.5 185.05 m 346.54999 185.05 l S 348.80002 185.05 m 377.89999 185.05 l S 380.14999 185.05 m 409.20001 185.05 l S 411.44998 185.05 m 440.54999 185.05 l S 442.80002 185.05 m 471.89993 185.05 l S 474.14993 185.05 m 503.20001 185.05 l S 505.44998 185.05 m 534.54999 185.05 l S 536.79999 185.05 m 565.90002 185.05 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 196.45999 m 568.10004 196.45999 l S 28.99001 219.28998 m 568.10004 219.28998 l S 28.99001 196.45999 m 568.10004 196.45999 l S 28.99001 173.62999 m 568.10004 173.62999 l S 30.07001 220.37 m 30.07001 172.55 l S 316.37 220.37 m 316.37 172.55 l S 347.66998 197.53998 m 347.66998 172.55 l S 379.01999 197.53998 m 379.01999 172.55 l S 410.31998 197.53998 m 410.31998 172.55 l S 441.66998 197.53998 m 441.66998 172.55 l S 473.01999 197.53998 m 473.01999 172.55 l S 504.31998 197.53998 m 504.31998 172.55 l S 535.66998 197.53998 m 535.66998 172.55 l S 567.01996 220.37 m 567.01996 172.55 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 203.11 Tm (Lead inspector:)Tj 1 0 0 1 320.35001 203.11 Tm (Date:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 180.28 Tm (Gloria Ashwell)Tj 1 0 0 1 329.63 180.28 Tm (0)Tj 1 0 0 1 360.94998 180.28 Tm (8)Tj 1 0 0 1 392.28 180.28 Tm (0)Tj 1 0 0 1 423.60999 180.28 Tm (5)Tj 1 0 0 1 454.94998 180.28 Tm (2)Tj 1 0 0 1 486.28 180.28 Tm (0)Tj 1 0 0 1 517.60004 180.28 Tm (0)Tj 1 0 0 1 548.95996 180.28 Tm (9)Tj /C2_1 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 161.37999 Tm <0003>Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 144.37999 Tm <0003>Tj /C2_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 297.63998 127.38 Tm <0003>Tj 1 0 0 1 297.63998 115.31 Tm <0003>Tj 1 0 0 1 297.63998 103.24001 Tm <0003>Tj ET endstream endobj 1924 0 obj 5481 endobj 1925 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 35.56 m 566.92999 35.56 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.78999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 485.41998 30.78999 Tm (Page)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.95001 30.78999 Tm (2)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 523.58002 30.78999 Tm ( of )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 541.88 30.78999 Tm (26)Tj /C2_0 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 297.63998 803.64996 Tm <0003>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 787.02997 Tm (This is a report of an inspection where we looked at how well this )Tj 1 0 0 1 428.31998 787.02997 Tm (care home is meeting )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 769.52997 Tm (the needs of people who use it.)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.65999 769.52997 Tm (There is a summary of what we think this service does )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 752.02997 Tm (well, what they have improved on and, where it applies, what they need t\ o do better.)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 734.53998 Tm (We use the national minimum standards to describe the outcomes that peop\ le should )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 717.03998 Tm (experience.)Tj 1 0 0 1 106.61 717.03998 Tm (National minimum standards are written by the Department of Health for )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 699.53998 Tm (each type of care service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 679.54999 Tm (After the summary there is more detail about our findings. The following\ table explains )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 662.04999 Tm (what you will see under each outcome area.)Tj ET 22.69 653.87 m 572.14996 653.87 l S 22.69 320.22998 m 572.14996 320.22998 l S 22.7 653.87 m 22.7 320.22998 l S 572.14996 653.87 m 572.14996 320.22998 l S BT /T1_0 10 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 640.57001 Tm (Outcome area \(for example )Tj 1 0 0 1 173.59 640.57001 Tm (Choice of home\))Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 610.26996 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 216.34 610.26996 Tm (staying in care homes should experience.)Tj 1 0 0 1 435.78998 610.26996 Tm (They reflect the things )Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 598.12 Tm (that people have said are important to them:)Tj ET 1 0.9451 0.76077 RG 82.23 w 30.60001 533.38 m 562.45001 533.38 l S 1 1 1 RG 39.99001 w 29.47 513.38 m 563.57001 513.38 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 27.27 534.5 m 565.76996 534.5 l S 27.27 576.73999 m 565.76996 576.73999 l S 27.27 534.5 m 565.76996 534.5 l S 27.27 492.25998 m 565.76996 492.25998 l S 28.35001 577.82001 m 28.35001 491.17999 l S 564.70001 577.82001 m 564.70001 491.17999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.87 561.06 Tm (This box tells you the outcomes that we will always inspect against when\ we do a key )Tj 1 0 0 1 34.87 543.56 Tm (inspection)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 95.78 543.56 Tm (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.87 518.82001 Tm (This box tells you any additional outcomes that we may inspect against w\ hen we do a )Tj 1 0 0 1 34.87 501.31998 Tm (key inspection.)Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 10 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 461.81 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 131.31999 461.81 Tm (staying in this care home experience:)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 424.64999 Tm (Judgement:)Tj ET 1 0.9451 0.76077 RG 39.99001 w 30.60001 393.35001 m 562.45001 393.35001 l S 1 1 1 RG 29.47 394.47 m 563.57001 394.47 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 27.27 415.59 m 565.76996 415.59 l S 27.27 373.35001 m 565.76996 373.35001 l S 28.35001 416.66998 m 28.35001 372.26999 l S 564.70001 416.66998 m 564.70001 372.26999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.87 399.91 Tm (This box tells you our opinion of what we have looked at in this outcome\ area.)Tj 1 0 0 1 517.78998 399.91 Tm (We )Tj 1 0 0 1 34.87 382.41 Tm (will say whether it is excellent, good, adequate or poor.)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 356.53998 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET 1 0.9451 0.76077 RG 22.5 w 30.60001 333.97998 m 562.45001 333.97998 l S 1 1 1 RG 29.47 335.10999 m 563.57001 335.10999 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 27.27 347.47998 m 565.76996 347.47998 l S 27.27 322.72998 m 565.76996 322.72998 l S 28.35001 348.54999 m 28.35001 321.64999 l S 564.70001 348.54999 m 564.70001 321.64999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.87 331.78998 Tm (This box describes the information we used to come to our judgement.)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 285.17999 Tm (Copies of the)Tj 1 0 0 1 111.71001 285.17999 Tm (National Minimum Standards )Tj 1 0 0 1 290.48999 285.17999 Tm (\226 )Tj 1 0 0 1 302.34 285.17999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 1 0 0 1 477.17999 285.17999 Tm ( can be found )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 267.67999 Tm (at www.dh.gov.uk or bought from The Stationery Office \(TSO\) PO Box 29,\ St Crispins, )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 250.17998 Tm (Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1GN. Tel: 0870 600 5522. Online ordering from \ the )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 232.68999 Tm (Stationery Office is also available: )Tj 0 0 1 rg 1 0 0 1 238.73 232.68999 Tm (www.tso.co.uk/bookshop)Tj 0 0 0 rg 1 0 0 1 28.35001 192.7 Tm (The Commission for Social Care Inspection aims to:)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 46.35001 172.7 Tm (\267)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 64.35001 172.7 Tm (Put the people who use social care first)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 46.35001 155.06 Tm (\267)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 64.35001 155.06 Tm (Improve services and stamp out bad practice)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 46.35001 137.42 Tm (\267)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 64.35001 137.42 Tm (Be an expert voice on social care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 46.35001 119.78 Tm (\267)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 64.35001 119.78 Tm (Practise what we preach in our own organisation)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 79.64 Tm (Our duty to regulate social care services is set out in the Care Standar\ ds Act 2000.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1926 0 obj 3357 endobj 1927 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 35.56 m 566.92999 35.56 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.78999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 485.41998 30.78999 Tm (Page)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.95001 30.78999 Tm (3)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 523.58002 30.78999 Tm ( of )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 541.88 30.78999 Tm (26)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 795.64996 Tm <0035004800440047004800550003002C0051004900520055005000440057004C00520051>Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 28.35001 774.21997 m 224.04999 774.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 774.21997 m 567 774.21997 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 28.35001 751.38995 m 224.04999 751.38995 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 751.38995 m 567 751.38995 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 28.35001 728.56 m 224.04999 728.56 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 728.56 m 567 728.56 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 28.35001 705.72998 m 224.04999 705.72998 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 705.72998 m 567 705.72998 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 151.8 w 28.35001 617.28998 m 224.04999 617.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 617.28998 m 567 617.28998 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 28.35001 528.84998 m 224.04999 528.84998 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 528.84998 m 567 528.84998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 26.14 762.79999 m 569.20001 762.79999 l S 26.14 739.96997 m 569.20001 739.96997 l S 26.14 717.13995 m 569.20001 717.13995 l S 26.14 694.31 m 569.20001 694.31 l S 26.14 540.26001 m 569.20001 540.26001 l S 26.14 785.63 m 569.20001 785.63 l S 26.14 762.79999 m 569.20001 762.79999 l S 26.14 739.96997 m 569.20001 739.96997 l S 26.14 717.13995 m 569.20001 717.13995 l S 26.14 694.31 m 569.20001 694.31 l S 26.14 540.26001 m 569.20001 540.26001 l S 26.14 517.42999 m 569.20001 517.42999 l S 27.22 786.70996 m 27.22 516.34998 l S 225.17 786.70996 m 225.17 516.34998 l S 568.12 786.70996 m 568.12 516.34998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 769.45001 Tm (Document Purpose)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 769.45001 Tm (Inspection report)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 746.62 Tm (Author)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 746.62 Tm (CSCI)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 723.78998 Tm (Audience)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 723.78998 Tm (General public)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 700.95996 Tm (Further copies from)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 700.95996 Tm (0870 240 7535 \(telephone order line\))Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 678.13 Tm (Copyright)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 678.13 Tm (Copyright \251 \()Tj 1 0 0 1 313.48999 678.13 Tm (2009)Tj 1 0 0 1 344.01999 678.13 Tm (\) Commission for Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 663.54999 Tm (Inspection \(CSCI\). This publication may be reproduced )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 648.96997 Tm (in whole or in part, free of charge, in any format or )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 634.39001 Tm (medium provided that it is not used for commercial )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 619.81 Tm (gain. This consent is subject to the material being )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 605.22998 Tm (reproduced accurately and on proviso that it is not )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 590.64996 Tm (used in a derogatory manner or misleading context. )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 576.07001 Tm (The material should be acknowledged as CSCI )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 561.48999 Tm (copyright, with the title and date of publication of the )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 546.90997 Tm (document specified.)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 524.08002 Tm (Internet address)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 524.08002 Tm (www.cqc.org.uk)Tj ET endstream endobj 1928 0 obj 8542 endobj 1929 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 35.56 m 566.92999 35.56 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.78999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 485.41998 30.78999 Tm (Page)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.95001 30.78999 Tm (4)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 523.58002 30.78999 Tm ( of )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 541.88 30.78999 Tm (26)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 795.64996 Tm <002C0051004900520055005000440057004C0052005100030044004500520058005700030057004B0048000300460044005500480003004B005200500048>Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 774.21997 m 267.94998 774.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 774.21997 m 565.64996 774.21997 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 90.90001 w 31.2 716.22998 m 267.94998 716.22998 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 716.22998 m 565.64996 716.22998 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 658.23999 m 267.94998 658.23999 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 658.23999 m 565.64996 658.23999 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 31.2 635.40997 m 267.94998 635.40997 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 635.40997 m 565.64996 635.40997 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 31.2 612.57996 m 267.94998 612.57996 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 612.57996 m 565.64996 612.57996 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 31.2 589.75 m 267.94998 589.75 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 589.75 m 565.64996 589.75 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 762.79999 m 567.84998 762.79999 l S 28.99001 669.64996 m 567.84998 669.64996 l S 28.99001 646.82001 m 567.84998 646.82001 l S 28.99001 623.98999 m 567.84998 623.98999 l S 28.99001 601.15997 m 567.84998 601.15997 l S 28.99001 785.63 m 567.84998 785.63 l S 28.99001 762.79999 m 567.84998 762.79999 l S 28.99001 669.64996 m 567.84998 669.64996 l S 28.99001 646.82001 m 567.84998 646.82001 l S 28.99001 623.98999 m 567.84998 623.98999 l S 28.99001 601.15997 m 567.84998 601.15997 l S 28.99001 578.33002 m 567.84998 578.33002 l S 30.07001 786.70996 m 30.07001 577.26001 l S 269.07001 786.70996 m 269.07001 577.26001 l S 566.76996 786.70996 m 566.76996 577.26001 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 769.45001 Tm (Name of care home:)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 769.45001 Tm (Denewood House Care Home)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 746.62 Tm (Address:)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 746.62 Tm (12-14 Denewood Road)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 729.03998 Tm (West Moors)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 711.45996 Tm (Ferndown)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 693.88 Tm (Dorset)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 676.29999 Tm (BH22 0LX)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 653.46997 Tm (Telephone number:)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 653.46997 Tm (01202892008)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 630.64001 Tm (Fax number:)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 630.64001 Tm (01258841255)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 607.81 Tm (Email address:)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 607.81 Tm (samilycare-denewood@hotmail.com)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 584.97998 Tm (Provider web address:)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 546.53998 m 353.25 546.53998 l S 1 1 1 RG 355.5 546.53998 m 565.90002 546.53998 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 31.2 523.70996 m 353.25 523.70996 l S 1 1 1 RG 355.5 523.70996 m 565.90002 523.70996 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 31.2 500.87991 m 353.25 500.87991 l S 1 1 1 RG 355.5 500.87991 m 565.90002 500.87991 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 535.13 m 568.10004 535.13 l S 28.99001 512.29999 m 568.10004 512.29999 l S 28.99001 557.95996 m 568.10004 557.95996 l S 28.99001 535.13 m 568.10004 535.13 l S 28.99001 512.29999 m 568.10004 512.29999 l S 28.99001 489.47 m 568.10004 489.47 l S 30.07001 559.02997 m 30.07001 488.38992 l S 354.37 559.02997 m 354.37 488.38992 l S 567.01996 559.02997 m 567.01996 488.38992 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 541.76996 Tm (Name of registered provider\(s\):)Tj 1 0 0 1 358.35001 541.76996 Tm (Samily Care Ltd)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 518.94 Tm (Type of registration:)Tj 1 0 0 1 358.35001 518.94 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 496.10999 Tm (Number of places registered:)Tj 1 0 0 1 358.35001 496.10999 Tm (21)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 477.16998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 457.67999 m 565.60004 457.67999 l S 41.16 w 31.2 424.56 m 297.20001 424.56 l S 20.58 w 299.44998 434.84998 m 565.60004 434.84998 l S 299.44998 414.26999 m 432.51999 414.26999 l S 432.51999 414.26999 m 565.60004 414.26999 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 446.25998 m 567.79999 446.25998 l S 28.99001 469.09 m 567.79999 469.09 l S 28.99001 446.25998 m 567.79999 446.25998 l S 28.99001 402.85001 m 567.79999 402.85001 l S 30.07001 470.16998 m 30.07001 401.76999 l S 298.32001 447.34 m 298.32001 401.76999 l S 566.71997 470.16998 m 566.71997 401.76999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 452.91 Tm (Conditions of registration:)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 430.07999 Tm (Category\(ies\) :)Tj 1 0 0 1 302.30002 430.07999 Tm (Number of places \(if applicable\):)Tj 1 0 0 1 302.30002 409.5 Tm (Under 65)Tj 1 0 0 1 435.37 409.5 Tm (Over 65)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 35.16 w 31.2 380.76999 m 297.30002 380.76999 l S 299.54999 380.76999 m 431.44998 380.76999 l S 433.70001 380.76999 m 565.60004 380.76999 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 350.64999 m 565.60004 350.64999 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 362.06998 m 567.79999 362.06998 l S 28.99001 399.47998 m 567.79999 399.47998 l S 28.99001 362.06998 m 567.79999 362.06998 l S 28.99001 339.23999 m 567.79999 339.23999 l S 30.07001 400.54999 m 30.07001 338.16 l S 298.41998 400.54999 m 298.41998 360.98999 l S 432.56998 400.54999 m 432.56998 360.98999 l S 566.71997 400.54999 m 566.71997 338.16 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 383.28998 Tm (old age, not falling within any other )Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 368.70999 Tm (category)Tj 1 0 0 1 302.39999 383.28998 Tm (0)Tj 1 0 0 1 436.54999 383.28998 Tm (21)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 345.88 Tm (Additional conditions: )Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 324.44998 m 315.25 324.44998 l S 1 1 1 RG 317.5 324.44998 m 346.54999 324.44998 l S 348.80002 324.44998 m 377.89999 324.44998 l S 380.14999 324.44998 m 409.20001 324.44998 l S 411.44998 324.44998 m 440.54999 324.44998 l S 442.80002 324.44998 m 471.89993 324.44998 l S 474.14993 324.44998 m 503.20001 324.44998 l S 505.44998 324.44998 m 534.54999 324.44998 l S 536.79999 324.44998 m 565.90002 324.44998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 335.85999 m 568.10004 335.85999 l S 28.99001 313.03 m 568.10004 313.03 l S 30.07001 336.94 m 30.07001 311.94998 l S 316.37 336.94 m 316.37 311.94998 l S 347.66998 336.94 m 347.66998 311.94998 l S 379.01999 336.94 m 379.01999 311.94998 l S 410.31998 336.94 m 410.31998 311.94998 l S 441.66998 336.94 m 441.66998 311.94998 l S 473.01999 336.94 m 473.01999 311.94998 l S 504.31998 336.94 m 504.31998 311.94998 l S 535.66998 336.94 m 535.66998 311.94998 l S 567.01996 336.94 m 567.01996 311.94998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 319.67999 Tm (\240Date of last inspection)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 17 w 31.2 301.16 m 565.90002 301.16 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 291.53 m 568.10004 291.53 l S 30.07001 292.60999 m 30.07001 39.14999 l S 567.01996 292.60999 m 567.01996 39.14999 l S 28.99001 310.78 m 568.10004 310.78 l S 28.99001 291.53 m 568.10004 291.53 l S 28.99001 40.22 m 568.10004 40.22 l S 30.07001 311.85999 m 30.07001 290.44998 l S 567.01996 311.85999 m 567.01996 290.44998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 297.60001 Tm (Brief description of the )Tj 1 0 0 1 177.31 297.60001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 278.35001 Tm (Denewood House is a detached house in a residential area of West Moors, \ local shops, )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 261.35001 Tm (churches, pubs and a library are available close by following a level wa\ lk.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 244.34999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 227.34999 Tm (The home is registered to accommodate a maximum of 21 older people. It i\ s privately )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 210.34999 Tm (owned by Samily Care Ltd and is managed by registered provider Caroline \ Bleach.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 193.34999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 176.34999 Tm (The bedrooms are on the ground and first floors. There are two double be\ drooms and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 159.34999 Tm (17 single rooms. The home does not have a passenger lift but a stair lif\ t operates to )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 142.34999 Tm (the first floor; to access a number of the first floor bedrooms it is ne\ cessary to )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 125.35001 Tm (negotiate a single step up, beyond the landing to at which the stir lift\ arrives.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 108.35001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 91.35001 Tm (The rear garden has lawn, flower beds, and seats; some bedrooms have pat\ io doors )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 74.35001 Tm (opening out to the garden.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 57.35001 Tm (\240)Tj ET endstream endobj 1930 0 obj 1808 endobj 1931 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 35.56 m 566.92999 35.56 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.78999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 485.41998 30.78999 Tm (Page)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.95001 30.78999 Tm (5)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 523.58002 30.78999 Tm ( of )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 541.88 30.78999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 17 w 31.2 804.02997 m 565.90002 804.02997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 794.40002 m 568.10004 794.40002 l S 30.07001 795.47998 m 30.07001 638.07996 l S 567.01996 795.47998 m 567.01996 638.07996 l S 28.99001 813.64996 m 568.10004 813.64996 l S 28.99001 794.40002 m 568.10004 794.40002 l S 28.99001 639.14996 m 568.10004 639.14996 l S 30.07001 814.72998 m 30.07001 793.32996 l S 567.01996 814.72998 m 567.01996 793.32996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.5 800.46997 Tm (Brief description of the )Tj 1 0 0 1 177.31 800.46997 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 783.46997 Tm (Car parking spaces are available at the front of the building and parkin\ g on the road is )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 766.46997 Tm (unrestricted.)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 749.46997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 732.46997 Tm (Fees are charged weekly; the fee range quoted by the provider at the tim\ e of )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 715.46997 Tm (inspection was \(per person\) between \243474 and \243550. Up to date in\ formation on fees )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 698.46997 Tm (can be obtained from the service. Additional charges are made for hairdr\ essing, )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 681.46997 Tm (chiropody, newspapers and personal shopping.)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 664.46997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 647.46997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 627.08997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 610.08997 Tm (\240)Tj ET endstream endobj 1932 0 obj 3255 endobj 1933 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj 1 0 0 1 398 715.45001 Tm (one star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT0 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1934 0 obj 1742 endobj 1935 0 obj<>stream 1 1 1 RG 1 i 250.86 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 32.32001 687.10004 m 566.71997 687.10004 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 813.64996 m 568.91998 813.64996 l S 30.12 560.53998 m 568.91998 560.53998 l S 31.2 814.72998 m 31.2 559.46997 l S 567.84998 814.72998 m 567.84998 559.46997 l S 0 0 0 rg BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 32.92 802.71997 Tm (toured the premises and spoke to residents, staff, observed staff intera\ ction with )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 788.13995 Tm (residents and the carrying out of routine tasks and together with regist\ ered manager )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 773.56 Tm (Mrs Bleach discussed and examined documents regarding care provision and\ )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 758.97998 Tm (management of the home.)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 744.40002 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 729.82001 Tm (The duration of the inspection was 5 hours.)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 715.23999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 700.65997 Tm (During the inspection, particular residents were 'case tracked'; for exa\ mple, for )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 686.07996 Tm (evidence regarding Standards 3, 7 and 8, records relating to the same re\ sidents were )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 671.5 Tm (examined and the residents spoken with.)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 656.91998 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 642.33997 Tm (In advance of the inspection an Annual Quality Assurance Questionnaire w\ as completed )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 627.76001 Tm (by Mrs Bleach and returned to the Commission; the information it contain\ ed has been )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 613.17999 Tm (used to inform the findings of this inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 598.60004 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 584.01996 Tm (During this inspection compliance with all key standards of the National\ Minimum )Tj 1 0 0 1 32.92 569.44 Tm (Standards was assessed.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1936 0 obj 4917 endobj 1937 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 52.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (8)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.20001 53.03999 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 533.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 803.35999 m 567.84998 803.35999 l S 268.44 w 32.32001 656.60004 m 566.71997 656.60004 l S 20.58 w 32.7 509.84 m 569.34998 509.84 l S 78.90001 w 33.82001 457.84998 m 568.21997 457.84998 l S 20.58 w 33.45 405.85999 m 570.10004 405.85999 l S 78.90001 w 34.57001 353.87 m 568.96997 353.87 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 791.95001 m 567.84998 791.95001 l S 30.12 791.95001 m 568.91998 791.95001 l S 30.12 521.26001 m 568.91998 521.26001 l S 31.2 793.02997 m 31.2 520.17999 l S 31.2 521.26001 m 569.34998 521.26001 l S 32.7 498.42996 m 569.34998 498.42996 l S 31.62 498.42996 m 570.41998 498.42996 l S 31.62 417.28 m 570.41998 417.28 l S 33.45 394.44998 m 570.10004 394.44998 l S 33.45 417.28 m 570.10004 417.28 l S 32.37 394.44998 m 571.16998 394.44998 l S 32.37 313.30002 m 571.16998 313.30002 l S 32.7 499.50998 m 32.7 416.20001 l S 33.45 395.53 m 33.45 312.22 l S 567.84998 793.02997 m 567.84998 520.17999 l S 569.34998 499.50998 m 569.34998 416.20001 l S 570.10004 395.53 m 570.10004 312.22 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 798.58997 Tm (What the )Tj 1 0 0 1 90.52 798.58997 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 154.2 798.58997 Tm ( does well:)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 567.84998 801.25 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.17 775.76001 Tm (All the residents spoken with were complimentary of the care they receiv\ ed and the )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 761.17999 Tm (friendly nature of management and care staff.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 746.60004 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 732.01996 Tm (People considering moving into the home receive a full assessment and ar\ e provided )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 717.44 Tm (with the opportunity to visit and spend time at the home to make sure th\ at it is able to )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 702.85999 Tm (meet their needs.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 688.27997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 673.70001 Tm (Residents are encouraged to maintain their links with friends and family\ and all visitors )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 659.12 Tm (are made welcome.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 644.53998 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 629.95996 Tm (The house and gardens are maintained to provide a comfortable place to l\ ive. )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 615.38 Tm (Residents are encouraged to personalise their rooms with items of furnit\ ure, pictures )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 600.79999 Tm (and a variety of mementos.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 586.21997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 571.64001 Tm (Sufficient numbers of care staff are on duty throughout the day and nigh\ t to meet the )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 557.06 Tm (needs of the residents.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 542.47998 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 527.90002 Tm (Financial procedures within the home ensure residents' interests are pro\ tected.)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 568.96997 655.04999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 507.72998 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 32.7 505.06998 Tm (What has improved since the last inspection?)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 569.34998 508.28998 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 456.30002 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 36.67 482.23999 Tm (Care planning processes and associated record keeping have been improved\ to provide )Tj 1 0 0 1 36.67 467.66 Tm (staff with sufficient information to be able to meet the needs of reside\ nts.)Tj 1 0 0 1 36.67 453.07999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 36.67 438.5 Tm (The range and frequency of social and recreational activities has been e\ xtended, but )Tj 1 0 0 1 36.67 423.91998 Tm (would benefit from further improvement to ensure the satisfaction of res\ idents.)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 570.46997 456.30002 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 404.31 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.45 401.09 Tm (What they could do better:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf -2.25 -48.76999 Td [( )-21( )]TJ /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 8.948 0 Td (Greater choice of menus and more opportunities to participate in recreat\ ional and )Tj /TT0 12 Tf -8.948 -14.57999 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (social activities would be welcomed by some residents. )Tj -9.06999 -22.33002 Td (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -19.98999 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (If you want to know what action the person responsible for this care hom\ e is taking )Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (following this report, you can contact them using the details set out on\ page 4.)Tj 0 -19.99001 TD (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -20 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf [(The report of this inspection is available from our website www.cqc.org.\ uk.)-704(You can get )]TJ /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (printed copies from enquiries@cqc.org.uk or by telephoning our order lin\ e \2260870 240 )Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.48999 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (7535.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1938 0 obj 2093 endobj 1939 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 52.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (9)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.20001 53.03999 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 533.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 14 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 782.57996 Tm (Details of our findings)Tj ET 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 26 w 32.32001 746.26996 m 562.52997 746.26996 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 761.51996 m 565.84998 761.51996 l S 28.99001 733.26996 m 565.84998 733.26996 l S 30.07001 762.60004 m 30.07001 732.19 l S 564.77997 762.60004 m 564.77997 732.19 l S BT /C2_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 744.38995 Tm <00260052005100570048005100570056>Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 16 w 28.35001 700.01996 m 566.92999 700.01996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 695.95996 Tm (Choice of home\240 \(standards 1 - 6\))Tj ET 28.35001 678.01996 m 566.92999 678.01996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 673.95996 Tm (Health and personal care\240 \(standards 7 - 11\))Tj ET 28.35001 656.01996 m 566.92999 656.01996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 651.95996 Tm (Daily life and social activities\240 \(standards 12 - 15\))Tj ET 28.35001 634.01996 m 566.92999 634.01996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 629.95996 Tm (Complaints and protection\240 \(standards 16 - 18\))Tj ET 28.35001 612.01996 m 566.92999 612.01996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 607.95996 Tm (Environment\240 \(standards 19 - 26\))Tj ET 28.35001 590.01996 m 566.92999 590.01996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 585.95996 Tm (Staffing\240 \(standards 27 - 30\))Tj ET 28.35001 568.01996 m 566.92999 568.01996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 563.95996 Tm (Management and administration\240 \(standards 31 - 38\))Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 543.95996 Tm (Outstanding statutory requirements)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 522.08997 Tm (Requirements and recommendations from this inspection)Tj ET endstream endobj 1940 0 obj 5347 endobj 1941 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (10)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Choice of home)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 206.25 w 32.32001 593.28998 m 562.52997 593.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 119 w 31.2 550.78998 m 563.64996 550.78998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 611.41998 m 565.84998 611.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 611.41998 m 565.84998 611.41998 l S 28.99001 490.16995 m 565.84998 490.16995 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 489.09 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 489.09 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People are confident that the care home can support them. This is becaus\ e there is an )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (accurate assessment of their needs that they, or people close to them, h\ ave been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (involved in. This tells the home all about them and the support they nee\ d. People who )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (stay at the home only for intermediate care, have a clear assessment tha\ t includes a )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (plan on what they hope for and want to achieve when they return home.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 598.22998 Tm (People can decide whether the care home can meet their support and accom\ modation )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (needs. This is because they, or people close to them, have been able to \ visit the home )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and have got full, clear, accurate and up to date information about the \ home. If they )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (decide to stay in the home they know about their rights and responsibili\ ties because )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (there is an easy to understand contract or statement of terms and condit\ ions between )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 513.22998 Tm (them and the care home that includes how much they will pay and what the\ home )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 496.22998 Tm (provides for the money.)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 471.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 449.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 449.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 449.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 449.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 432.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 119.98 w 33.45 368.73999 m 563.64996 368.73999 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 419.72998 m 565.90002 419.72998 l S 97.48 w 32.32001 357.5 m 564.77997 357.5 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 407.35999 m 566.97998 407.35999 l S 31.2 408.44 m 31.2 306.54999 l S 565.90002 408.44 m 565.90002 306.54999 l S 31.2 407.35999 m 565.90002 407.35999 l S 30.12 307.63 m 566.97998 307.63 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 416.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 391.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 258.01999 391.67999 Tm (good)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 291.76999 391.67999 Tm (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 374.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 354.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 334.19 Tm (Prior to admission, the needs of each proposed resident are assessed to \ ensure the )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 316.69 Tm (home will be properly able to meet them.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 213.53998 w 33.45 174.98999 m 563.64996 174.98999 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 272.75998 m 565.90002 272.75998 l S 192.15999 w 32.32001 163.17999 m 564.77997 163.17999 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 260.38998 m 566.97998 260.38998 l S 31.2 261.47 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 261.47 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 260.38998 m 565.90002 260.38998 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 269.44998 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 244.7 Tm (All new admissions are planned to minimise distress to the new resident \ and to ensure )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 227.20999 Tm (that staff have available relevant information in order that they can pr\ operly meet )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 209.70999 Tm (each persons needs.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 192.22 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 174.72 Tm (The records of two residents admitted since the last inspection included\ clear details of )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 157.22 Tm (pre admission assessment carried out by the manager while visiting the p\ rospective )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 139.73 Tm (residents at their previous addresses.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 122.23 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 104.74001 Tm (In advance of making the decision to enter the home prospective resident\ s or their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 87.24001 Tm (representatives visited the home to view the premises and meet residents\ and staff.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1942 0 obj 1267 endobj 1943 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (11)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 93.86 w 33.45 764.47998 m 563.64996 764.47998 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 802.40997 m 565.90002 802.40997 l S 72.48 w 32.32001 752.66998 m 564.77997 752.66998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 790.02997 m 566.97998 790.02997 l S 31.2 791.10999 m 31.2 714.21997 l S 565.90002 791.10999 m 565.90002 714.21997 l S 31.2 790.02997 m 565.90002 790.02997 l S 30.12 715.29999 m 566.97998 715.29999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 799.08997 Tm (Evidence:)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.22 779.10004 Tm (\240)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( )Tj -2.02 -19.98993 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Following pre admission assessment of each prospective residents needs a\ nd )Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.49005 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (circumstances the home writes to them confirming the agreement and abili\ ty to )Tj /TT0 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (provide accommodation and care.)Tj ET endstream endobj 1944 0 obj 5358 endobj 1945 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 56.81 m 566.92999 56.81 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 53.03999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 477.67999 53.03999 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 508.20999 53.03999 Tm (12)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 526.07001 53.03999 Tm (of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 540.48999 53.03999 Tm (26)Tj /T1_0 16 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 768.13 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 747.90997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 730.81 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 250.50998 730.81 Tm (staying in care homes)Tj 1 0 0 1 383.42999 730.81 Tm ( should experience. They )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 713.31 Tm (reflect the things that people have said are important to them:)Tj /T1_1 5 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 700.84998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 172.25 w 32.32001 610.28998 m 562.52997 610.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 68 w 31.2 559.28998 m 563.64996 559.28998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 698.66998 m 565.84998 698.66998 l S 28.99001 594.41998 m 565.84998 594.41998 l S 28.99001 524.16998 m 565.84998 524.16998 l S 30.07001 699.73999 m 30.07001 523.08997 l S 564.77997 699.73999 m 564.77997 523.08997 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 685.47998 Tm (People\222s health, personal and social care needs are met. The home has\ a plan of care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 668.47998 Tm (that the person, or someone close to them, has been involved in making. \ If they take )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 651.47998 Tm (medicine, they manage it themselves if they can. If they cannot manage t\ heir )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 634.47998 Tm (medicine, the care home supports them with it, in a safe way. People\222\ s right to privacy )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 617.47998 Tm (is respected and the support they get from staff is given in a way that \ maintains their )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 600.47998 Tm (dignity.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 581.22998 Tm (If people are approaching the end of their life, the care home will resp\ ect their choices )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 564.22998 Tm (and help them feel comfortable and secure. They, and people close to the\ m, are )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 547.22998 Tm (reassured that their death will be handled with sensitivity, dignity and\ respect, and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 530.22998 Tm (take account of their spiritual and cultural wishes. )Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 505.91 Tm <0003>Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 483.85999 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 148.48999 483.85999 Tm (staying in this care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 305.45999 483.85999 Tm (experience)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 370.91 483.85999 Tm (:)Tj /T1_1 8 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 466.67999 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 207.45999 w 33.45 359 m 563.64996 359 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 453.72998 m 565.90002 453.72998 l S 184.95999 w 32.32001 347.75998 m 564.77997 347.75998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 441.35999 m 566.97998 441.35999 l S 31.2 442.44 m 31.2 253.06998 l S 565.90002 442.44 m 565.90002 253.06998 l S 31.2 441.35999 m 565.90002 441.35999 l S 30.12 254.14998 m 566.97998 254.14998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 450.41998 Tm (Judgement:)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 425.67999 Tm (People using this service experience )Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /TT0 12 Tf 2 Tr 221.55202 0 Td (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 33.746 0 Td (quality outcomes in this area. We have )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 408.17999 Tm (made this judgement using a range of evidence, including a visit to this\ service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 388.17999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 368.19 Tm (The care needs of residents are met by suitably trained staff; doctors a\ nd other )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 350.69 Tm (professionals visit as necessary and residents receive the medicines the\ y have been )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 333.20001 Tm (prescribed.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 315.70001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 298.20001 Tm (Care is planned to promote the individuality of each resident and to pro\ vide staff with )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.47 280.70999 Tm (sufficient information to enable the needs of each person to be properly\ met)Tj /TT1 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 160.05 w 33.45 148.25 m 563.64996 148.25 l S 1 1 1 RG 22.5 w 31.2 219.28 m 565.90002 219.28 l S 138.67999 w 32.32001 136.44 m 564.77997 136.44 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 30.12 206.90999 m 566.97998 206.90999 l S 31.2 207.98999 m 31.2 64.90001 l S 565.90002 207.98999 m 565.90002 64.90001 l S 31.2 206.90999 m 565.90002 206.90999 l S 30.12 65.97 m 566.97998 65.97 l S BT /TT1 12 Tf 31.2 233.47 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (Evidence:)Tj /TT1 12 Tf 4.27 -24.75 Td ( )Tj -7.37 -24.75 Td ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The care records of 3 people who live at the home were examined and foun\ d to )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49001 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (contain risk assessments forming the basis for care plans and daily reco\ rds describing )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.5 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (the care of each person. There was evidence that individual residents or\ their )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49001 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (representatives had been involved in the development and review of plann\ ed care )Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49998 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (provision.)Tj 0 -17.5 TD (\240)Tj /TT1 12 Tf 0 -17.49001 TD ( )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (The care plans were clear and comprehensive)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( )Tj ET endstream endobj 1946 0 obj<>stream iText 1.3.6 (by lowagie.com) distributed with the Software Developer's Journal endstream endobj xref 6 1 0000808875 00000 n 12 1 0000809094 00000 n 14 1 0000809267 00000 n 16 1 0000809414 00000 n 18 1 0000809561 00000 n 23 1 0000809697 00000 n 25 1 0000809919 00000 n 27 1 0000810055 00000 n 29 1 0000810203 00000 n 32 1 0000810350 00000 n 35 1 0000810509 00000 n 37 1 0000810658 00000 n 92 2 0000810843 00000 n 0000810937 00000 n 1886 61 0000811161 00000 n 0000812375 00000 n 0000812546 00000 n 0000812569 00000 n 0000817981 00000 n 0000818004 00000 n 0000823200 00000 n 0000823223 00000 n 0000828458 00000 n 0000828481 00000 n 0000833694 00000 n 0000833717 00000 n 0000838975 00000 n 0000838998 00000 n 0000844262 00000 n 0000844285 00000 n 0000849578 00000 n 0000849601 00000 n 0000854895 00000 n 0000854918 00000 n 0000860213 00000 n 0000860236 00000 n 0000865560 00000 n 0000865583 00000 n 0000870908 00000 n 0000870931 00000 n 0000876285 00000 n 0000876308 00000 n 0000881663 00000 n 0000881686 00000 n 0000887070 00000 n 0000887093 00000 n 0000892478 00000 n 0000892501 00000 n 0000897915 00000 n 0000897938 00000 n 0000903353 00000 n 0000903376 00000 n 0000908561 00000 n 0000908584 00000 n 0000914122 00000 n 0000914145 00000 n 0000917559 00000 n 0000917582 00000 n 0000926181 00000 n 0000926204 00000 n 0000928069 00000 n 0000928092 00000 n 0000931404 00000 n 0000931427 00000 n 0000933226 00000 n 0000933249 00000 n 0000938223 00000 n 0000938246 00000 n 0000940396 00000 n 0000940419 00000 n 0000945823 00000 n 0000945846 00000 n 0000947170 00000 n 0000947193 00000 n 0000952608 00000 n trailer <]/Prev 806486 >> startxref 956163 %%EOF 6 0 obj<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]>>>> endobj 12 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>>> endobj 14 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>>> endobj 16 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>>> endobj 18 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>>> endobj 23 0 obj<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>>> endobj 92 0 obj<> endobj 93 0 obj<> endobj 1947 0 obj<> endobj 1948 0 obj<> endobj 1949 0 obj 3256 endobj 1950 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (T)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1951 0 obj 3257 endobj 1952 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (Tw)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1953 0 obj 3258 endobj 1954 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1955 0 obj 3259 endobj 1956 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1957 0 obj 3260 endobj 1958 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1959 0 obj 3261 endobj 1960 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1961 0 obj 3262 endobj 1962 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1963 0 obj 3263 endobj 1964 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1965 0 obj 3264 endobj 1966 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1967 0 obj 3265 endobj 1968 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1969 0 obj 3266 endobj 1970 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1971 0 obj 3267 endobj 1972 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1973 0 obj 3268 endobj 1974 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1975 0 obj 3269 endobj 1976 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1977 0 obj 3270 endobj 1978 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1979 0 obj 3271 endobj 1980 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1981 0 obj 3272 endobj 1982 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1983 0 obj 3273 endobj 1984 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1985 0 obj 3274 endobj 1986 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1987 0 obj 3275 endobj 1988 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1989 0 obj 3276 endobj 1990 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1991 0 obj 3277 endobj 1992 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1993 0 obj 3278 endobj 1994 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1995 0 obj 3279 endobj 1996 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1997 0 obj 3280 endobj 1998 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 1999 0 obj 3281 endobj 2000 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 2001 0 obj 3282 endobj 2002 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 2003 0 obj 3283 endobj 2004 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 2005 0 obj 3284 endobj 2006 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 2007 0 obj 3285 endobj 2008 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star adequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 2009 0 obj 3284 endobj 2010 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star dequate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 2011 0 obj 3283 endobj 2012 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star equate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 2013 0 obj 3282 endobj 2014 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star quate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 2015 0 obj 3281 endobj 2016 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star uate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 2017 0 obj 3280 endobj 2018 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star ate service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 2019 0 obj 3279 endobj 2020 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star te service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 2021 0 obj 3278 endobj 2022 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star e service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 2023 0 obj 3277 endobj 2024 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 2025 0 obj 3311 endobj 2026 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star )Tj /TT0 12 Tf (g)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 2027 0 obj 3312 endobj 2028 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star )Tj /TT0 12 Tf (go)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 2029 0 obj 3313 endobj 2030 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star )Tj /TT0 12 Tf (goo)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 2031 0 obj 3314 endobj 2032 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star )Tj /TT0 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 2033 0 obj 3315 endobj 2034 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star )Tj /TT0 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 2035 0 obj 3316 endobj 2036 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star )Tj /TT0 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 2037 0 obj 5128 endobj 2038 0 obj<>stream q 538.5 0 0 61.5 28.35001 14.2 cm /Im0 Do Q 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 135.75 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 24.07001 742.40002 m 558.14996 742.40002 l S 2.25 w 20.74001 812.52997 m 561.47998 812.52997 l S 20.74001 674.52997 m 561.47998 674.52997 l S 21.82001 813.60999 m 21.82001 673.45001 l S 560.40002 813.60999 m 560.40002 673.45001 l S q 191.25 0 0 117.75 28.35001 685.64996 cm /Im1 Do Q 0.60001 0.60001 0.60001 rg BT /C2_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 136.34999 656.26996 Tm <002C005100560053004800460057004C0051004A000300490052005500030045004800570057004800550003004F004C005900480056>Tj 0 0 0 rg /C2_0 28 Tf 1 0 0 1 147.05 596.26996 Tm <002E0048005C0003004C005100560053004800460057004C005200510003005500480053005200550057>Tj ET 20.58 w 27.33 552.19 m 557.14996 552.19 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 24 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 504.5 Tm (Care homes for older people)Tj /C2_0 6 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 493.45999 Tm <0003>Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 486.22 Tm <0003>Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 472.44 m 160.37999 472.44 l S 1 1 1 RG 162.62999 472.44 m 563.64996 472.44 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 90.90001 w 31.2 414.44998 m 160.37999 414.44998 l S 1 1 1 RG 162.62999 414.44998 m 563.64996 414.44998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 461.01999 m 565.84998 461.01999 l S 28.99001 483.84998 m 565.84998 483.84998 l S 28.99001 461.01999 m 565.84998 461.01999 l S 28.99001 367.87 m 565.84998 367.87 l S 30.07001 484.92999 m 30.07001 366.80002 l S 161.5 484.92999 m 161.5 366.80002 l S 564.77997 484.92999 m 564.77997 366.80002 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 467.66998 Tm (Name:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 165.48 467.66998 Tm (Denewood House Care Home)Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 444.84 Tm (Address:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 165.48 444.84 Tm (12-14 Denewood Road )Tj 1 0 0 1 165.48 427.25998 Tm (West Moors)Tj 1 0 0 1 165.48 409.67999 Tm (Ferndown)Tj 1 0 0 1 165.48 392.10001 Tm (Dorset)Tj 1 0 0 1 165.48 374.51999 Tm (BH22 0LX)Tj /C2_1 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 355.62 Tm <0003>Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 338.62 Tm <0003>Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 319.07999 m 358.94998 319.07999 l S 1 1 1 RG 361.20001 319.07999 m 565.90002 319.07999 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 330.5 m 568.10004 330.5 l S 28.99001 307.66998 m 568.10004 307.66998 l S 30.07001 331.57001 m 30.07001 306.59 l S 360.06998 331.57001 m 360.06998 306.59 l S 567.01996 331.57001 m 567.01996 306.59 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 314.31 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 314.31 Tm [(care home)21( is:)]TJ /TT0 12 Tf 82.882 0 Td [( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )-21( )]TJ /TT1 12 Tf 0 Tr 93.95398 0 Td (Tw)Tj /TT0 12 Tf (o)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star )Tj /TT0 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( service)Tj /C2_1 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 295.41 Tm <0003>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 276.35999 Tm (A quality rating is our assessment of how well a care home, agency or sc\ heme is )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 259.35999 Tm (meeting the needs of the people who use it.)Tj 1 0 0 1 295.20001 259.35999 Tm (\240 )Tj 1 0 0 1 303.64999 259.35999 Tm (We give a quality rating following a full )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 242.36 Tm (assessment of the service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 189.22 242.36 Tm (\240 )Tj 1 0 0 1 197.67 242.36 Tm (We call this a \221key\222 inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 225.36 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 207.87999 m 315.25 207.87999 l S 317.5 207.87999 m 565.90002 207.87999 l S 1 1 1 RG 317.5 185.05 m 346.54999 185.05 l S 348.80002 185.05 m 377.89999 185.05 l S 380.14999 185.05 m 409.20001 185.05 l S 411.44998 185.05 m 440.54999 185.05 l S 442.80002 185.05 m 471.89993 185.05 l S 474.14993 185.05 m 503.20001 185.05 l S 505.44998 185.05 m 534.54999 185.05 l S 536.79999 185.05 m 565.90002 185.05 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 196.45999 m 568.10004 196.45999 l S 28.99001 219.28998 m 568.10004 219.28998 l S 28.99001 196.45999 m 568.10004 196.45999 l S 28.99001 173.62999 m 568.10004 173.62999 l S 30.07001 220.37 m 30.07001 172.55 l S 316.37 220.37 m 316.37 172.55 l S 347.66998 197.53998 m 347.66998 172.55 l S 379.01999 197.53998 m 379.01999 172.55 l S 410.31998 197.53998 m 410.31998 172.55 l S 441.66998 197.53998 m 441.66998 172.55 l S 473.01999 197.53998 m 473.01999 172.55 l S 504.31998 197.53998 m 504.31998 172.55 l S 535.66998 197.53998 m 535.66998 172.55 l S 567.01996 220.37 m 567.01996 172.55 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 203.11 Tm (Lead inspector:)Tj 1 0 0 1 320.35001 203.11 Tm (Date:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 180.28 Tm (Gloria Ashwell)Tj 1 0 0 1 329.63 180.28 Tm (0)Tj 1 0 0 1 360.94998 180.28 Tm (8)Tj 1 0 0 1 392.28 180.28 Tm (0)Tj 1 0 0 1 423.60999 180.28 Tm (5)Tj 1 0 0 1 454.94998 180.28 Tm (2)Tj 1 0 0 1 486.28 180.28 Tm (0)Tj 1 0 0 1 517.60004 180.28 Tm (0)Tj 1 0 0 1 548.95996 180.28 Tm (9)Tj /C2_1 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 161.37999 Tm <0003>Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 144.37999 Tm <0003>Tj /C2_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 297.63998 127.38 Tm <0003>Tj 1 0 0 1 297.63998 115.31 Tm <0003>Tj 1 0 0 1 297.63998 103.24001 Tm <0003>Tj ET endstream endobj 2039 0 obj 5481 endobj 2040 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 35.56 m 566.92999 35.56 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.78999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 485.41998 30.78999 Tm (Page)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.95001 30.78999 Tm (2)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 523.58002 30.78999 Tm ( of )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 541.88 30.78999 Tm (26)Tj /C2_0 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 297.63998 803.64996 Tm <0003>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 787.02997 Tm (This is a report of an inspection where we looked at how well this )Tj 1 0 0 1 428.31998 787.02997 Tm (care home is meeting )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 769.52997 Tm (the needs of people who use it.)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.65999 769.52997 Tm (There is a summary of what we think this service does )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 752.02997 Tm (well, what they have improved on and, where it applies, what they need t\ o do better.)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 734.53998 Tm (We use the national minimum standards to describe the outcomes that peop\ le should )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 717.03998 Tm (experience.)Tj 1 0 0 1 106.61 717.03998 Tm (National minimum standards are written by the Department of Health for )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 699.53998 Tm (each type of care service.)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 679.54999 Tm (After the summary there is more detail about our findings. The following\ table explains )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 662.04999 Tm (what you will see under each outcome area.)Tj ET 22.69 653.87 m 572.14996 653.87 l S 22.69 320.22998 m 572.14996 320.22998 l S 22.7 653.87 m 22.7 320.22998 l S 572.14996 653.87 m 572.14996 320.22998 l S BT /T1_0 10 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 640.57001 Tm (Outcome area \(for example )Tj 1 0 0 1 173.59 640.57001 Tm (Choice of home\))Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 610.26996 Tm (These are the outcomes that people )Tj 1 0 0 1 216.34 610.26996 Tm (staying in care homes should experience.)Tj 1 0 0 1 435.78998 610.26996 Tm (They reflect the things )Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 598.12 Tm (that people have said are important to them:)Tj ET 1 0.9451 0.76077 RG 82.23 w 30.60001 533.38 m 562.45001 533.38 l S 1 1 1 RG 39.99001 w 29.47 513.38 m 563.57001 513.38 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 27.27 534.5 m 565.76996 534.5 l S 27.27 576.73999 m 565.76996 576.73999 l S 27.27 534.5 m 565.76996 534.5 l S 27.27 492.25998 m 565.76996 492.25998 l S 28.35001 577.82001 m 28.35001 491.17999 l S 564.70001 577.82001 m 564.70001 491.17999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.87 561.06 Tm (This box tells you the outcomes that we will always inspect against when\ we do a key )Tj 1 0 0 1 34.87 543.56 Tm (inspection)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 95.78 543.56 Tm (.)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.87 518.82001 Tm (This box tells you any additional outcomes that we may inspect against w\ hen we do a )Tj 1 0 0 1 34.87 501.31998 Tm (key inspection.)Tj 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w /T1_0 10 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 461.81 Tm (This is what people )Tj 1 0 0 1 131.31999 461.81 Tm (staying in this care home experience:)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 424.64999 Tm (Judgement:)Tj ET 1 0.9451 0.76077 RG 39.99001 w 30.60001 393.35001 m 562.45001 393.35001 l S 1 1 1 RG 29.47 394.47 m 563.57001 394.47 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 27.27 415.59 m 565.76996 415.59 l S 27.27 373.35001 m 565.76996 373.35001 l S 28.35001 416.66998 m 28.35001 372.26999 l S 564.70001 416.66998 m 564.70001 372.26999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.87 399.91 Tm (This box tells you our opinion of what we have looked at in this outcome\ area.)Tj 1 0 0 1 517.78998 399.91 Tm (We )Tj 1 0 0 1 34.87 382.41 Tm (will say whether it is excellent, good, adequate or poor.)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 356.53998 Tm (Evidence:)Tj ET 1 0.9451 0.76077 RG 22.5 w 30.60001 333.97998 m 562.45001 333.97998 l S 1 1 1 RG 29.47 335.10999 m 563.57001 335.10999 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 27.27 347.47998 m 565.76996 347.47998 l S 27.27 322.72998 m 565.76996 322.72998 l S 28.35001 348.54999 m 28.35001 321.64999 l S 564.70001 348.54999 m 564.70001 321.64999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.87 331.78998 Tm (This box describes the information we used to come to our judgement.)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 285.17999 Tm (Copies of the)Tj 1 0 0 1 111.71001 285.17999 Tm (National Minimum Standards )Tj 1 0 0 1 290.48999 285.17999 Tm (\226 )Tj 1 0 0 1 302.34 285.17999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj 1 0 0 1 477.17999 285.17999 Tm ( can be found )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 267.67999 Tm (at www.dh.gov.uk or bought from The Stationery Office \(TSO\) PO Box 29,\ St Crispins, )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 250.17998 Tm (Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1GN. Tel: 0870 600 5522. Online ordering from \ the )Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 232.68999 Tm (Stationery Office is also available: )Tj 0 0 1 rg 1 0 0 1 238.73 232.68999 Tm (www.tso.co.uk/bookshop)Tj 0 0 0 rg 1 0 0 1 28.35001 192.7 Tm (The Commission for Social Care Inspection aims to:)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 46.35001 172.7 Tm (\267)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 64.35001 172.7 Tm (Put the people who use social care first)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 46.35001 155.06 Tm (\267)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 64.35001 155.06 Tm (Improve services and stamp out bad practice)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 46.35001 137.42 Tm (\267)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 64.35001 137.42 Tm (Be an expert voice on social care)Tj /T1_1 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 46.35001 119.78 Tm (\267)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 64.35001 119.78 Tm (Practise what we preach in our own organisation)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 79.64 Tm (Our duty to regulate social care services is set out in the Care Standar\ ds Act 2000.)Tj ET endstream endobj 2041 0 obj 3357 endobj 2042 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 35.56 m 566.92999 35.56 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.78999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 485.41998 30.78999 Tm (Page)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.95001 30.78999 Tm (3)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 523.58002 30.78999 Tm ( of )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 541.88 30.78999 Tm (26)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 795.64996 Tm <0035004800440047004800550003002C0051004900520055005000440057004C00520051>Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 28.35001 774.21997 m 224.04999 774.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 774.21997 m 567 774.21997 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 28.35001 751.38995 m 224.04999 751.38995 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 751.38995 m 567 751.38995 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 28.35001 728.56 m 224.04999 728.56 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 728.56 m 567 728.56 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 28.35001 705.72998 m 224.04999 705.72998 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 705.72998 m 567 705.72998 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 151.8 w 28.35001 617.28998 m 224.04999 617.28998 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 617.28998 m 567 617.28998 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 28.35001 528.84998 m 224.04999 528.84998 l S 1 1 1 RG 226.3 528.84998 m 567 528.84998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 26.14 762.79999 m 569.20001 762.79999 l S 26.14 739.96997 m 569.20001 739.96997 l S 26.14 717.13995 m 569.20001 717.13995 l S 26.14 694.31 m 569.20001 694.31 l S 26.14 540.26001 m 569.20001 540.26001 l S 26.14 785.63 m 569.20001 785.63 l S 26.14 762.79999 m 569.20001 762.79999 l S 26.14 739.96997 m 569.20001 739.96997 l S 26.14 717.13995 m 569.20001 717.13995 l S 26.14 694.31 m 569.20001 694.31 l S 26.14 540.26001 m 569.20001 540.26001 l S 26.14 517.42999 m 569.20001 517.42999 l S 27.22 786.70996 m 27.22 516.34998 l S 225.17 786.70996 m 225.17 516.34998 l S 568.12 786.70996 m 568.12 516.34998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 31.2 769.45001 Tm (Document Purpose)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 769.45001 Tm (Inspection report)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 746.62 Tm (Author)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 746.62 Tm (CSCI)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 723.78998 Tm (Audience)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 723.78998 Tm (General public)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 700.95996 Tm (Further copies from)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 700.95996 Tm (0870 240 7535 \(telephone order line\))Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 678.13 Tm (Copyright)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 678.13 Tm (Copyright \251 \()Tj 1 0 0 1 313.48999 678.13 Tm (2009)Tj 1 0 0 1 344.01999 678.13 Tm (\) Commission for Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 663.54999 Tm (Inspection \(CSCI\). This publication may be reproduced )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 648.96997 Tm (in whole or in part, free of charge, in any format or )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 634.39001 Tm (medium provided that it is not used for commercial )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 619.81 Tm (gain. This consent is subject to the material being )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 605.22998 Tm (reproduced accurately and on proviso that it is not )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 590.64996 Tm (used in a derogatory manner or misleading context. )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 576.07001 Tm (The material should be acknowledged as CSCI )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 561.48999 Tm (copyright, with the title and date of publication of the )Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 546.90997 Tm (document specified.)Tj 1 0 0 1 31.2 524.08002 Tm (Internet address)Tj 1 0 0 1 229.14998 524.08002 Tm (www.cqc.org.uk)Tj ET endstream endobj 2043 0 obj 8542 endobj 2044 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 35.56 m 566.92999 35.56 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.78999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 485.41998 30.78999 Tm (Page)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.95001 30.78999 Tm (4)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 523.58002 30.78999 Tm ( of )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 541.88 30.78999 Tm (26)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 795.64996 Tm <002C0051004900520055005000440057004C0052005100030044004500520058005700030057004B0048000300460044005500480003004B005200500048>Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 774.21997 m 267.94998 774.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 774.21997 m 565.64996 774.21997 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 90.90001 w 31.2 716.22998 m 267.94998 716.22998 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 716.22998 m 565.64996 716.22998 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 658.23999 m 267.94998 658.23999 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 658.23999 m 565.64996 658.23999 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 31.2 635.40997 m 267.94998 635.40997 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 635.40997 m 565.64996 635.40997 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 31.2 612.57996 m 267.94998 612.57996 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 612.57996 m 565.64996 612.57996 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 31.2 589.75 m 267.94998 589.75 l S 1 1 1 RG 270.20001 589.75 m 565.64996 589.75 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 762.79999 m 567.84998 762.79999 l S 28.99001 669.64996 m 567.84998 669.64996 l S 28.99001 646.82001 m 567.84998 646.82001 l S 28.99001 623.98999 m 567.84998 623.98999 l S 28.99001 601.15997 m 567.84998 601.15997 l S 28.99001 785.63 m 567.84998 785.63 l S 28.99001 762.79999 m 567.84998 762.79999 l S 28.99001 669.64996 m 567.84998 669.64996 l S 28.99001 646.82001 m 567.84998 646.82001 l S 28.99001 623.98999 m 567.84998 623.98999 l S 28.99001 601.15997 m 567.84998 601.15997 l S 28.99001 578.33002 m 567.84998 578.33002 l S 30.07001 786.70996 m 30.07001 577.26001 l S 269.07001 786.70996 m 269.07001 577.26001 l S 566.76996 786.70996 m 566.76996 577.26001 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 769.45001 Tm (Name of care home:)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 769.45001 Tm (Denewood House Care Home)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 746.62 Tm (Address:)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 746.62 Tm (12-14 Denewood Road)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 729.03998 Tm (West Moors)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 711.45996 Tm (Ferndown)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 693.88 Tm (Dorset)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 676.29999 Tm (BH22 0LX)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 653.46997 Tm (Telephone number:)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 653.46997 Tm (01202892008)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 630.64001 Tm (Fax number:)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 630.64001 Tm (01258841255)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 607.81 Tm (Email address:)Tj 1 0 0 1 273.04999 607.81 Tm (samilycare-denewood@hotmail.com)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 584.97998 Tm (Provider web address:)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 546.53998 m 353.25 546.53998 l S 1 1 1 RG 355.5 546.53998 m 565.90002 546.53998 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 31.2 523.70996 m 353.25 523.70996 l S 1 1 1 RG 355.5 523.70996 m 565.90002 523.70996 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 31.2 500.87988 m 353.25 500.87988 l S 1 1 1 RG 355.5 500.87988 m 565.90002 500.87988 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 535.13 m 568.10004 535.13 l S 28.99001 512.29999 m 568.10004 512.29999 l S 28.99001 557.95996 m 568.10004 557.95996 l S 28.99001 535.13 m 568.10004 535.13 l S 28.99001 512.29999 m 568.10004 512.29999 l S 28.99001 489.47 m 568.10004 489.47 l S 30.07001 559.02997 m 30.07001 488.38989 l S 354.37 559.02997 m 354.37 488.38989 l S 567.01996 559.02997 m 567.01996 488.38989 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 541.76996 Tm (Name of registered provider\(s\):)Tj 1 0 0 1 358.35001 541.76996 Tm (Samily Care Ltd)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 518.94 Tm (Type of registration:)Tj 1 0 0 1 358.35001 518.94 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 496.10999 Tm (Number of places registered:)Tj 1 0 0 1 358.35001 496.10999 Tm (21)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 477.16998 Tm (\240)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 457.67999 m 565.60004 457.67999 l S 41.16 w 31.2 424.56 m 297.20001 424.56 l S 20.58 w 299.44998 434.84998 m 565.60004 434.84998 l S 299.44998 414.26999 m 432.51999 414.26999 l S 432.51999 414.26999 m 565.60004 414.26999 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 446.25998 m 567.79999 446.25998 l S 28.99001 469.09 m 567.79999 469.09 l S 28.99001 446.25998 m 567.79999 446.25998 l S 28.99001 402.85001 m 567.79999 402.85001 l S 30.07001 470.16998 m 30.07001 401.76999 l S 298.32001 447.34 m 298.32001 401.76999 l S 566.71997 470.16998 m 566.71997 401.76999 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 452.91 Tm (Conditions of registration:)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 430.07999 Tm (Category\(ies\) :)Tj 1 0 0 1 302.30002 430.07999 Tm (Number of places \(if applicable\):)Tj 1 0 0 1 302.30002 409.5 Tm (Under 65)Tj 1 0 0 1 435.37 409.5 Tm (Over 65)Tj ET 1 1 1 RG 35.16 w 31.2 380.76999 m 297.30002 380.76999 l S 299.54999 380.76999 m 431.44998 380.76999 l S 433.70001 380.76999 m 565.60004 380.76999 l S 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 350.64999 m 565.60004 350.64999 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 362.06998 m 567.79999 362.06998 l S 28.99001 399.47998 m 567.79999 399.47998 l S 28.99001 362.06998 m 567.79999 362.06998 l S 28.99001 339.23999 m 567.79999 339.23999 l S 30.07001 400.54999 m 30.07001 338.16 l S 298.41998 400.54999 m 298.41998 360.98999 l S 432.56998 400.54999 m 432.56998 360.98999 l S 566.71997 400.54999 m 566.71997 338.16 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 383.28998 Tm (old age, not falling within any other )Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 368.70999 Tm (category)Tj 1 0 0 1 302.39999 383.28998 Tm (0)Tj 1 0 0 1 436.54999 383.28998 Tm (21)Tj 1 0 0 1 34.05 345.88 Tm (Additional conditions: )Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 324.44998 m 315.25 324.44998 l S 1 1 1 RG 317.5 324.44998 m 346.54999 324.44998 l S 348.80002 324.44998 m 377.89999 324.44998 l S 380.14999 324.44998 m 409.20001 324.44998 l S 411.44998 324.44998 m 440.54999 324.44998 l S 442.80002 324.44998 m 471.89993 324.44998 l S 474.14993 324.44998 m 503.20001 324.44998 l S 505.44998 324.44998 m 534.54999 324.44998 l S 536.79999 324.44998 m 565.90002 324.44998 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 335.85999 m 568.10004 335.85999 l S 28.99001 313.03 m 568.10004 313.03 l S 30.07001 336.94 m 30.07001 311.94998 l S 316.37 336.94 m 316.37 311.94998 l S 347.66998 336.94 m 347.66998 311.94998 l S 379.01999 336.94 m 379.01999 311.94998 l S 410.31998 336.94 m 410.31998 311.94998 l S 441.66998 336.94 m 441.66998 311.94998 l S 473.01999 336.94 m 473.01999 311.94998 l S 504.31998 336.94 m 504.31998 311.94998 l S 535.66998 336.94 m 535.66998 311.94998 l S 567.01996 336.94 m 567.01996 311.94998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 319.67999 Tm (\240Date of last inspection)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 17 w 31.2 301.16 m 565.90002 301.16 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 291.53 m 568.10004 291.53 l S 30.07001 292.60999 m 30.07001 39.14999 l S 567.01996 292.60999 m 567.01996 39.14999 l S 28.99001 310.78 m 568.10004 310.78 l S 28.99001 291.53 m 568.10004 291.53 l S 28.99001 40.22 m 568.10004 40.22 l S 30.07001 311.85999 m 30.07001 290.44998 l S 567.01996 311.85999 m 567.01996 290.44998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 35.5 297.60001 Tm (Brief description of the )Tj 1 0 0 1 177.31 297.60001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 278.35001 Tm (Denewood House is a detached house in a residential area of West Moors, \ local shops, )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 261.35001 Tm (churches, pubs and a library are available close by following a level wa\ lk.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 244.34999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 227.34999 Tm (The home is registered to accommodate a maximum of 21 older people. It i\ s privately )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 210.34999 Tm (owned by Samily Care Ltd and is managed by registered provider Caroline \ Bleach.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 193.34999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 176.34999 Tm (The bedrooms are on the ground and first floors. There are two double be\ drooms and )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 159.34999 Tm (17 single rooms. The home does not have a passenger lift but a stair lif\ t operates to )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 142.34999 Tm (the first floor; to access a number of the first floor bedrooms it is ne\ cessary to )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 125.35001 Tm (negotiate a single step up, beyond the landing to at which the stir lift\ arrives.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 108.35001 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 91.35001 Tm (The rear garden has lawn, flower beds, and seats; some bedrooms have pat\ io doors )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 74.35001 Tm (opening out to the garden.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.5 57.35001 Tm (\240)Tj ET endstream endobj 2045 0 obj 1808 endobj 2046 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 20.58 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 35.56 m 566.92999 35.56 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 31.2 30.78999 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 485.41998 30.78999 Tm (Page)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 515.95001 30.78999 Tm (5)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 523.58002 30.78999 Tm ( of )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 541.88 30.78999 Tm (26)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 17 w 31.2 804.02997 m 565.90002 804.02997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 794.40002 m 568.10004 794.40002 l S 30.07001 795.47998 m 30.07001 638.07996 l S 567.01996 795.47998 m 567.01996 638.07996 l S 28.99001 813.64996 m 568.10004 813.64996 l S 28.99001 794.40002 m 568.10004 794.40002 l S 28.99001 639.14996 m 568.10004 639.14996 l S 30.07001 814.72998 m 30.07001 793.32996 l S 567.01996 814.72998 m 567.01996 793.32996 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.5 800.46997 Tm (Brief description of the )Tj 1 0 0 1 177.31 800.46997 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 783.46997 Tm (Car parking spaces are available at the front of the building and parkin\ g on the road is )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 766.46997 Tm (unrestricted.)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 749.46997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 732.46997 Tm (Fees are charged weekly; the fee range quoted by the provider at the tim\ e of )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 715.46997 Tm (inspection was \(per person\) between \243474 and \243550. Up to date in\ formation on fees )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 698.46997 Tm (can be obtained from the service. Additional charges are made for hairdr\ essing, )Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 681.46997 Tm (chiropody, newspapers and personal shopping.)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 664.46997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 33.25 647.46997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 627.08997 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 28.35001 610.08997 Tm (\240)Tj ET endstream endobj 2047 0 obj 3316 endobj 2048 0 obj<>stream 0.98431 0.78824 0.08627 RG 1 i 17.5 w 10 M 0 j 0 J []0 d 28.35001 55.27 m 568.34998 55.27 l S 0 0 0 rg 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Ts 100 Tz 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 33.75 51.96001 Tm (Care Homes for Older People)Tj /T1_0 11 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 483.75 52.97 Tm (Page )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 514.26996 52.97 Tm (6)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 521.26996 52.97 Tm ( of )Tj 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 539.56 52.97 Tm (26)Tj /T1_1 10 Tf 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 28.35001 37.61 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 801.58997 Tm (\240)Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 786.60004 Tm (\240)Tj /C2_0 14 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 761.64996 Tm <003600580050005000440055005C>Tj /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 740.70001 Tm (This is an overview of what we found during the inspection.)Tj ET 0.99608 0.9451 0.76077 RG 20.58 w 31.2 720.21997 m 381.04999 720.21997 l S 1 1 1 RG 383.30002 720.21997 m 566.20001 720.21997 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 28.99001 731.63995 m 568.40002 731.63995 l S 28.99001 708.81 m 568.40002 708.81 l S 30.07001 732.70996 m 30.07001 707.72998 l S 382.16998 732.70996 m 382.16998 707.72998 l S 567.32001 732.70996 m 567.32001 707.72998 l S BT /T1_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 34.05 715.45001 Tm (The quality rating for this )Tj 1 0 0 1 191.92 715.45001 Tm (care home)Tj 1 0 0 1 255.59 715.45001 Tm ( is:)Tj /TT0 12 Tf ( Two)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( star )Tj /TT0 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( service)Tj /C2_0 12 Tf 1 0 0 1 28.35001 683.31 Tm <0032005800550003004D00580047004A0048005000480051005700030049005200550003004800440046004B00030052005800570046005200500048001D>Tj /T1_0 10 Tf 1 0 0 1 212.28998 607.26996 Tm (Choice of home)Tj 1 0 0 1 164.41 567.01996 Tm (Health and personal care)Tj 1 0 0 1 145.17999 526.76996 Tm (Daily life and social activities)Tj 1 0 0 1 157.95 486.51999 Tm (Complaints and protection)Tj 1 0 0 1 226.36 446.26999 Tm (Environment)Tj 1 0 0 1 251.17 406.01999 Tm (Staffing)Tj 1 0 0 1 127.47 365.76999 Tm (Management and administration)Tj ET q 0.75227 0 0 0.75162 305.04999 300.32001 cm /Fm0 Do Q 1 1 1 RG 20.58 w 31.2 249.06998 m 567.84998 249.06998 l S 171.39 w 32.32001 150.84 m 566.71997 150.84 l S 0.99216 0.89804 0.5451 RG 2.25 w 31.2 237.65999 m 567.84998 237.65999 l S 30.12 237.65999 m 568.91998 237.65999 l S 30.12 64.02 m 568.91998 64.02 l S 31.2 238.73999 m 31.2 62.94 l S 567.84998 238.73999 m 567.84998 62.94 l S 0 0 0 RG 0.5 w BT /T1_0 12 Tf 2 Tr 1 0 0 1 34.05 244.3 Tm (How we did our inspection:)Tj 0 Tr 1 0 0 1 35.17 221.48 Tm (The quality rating for this service is )Tj /TT1 12 Tf (2 )Tj /T1_0 12 Tf (star. This means the people who use this service )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 206.90001 Tm (experience )Tj /TT2 12 Tf (good)Tj /T1_0 12 Tf ( outcomes.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 192.31999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 177.73999 Tm (This was a statutory inspection required in accordance with the Care Sta\ ndards Act )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 163.14998 Tm (2000.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 148.56999 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 133.98999 Tm (This inspection was carried out by one inspector, but throughout the rep\ ort the term )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 119.42 Tm ('we' is used, to show that the report is the view of the Commission for \ Social Care )Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 104.83 Tm (Inspection.)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 90.25 Tm (\240)Tj 1 0 0 1 35.17 75.68001 Tm (This inspection was unannounced; the inspector arrived at 10:00 on 8 May\ 2009, )Tj ET endstream endobj 2049 0 obj<>stream iText 1.3.6 (by lowagie.com) distributed with the Software Developer's Journal endstream endobj xref 6 1 0000957916 00000 n 12 1 0000958135 00000 n 14 1 0000958308 00000 n 16 1 0000958455 00000 n 18 1 0000958602 00000 n 23 1 0000958738 00000 n 92 2 0000958973 00000 n 0000959067 00000 n 1947 103 0000959291 00000 n 0000960505 00000 n 0000960676 00000 n 0000960699 00000 n 0000964012 00000 n 0000964035 00000 n 0000967349 00000 n 0000967372 00000 n 0000970687 00000 n 0000970710 00000 n 0000974026 00000 n 0000974049 00000 n 0000977366 00000 n 0000977389 00000 n 0000980707 00000 n 0000980730 00000 n 0000984049 00000 n 0000984072 00000 n 0000987392 00000 n 0000987415 00000 n 0000990736 00000 n 0000990759 00000 n 0000994081 00000 n 0000994104 00000 n 0000997427 00000 n 0000997450 00000 n 0001000774 00000 n 0001000797 00000 n 0001004122 00000 n 0001004145 00000 n 0001007471 00000 n 0001007494 00000 n 0001010821 00000 n 0001010844 00000 n 0001014172 00000 n 0001014195 00000 n 0001017524 00000 n 0001017547 00000 n 0001020877 00000 n 0001020900 00000 n 0001024231 00000 n 0001024254 00000 n 0001027586 00000 n 0001027609 00000 n 0001030942 00000 n 0001030965 00000 n 0001034299 00000 n 0001034322 00000 n 0001037657 00000 n 0001037680 00000 n 0001041016 00000 n 0001041039 00000 n 0001044376 00000 n 0001044399 00000 n 0001047737 00000 n 0001047760 00000 n 0001051099 00000 n 0001051122 00000 n 0001054462 00000 n 0001054485 00000 n 0001057826 00000 n 0001057849 00000 n 0001061191 00000 n 0001061214 00000 n 0001064555 00000 n 0001064578 00000 n 0001067918 00000 n 0001067941 00000 n 0001071280 00000 n 0001071303 00000 n 0001074641 00000 n 0001074664 00000 n 0001078001 00000 n 0001078024 00000 n 0001081360 00000 n 0001081383 00000 n 0001084718 00000 n 0001084741 00000 n 0001088075 00000 n 0001088098 00000 n 0001091466 00000 n 0001091489 00000 n 0001094858 00000 n 0001094881 00000 n 0001098251 00000 n 0001098274 00000 n 0001101645 00000 n 0001101668 00000 n 0001105040 00000 n 0001105063 00000 n 0001108436 00000 n 0001108459 00000 n 0001113644 00000 n 0001113667 00000 n 0001119205 00000 n 0001119228 00000 n 0001122642 00000 n 0001122665 00000 n 0001131264 00000 n 0001131287 00000 n 0001133152 00000 n 0001133175 00000 n 0001136548 00000 n trailer <<9422946f7d9f974ab80213b34aa90633>]/Prev 956163 >> startxref 1140103 %%EOF